This is the Message Centre for Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much)
The Escape Plan
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 12, 2002
Yeah, what sort of *time* on a wednesday are we makeing a break for it ?
The Escape Plan
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 12, 2002
Well, we'd already ruled out Saturdays, Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I don't think anyone is too keen on Mondays. PeeJ and I are always down the pub on Fridays (although not together I might add) and that only left Wednesday.
The Escape Plan
Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) Posted Mar 12, 2002
Hello everyone. Haven't you opened my boxes yet?
Who wants a compass to find out which way we're going?
The Escape Plan
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 12, 2002
The Escape Plan
Fred Smith Posted Mar 12, 2002
Wednesday is not the bvest best day for me either, but it'll be fine. Any idea on a time? Is this this week?
The Escape Plan
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 12, 2002
The Escape Plan
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 12, 2002
The Escape Plan
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 12, 2002
Didn't you forget something?
The Escape Plan
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 12, 2002
< Looks down at his feet sheepishly >
Um, Please ?
The Escape Plan
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 12, 2002
The Escape Plan
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 12, 2002
Im all out of , I had to feed it all to the
to stop it grassing me up to the Chair about how horrible I've been to it over the last few days.
I have though, not as nice as the
, but okay.
Can I have a now please?
The Escape Plan
Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much) Posted Mar 12, 2002
The Escape Plan
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 12, 2002
The Escape Plan
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 12, 2002
Yes please, I'll have a in my
Chair, look, I'm innocent. I never touched the , the backlog lies!!
Lies I tell you!
< Slings towel over his shoulder & strikes a defiant, manly pose >
The Escape Plan
Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much) Posted Mar 12, 2002
That defiant manly pose won't wash with me (sorry - towel pun)
Just find MdA or get some drinks for everyone.
The Escape Plan
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 12, 2002
Evening Chair. You're being rather *forceful* this evening aren't you.
Does this mean there's a chance we might get some planning done before I fall into bed in adrunken stupor?
I think we were trying to decide on a time (on the yet to be scheduled Wednesday) at which we could escape.
Whilst you think that one over I'll have another
The Escape Plan
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 12, 2002
Well, in the absence of MdA, I'll tend bar for a bit. That way I can keep close to the
Here you go 6, one
So, what time do we make a move then ?
Key: Complain about this post
The Escape Plan
- 441: Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter... (Mar 12, 2002)
- 442: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 12, 2002)
- 443: Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter... (Mar 12, 2002)
- 444: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 12, 2002)
- 445: Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) (Mar 12, 2002)
- 446: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 12, 2002)
- 447: Fred Smith (Mar 12, 2002)
- 448: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 12, 2002)
- 449: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 12, 2002)
- 450: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 12, 2002)
- 451: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 12, 2002)
- 452: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 12, 2002)
- 453: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 12, 2002)
- 454: Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much) (Mar 12, 2002)
- 455: Fred Smith (Mar 12, 2002)
- 456: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 12, 2002)
- 457: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 12, 2002)
- 458: Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much) (Mar 12, 2002)
- 459: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 12, 2002)
- 460: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 12, 2002)
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