This is the Message Centre for Tilly - back in mauve
Oh please.. *blushes* No need for applause..
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Apr 21, 2003
Currently listening to: My insides beginning to boil away... Um, sorry, it's just that I'm sitting in the very hot sun in my tweed clothes, and it's hotter than hell I guess some people rather putting on light clothes and go out, but my computer addiction will hear none of it. I'll pull up the curtains instead...
Ugh, I know what you mean about noisy people in the church... Now, I've never been strongly religious (you could guess that ) but there are certain times I have to go to Protestant church myself. But even though I'm not religious, even I know one's meant to behave in church!
Like, not actually pull up your mobile phone and start chatting loudly while the priest is talking
That's quite annoying at the cinema, and it's even more annoying in curch. People's total lack of manners are shocking at times...
*Sigh* Tomorrow means back to school for me The only thing that keeps me going is how hilarious it is to see how sunburned everybody always gets (That's why I'm staying inside
) and I wonder what I'm meant to be doing on Wednesday, since that is the preparation-day for the Norwegian exam - and I've discovered that I won't have time to do the exam since I am "one of the lucky few from my school to be randomly selected to join in on the PISA test"
Have you heard of it? I hadn't heard about it until someone brought me an inconspicious envelope from the international PISA board. Appearantly it's some sort of international test a few from every school in every country has to take, to see which country has the "smartest" students
I was relieved to hear I would be comepltely anonymous, but still the burden weighs heavily on my mind... Appearantly last test Norway won the Wooden Spoon for math, so I feel it's my duty to correct that
Sheesh, listen to me, it's just a bloody anonymous test, damnit. At least it lets me get home an hour earlier and excuses me from my Norwegian exam (Yay!
But still, I've seen too many episodes of 'The Pretender' to believe in this "randomly selected" stuff - they want something of me, I know it, in order to let their secret association take over the world
Well, I better sleep, although I'll probably start dreaming weird stuff again. I really should not play 'Nevewinter Night' on my computer before going to bed. I keep waking up, thinking there's ogres and orks in my room. Among other things
Celebrating our 500th (or thereabouts) post!
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Apr 22, 2003
"There are more fools in the world than there are people."
--Heinrich Heine
Currently listening to: Jackass on the teevee, I know I shouldn't laugh but like I said before: It's funny! It's one of those things which looks stupid (and is stupid) but is still really funny. Tell me, has Dirty Sanchez made it's way over to Norway yet? If not, you're in for a nasty surprise.
HEY. When did we get a smiley? And when did we get a
smiley? Is it just me or am I loosing touch with everything outside my personal space?
I need to get a h2g2 social life, but it's so hard when I'm not online as much any more. I just don't have as much free time as I did. So much school work... speaking of work, I have to do some today
Gawsh yes! How could we forget!? Oh dear we need to organise this quickly, one's 500th is a very important occasion! Lets see.. discoball?
Check. Cheap gift?
Check. Drunken relative?
Check. Last minute snacks?
Check. And of course.. booze?
Check! Ok, now all we have to do is have an awkward conversation for several hours while listening to awful music and drinking hot champagne. Or maybe that's just my family?
Aaaah the PISA test. I remember the name being mentioned. Oddly enough, the smartest people in our year are being given the test Coincidence? Methinks not. I thought the UK would get the worst Maths marks, any idea how to get hold of the results as to how well each country did?
I finished reading Memnoch the Devil last night. It was about 1.00am in the morning when I finished (I was quite close to the end and I can't stand leaving a book when I'm so close, no matter how late it already was) and it unsettled me greatly. I started (yet again) to question death. What happens? Where do we go? Is it all the end? And it suddenly dawned on me, time is ticking away so quickly we really should make the most of the time we have with our loved ones. Can you imagine never seeing your Mother again? It just dawned on me, and I really felt it. Although it lasted seconds it was the worst feeling of isolation and despair I can humanly describe. I don't think I've ever been so unsettled by a book in my life. Maybe it was my state of mind, but still.. pretty scary...
Well I'd better go. I have vast amounts of homework to do ,
Celebrating our 500th (or thereabouts) post!
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Apr 22, 2003
Currently listening to: Don McLean singing 'Vincent' - it's so hot I decided for some *goosebumps* music, and this song always makes me swallow hard
"You took your life as lovers often do
But I could have told you, Vincent;
This world was never meant
For one as beautiful as you"
Dirty Sanchez? No, haven't heard anything from that point yet. Although, Tine is going to a concert where Steve-o is scheduled to make some mischief, and she can't wait Jackass is recieving deep frowns from the older generations here at the time, though, after some stupid kids got hurt while doing some wannabe-stuff (one appearantly had to recieve medical attention after he singed his, er, private parts
Okay, then everything seems set *Raises * Here's for our 500th!
May there be many more, so -
Er, I think that drunken relative is getting ready to puke on the carpet... Hey!!
Well, you could try where I just found out PISA stands for Programme for International Student Assesment, which I found rather disappointing. I still think it's a secret organisation though, and Tine and I guessed that it really stands for Plotting International Secret Attack Who are you calling paranoid?
I haven't read Memnoch the Devil yet, but just generally I've found that reading any book in the middle of the night could equal reading while on a LSD-trip; Everything affects you in a very overwhelming manner I once was foolish enough to finish Leroux' The Phantom of the Opera after reading all night, and in the end I was weeping pathetically and could not stop, because he dies in the end
I also read The Restaurant at the End of the Universe once while I was rather tired, and I think I had a laughing fit for at least 15 minutes
Well, I got some time as Tine is "rånende" - that's a Norwegian word for driving around only because you want to show off your car. Yep, as Tine is a Russ this year she and her friends have bought a Russe-car, which you traditionally paint red and give a suitable name you and your friends have agreed on. You know what their car is baptized as? "Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster", mostly because it has a space-theme, and because no one here understands it
I'm gonna change into some summer clothes (I was foolish enough to wear black clothes on such a sunny day) and then I'll 'vegetate' on the couch
Celebrating our 500th (or thereabouts) post!
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Apr 23, 2003
"The visionary lies to himself, the liar only to others."
--Friedrich Nietzsche
Currently listening to: The Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster 'celebrate your mother'.... "yeeah celebrate your mother, yeeah celebrate your father cause he's sleeping with your sisters and your brothers... and your mother..." Well, got to get into the spirit of things!
Nearly concert time, argh! only.. *looks at watch* 6 hours until it starts... *squeal* I'm so excited! I'll get to see Guy McKnight! And if I'm super lucky I'll get to see the dragster outside. Amazing car, should be on the front page of the site:
Oooh! You haven't seen Dirty Sanchez yet? You are in for a shock! Think Welsh Jackass with 100x more blood, pus and nudity. It's amazingly painful.
You think Jackass is bad, too much for the older peeps? Just you wait. It's so disgusting and painful... you'll love it. I do
Russ? Ah, is that the prank day? I see, I see, I see. Gawd, we don't do anything so interesting unfortunately. We just paint black benches black and put itching powder on the toilet paper. Good clean fun...
Lots of sites for you to visit, got to keep you occupied
I'll head over to the PISA people website thingy. I'll see if there's somewhere I can complain,
All gas masks now half price.
Visit Us! Special deal in these turbulant times!
Celebrating our 500th (or thereabouts) post!
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Apr 23, 2003
Currently listening to: Some random Enya-songs I've downladed...
Ooh, I hope you'll have fun at the concert I haven't heard much of them, but you seem to like them - you're certainly in for a better time than I am, because I've got to go on a meeting tonight to sort out the last details of the oncoming Poland/Germany classtrip... I'm looking forward to the trip, it's only that I hate this boring stuff, passport, visum and so on
"Russ? Ah, is that the prank day?"
Not day. Month Throughout May, so April is spent planning all the stuff they gotta get ready (the trademark suit, car, the hand-out cards and so on) And it officially starts on Friday, when the big Russe-turnabout is. It's a big party where all the graduates meet up, and at a certain time they all got to take off their clothes, turn them inside out and put the on again. The symbolism is lost on me, so don't ask
Ugh, I've found it's not healthy liking a teacher too much. Well, I'll first explain that tomorrow is a weekly trivia contest between the classes on my school, and each class needs four team members to join. Only the competition's so hard no one want to join, so usually the teachers put pressure on random students to join. I really didn't want to be on the team, but Prof. Petter was sly enough to ask me himself It went somewhat like this:
Prof. Petter: "Hey, could you be on the trivia team tomorrow?"
Me: "Ugh... I don't really feel like it..."
Prof. Petter: "Oh, come on then." (Friendly pat on the shoulder)
Me: "Nah..."
(Prof. Petter looks at me with big puppy eyes)
Me: "Uh, okay then..." (Grins stupidly)
I really hate that competition Darn fit teachers with big grey eyes...
Well, have fun at the concert and don't forget to tell me all about it I gotta go look for my passport...
Celebrating our 500th (or thereabouts) post!
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Apr 25, 2003
"In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in an clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth."
--Mahatma Gandhi
Currently listening to: my brand new Rammstein Cd! Yes, yes, yes! I have been looking for this for so long, I thought I'd never get it, but I did! And I got a free Rammstein poster too.. neat-o steve-o
The concert was amazing, Placebo were tiring after a while, but the band I went there for didn't disappoint. The Eighties Matchbox B-Line disaster were AMAZING! Guy McKnight seemed even more insane than usual, stomping around on stage like a man posessed. It was the most amazing of amazings! And when we were waiting to get in I spotted the guitar player, I didn't say hullo as I wasn't 100% sure it was him.. fool me, who walks on stage, but the same guy.
Ah well.. at least a bit of Guy's spit landed on me.. It's like getting kissed on my jacket.. but not quite
But anyway, I got a free poster and button so I'm happy enough.
Ooh, Poland eh? Now it's MY turn to teach you a bit of the native language! Although what I have to say won't get you very far...
TILLY [lost]: Uhm, hello. I wish to enquire to the health of your rabbit
POLISH MAN: I beg your pardon?
TILLY: You wear your mothers dresses?
And so forth. If you need any useful German or Polish phrases don't hesitate to ask. (I've listened to enough Rammstein to know the very basics of the German language)
Ah don't worry. You're smarter than the average bear, you'll do just fine in this trivia contest. Just remember: the battle of hastings was in the year 1066 and the toilets in Austrailia flush the opposite way. Good luck!
A MONTH? What ON EARTH?! Woah! So.. lets see, you have to live in fear for an entire month! How does that work out?! Jeez, I'm scared for my safety and we're miles apart... All I can say is good luck and take a gun wherever you go!
Celebrating our 500th (or thereabouts) post!
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Apr 26, 2003
Currently listening to: My hyperventilating. Yes, tomorrow I'm going on the bus I'll be riding around in for a week through Poland and Germany in the "Travel for Peace" project! Although I keep referring to it as "a lame kind of Magical Mystery Tour", though no one gets it
Wow, so you got spat on by McKnight, heh? Oh... Nah, I know what you mean - I myself have often shrieked in delight because some famous guy's body fluids hit me, - although that didn't sound good at all!
Well, of course the teacher didn't let me leave to the trivia contest in time, so I missed the nine first questions - and a guy on my team nearly had us disqualified when he told the judges what he thought of it. We did pretty good at the remaining questions though, as I was the only one who knew the title of 'Nut Bush City Limit' and what WHO stands for
Well, I'd like to say g'bye and all those other things before I step on that bus tomorrow ( "Sheeee's leeeaving hooome...") One part of me is really looking forward to it, and the other is really nervous
I mean EIGHT days, riding around on a bus in non-English countries, looking at the gruesome remains after the nazis (we're visiting Aschwitz among other things) - will I manage it at all? - But still, it'll be eight days with my best friends, lots of new places and Prof. Petter! Who could ask for anything more?
So, bye-bye, good luck if you should need it for anything, and send me a thought as I'm sitting nauseated in an old bus through Berlin, munching on a dry bisquit
Celebrating our 500th (or thereabouts) post!
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Apr 29, 2003
"Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence."
--Abigail Adams
Currently listening to: "you make me hard, when i'm all soft inside
i see the truth, when i'm all stupid eyed, the arrow goes straight through my heart, without you everything just falls apart.... my blood wants to say hello to you, my feelings want to get inside of you, my soul is so afraid to realize, every little word is a lack of me..."
Lucky you! This may seem morbid to you but I always have a certain 'fondness' for war,the politics surrounding it and generally the way in which war is fought and places like Aschwitz etc. Maybe it's that element of evil which attracts me What a strange child I am. My parents know it too, my Father won't let me go to an old operating theatre because he doesn't think it would do me any good. *sigh* What a strange child I am.
I had no sleep last night, our sofa isn't amazingly comfortable so I barely had four hours. I have always known that films seem to mimic everyday things in your life. Noticed that too I'll bet. Ever seen the film Mouse Hunt? Yes, at the moment my life resembles that.
You see, last night I was awoken 5 times by a odd munching scraping sound, after an hour of constantly interupted sleep I stopped and listened, only to realise it was a mouse So I dragged myself into my parents room to tell them the good news. I then carried myself downstairs and collapsed on the sofa.
In the morning I made 2 interesting discoveries:
1. Apparently, as soon as I left my Mums room a scratching started. The mouse had followed me into my parents room, where he rolled around a bar of soap and pretty much kept them up all night. When they cornered him he bolted and has yet to make an appearance.
2. I went back into my room to get my school uniform, where, in my shoe I discovered a half eaten malteser He must have carried it from lord knows where, all the way up the stairs and under my bed. Crafty thing. Well, they are the most intelligent animals on earth, they did after all create the world on which we are living. *another case of taking DNA as gospel
So now, I have to go under my bed and put everything in black bin liners in case he went back and decided my boots should be used as a toilet.
Well, I guess I'll see you in a week, probably less as I've only just got this. It's exam time, so I'll be spending ALL of my spare time revising and sleeping. I don't think I've ever been so full of sighs in my entire life, maybe I should just get a good nights sleep for a change. A bientot.
Celebrating our 500th (or thereabouts) post!
Tilly - back in mauve Posted May 4, 2003
Currently listening to: My content humming as I'm looking fondly at my dear old working space... I'm BACK!
It's been a hard week, both physically (haven't slept for days) and emotionally (we saw some rather horrific things down there) but at least, I'm whole, content and have a lot of happy memories to look back to. Our time witness who had been in Sachsenhausen was a very sweet old man and told us the most gruesome things without batting an eyelid. He told us that he witnessed 21 hangings, and he was ashamed he didn't care about it anymore after the first ten... Imagine that We walked into the gasschambers and crematoriums - awful things... But thank god the whole trip wasn't just sadness and brutality - the busdriver was a good-humoured guy that always got our spirits up, and I feel like many of those in class bonded in this week
We sang, talked about anything and played games. But each day all we got to eat was chicken
Chicken for breakfast, lunch, dinner and evening supper, in all forms - I never want to even smell chicken for the rest of my life. I didn't even like chicken in the first place, but in a week I've finally learned to eat what I'm offered. Oh, and I danced folk dance with a Polish guy; Cross that one off the list
My Polish worked out good too. I now know all the phrazes I needed to survive. And it wasn't even "Help", "Stop the thief" or "I'm so hungry I'm about to faint", but my most used Polish phraze was "Can I please get still mineral water?" It's a joy to be back home where I can drink water right out of the tap, and it isn't even brown
Well, I'm too tired to think a straight thought anymore. I came home a couple of hours ago after sitting in our bus for 14 hours straight. Talk to you later and I hope your mouse problem works out - I'm only experienced with escaped hamsters
Celebrating our 500th (or thereabouts) post!
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted May 7, 2003
"One is left with the horrible feeling now that war settles nothing; that to win a war is as disastrous as to lose one."
-Agatha Christie
Currently listening to: "She said to me, I'll always stay with you, but it only seemed, that she played for me alone, I poured her blood, into the fire of my rage, I locked the door, they asked for her..."
I can imagine how such a trip can wear you down. I know how upsetting it is to hear from someone who experienced it first hand. Just listening to my Grandparents talk about the war is heartbreaking. My Grandmother was ripped from her parents and siblings in Poland and taken to Germany not knowing what would happen to her or any of her family, she was put to work on a farm. My Grandfather was also forced labour. The things they saw, bearing in mind they were a few years younger than me, don't seem possible.
I'm sure just being there is enough to make any person with an ounce of empathy and intelligence stop to think. I just hope that the trip brought home to your classmates the fact that war is a very real thing.
War doesn't seem real until you take time to think or stop and look. If you don't just take time to see whats going on around you, it's possible to spend your entire life decieved.
The mouse is back. After a week of nothing he has emerged again to rustle around at three in the morning, after another night on the sofa I am yet to find it. Stupid thing, I'll get even
Celebrating our 500th (or thereabouts) post!
Tilly - back in mauve Posted May 7, 2003
Currently listening to: Random sounds coming from the nearby wood that makes me turn sharply to see if anything's there Sorry, just a little nervous for no reason... When I came home today, I could only glimpse something big, shining white, rushing through the forest at great speed, and my mind is blank. What was it? A polar bear? A gull as big as meself?
Hmm, it sounds like you could make a gullible reality-programme out of your situation - "One mouse. One teenaged girl. One house with endless possibilities. Who will get who? Find out on this season of... 'Say cheeze!'" I think it would work, thinking that there aren't any standards when it comes to reality-shows I'm thinking up one now, let's see... 'The window': Any time a day when the losers can turn off that ****ings TV and stare out the window on the world as it REALLY IS! Brilliant!
Now all I need is a producer and lots of PR...
Oh, my hand hurts We had our English exam today, and I got cramps in my hand three times. I got the same problem as Henrik Ibsen you know, although I'm not sure if he cramped often... The task was about mapping out some opinions on zoos and animal exposure (gee, that sounded sick
) and as I had written out a monologue on the case I realized EVERYBODY was writing like that, and so I made a turn I think was the single most creative idea I've had for many weeks; I wrote it out as a radio script! ... And quit yawning! But the really clever bit, you see, was that I threw in several meaningless lines, that any other teacher except my beloved English professor would hate me for, here's an example, placed in the midst of a long, dull discussion:
Shears (interviewer): "So, let's get back to the questions, er... Have you seen my..."
Fenia: "This one?"
Shears: "Right. Thank you. Anyway - "
Excuse me for losing my mind, but when you're as dull as I am, even balancing a spoon on your nose would seem exciting
And there's a thing I've been trying to hide, but... I realise I can't keep the secret no longer... Well... I've started reading my first Stephen King book! I know, I know, even illiterate soccer-players have read the words of Stephen King before they're 15, but I - there are no excuses
I can only try to make it good to say that it's the best thing I've read for a long time, and I'm having great problems laying it down. It's 'Heart in Atlantis', and it's making me mighty paranoid
Not long after I've read the first chapter, and I've started looking for the signs... 'Animals missing'-posters, kite-tails stuck on lamp posts, 'For sale'-signs hanging upside down
I haven't found any yet, but if I did I'd probably run all the way home
Well, I need to return to my exciting book, so if my postings would seem stranger and stranger to you, you know why
Celebrating our 500th (or thereabouts) post!
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted May 9, 2003
"Crime is the soul of lust. What would pleasure be if it were not accompanied by crime? It is not the object of debauchery that excites us, rather the idea of evil."
-Marquis de Sade
[strange I know, to quote the Marquis, but I love the idea of quoting someone who was so against what is considered normal, and is still shocking, even in these relaxed modern times]
Currently listening to: my sobs, I was too ill to go to school today, and I've just been talking to someone about their day. It would appear the day was a damn good one.. they dissected a pigs heart, had no pe, got to watch tv, and had no French. I should have gone in anyway..
Oh dear, now it's time for my confession.. I have read many books in my lifetime.. I have read many Stephen King books.. I have read but never have I read... 'Heart in Atlantis'...
My favourite Stephen King work is 'Carrie' or possibly 'Pet Semetary'. Stephen King is good but Anne Rice is better, just my opinion, loads of people are ready to disagree.
Reality tv is just as interesting as watching paint dry, take for example, the latest series of "I'm a celebrity get me out of here"... it should be "I used to be a celebrity and should be left here" where they put a load of d-list celebs into the wild and leave them there to make fools of themselves and also give them disgusting challenges to get the viewers in. It's so dull I haven't watched more than 5 minutes of any series... I mean, they aren't even famous?!
Have YOU heard of Daniella Westbrook? Of course you wouldn't have, unless you are an avid Eastenders fan and watched with horror as Cocaine slowly ravaged away her nose.. exactly, no celebrities. I never have and never will watch an entire episode of any reality show, that includes Big Brother and Survivor (actually, I watched the first ever series of survivor years ago... heck.. they killed a chicken!
Have I Got News For You is back! Sadly still minus Angus Deayton, but my Mother says that the beeb are thinking of getting him back due to the unpopularity of his leaving. I'd better go and prepare, lets see.. chocolate milk? Check. Popcorn? Check. Private Eye for the waiting until 9pm? Ah.. thought something was missing, speak to you later.
Celebrating our 500th (or thereabouts) post!
Tilly - back in mauve Posted May 10, 2003
Currently listening to: 'Resistansen' (="The Resistance") by Kaizers Orchestra. I love this song - it's about Russian rullette, and that's what I love about Kaizers - their songs are always morbid
Let me tell you about my Friday, shall I? I was accidentally picked out as the winner of a completely new minidisc, but I hadn't signed up for the competition in the first place, so somebody else got it That's one of the ways God shows off his wrath, isn't it?
Well, I admit I watched the first few episodes of the American Survivor, but my interest just trickled dry after a while. Oh, and my mom's coffee-boy at work was one of the competers on the Norwegian version - he said he was just going on a "holiday" and came home about 10 kilos lighter, and with a nearly cut off thumb Idiot...
You're so lucky - you can watch Have I Got News, while News on News are just finished with their season I have to wait all summer until I can care about Norwegian politics again
The last season episode was a treat though, as Knut Nærum laughed - I think that only happens each 45th year or something, because I haven't seen it before
Well, I got a busy weekend before me - I first got to dye my hair (it's a nightmare to have really blonde hair under black dye) and then I have to make things ready for the birthday party tonight - it isn't much, just a couple of friends over and a few movies and some pizza. Tomorrow will be a little harder though, as the whole family is coming on a visit, and it will be the first time my father and Trond (mum's new partner) will be in the same room - 4 hours I pray all will be allright... The gifts will be sweet though, as always - it's so fun to pretend not to suspect anything when people ask you to get out of the room to do some uneccesary task; "Er, Tilde, could you just go and see if the books in the library are placed the right way?" Hee hee
Well, I better start to find the hair dye, I hope it won't be catastrophe
Yeah, let's!
MartheFrosk Posted May 15, 2003
Just thought I should say Hello.
Hello! Just wondered how you did all those fancy things to your profile...
Hipp.. hipp... hippy birthday! [peace out]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted May 16, 2003
*sniggers* Ahem, yeah. See you in a minute Tilly...
"Honesty is a good thing, but it is not profitable to its possessor unless it is kept under control."
--Don Marquis
Currently listening to: "all my friends think I'm lazy, all your friends think I'm the devil..." new single from The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster. I normally avoid singles but I just can't wait for an album... too good..
Y'know... I get the feeling I've forgotten something..... ..............................................................
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Tilly Happy Birthday to youuuu...!" Sorry it's a bit belated but I haven't been able to tear away from exams and parents
I posted a reply wishing you a joyous 16th about 5 days ago and it would appear it's gone missing, so I'm sorry it seemed I didn't care I've been missing the past few days due to my exams, now it's Friday I have the chance to kick back and relax. I have two more days of exams but only two actual exams, so the worst is out of the way
I hope the family visit went without incident, no violence, no tension and the like. Hopefully someone's family are getting on at the moment Sadly enough my Father has once again managed to get in my bad books.
I'm sick of being told off. I understand that my mother has a high pressure job and the weeks leading up to the seminars are very stressful but that is no reason to insult me and use me as their emotional punchbag. The past two days I have been yelled at, embarassed and ridiculed in front of my friend, been treated like a slave and just had abuse thrown at me from all sides. Which is why I am intending to stay in my room this weekend and not come out until Monday afternoon exam. Sorry to dull the celebration
I'm sure the hair's fine.. unless it turned green. Which reminds me, I attempted to dye my hair recently (It's that kind of funny story that gets told at parties).. It was a home jobbie, did by my friend with a pot of black hair dye. She did a great job, bit by bit she dyed each part of my hair without blemishing the scalp, but me never knowing when I'm onto a good thing took the pot and slathered a load over the top of my head The result was that I had, in effect, given myself a purple scalp. But I wasn't finished with just making my scalp make a statement about sexuality, I then took the pot from my friend and promptly dropped the pot. Covering all of the following with purple/black dye:
the walls
the floor
my friend
the towels on the rack
the bathroom mat
the cupboard
the bath
and the sink
I don't think I've ever moved to get a towel so quickly, everything that could was put into the laundry basket promptish, everything that could be wiped clean was, and everything else was desperately scrubbed at with a nail brush, bar of soap and paper towels It made a complete mess and I was on the verge of insanity by the end, and it didn't even dye my hair completely black, just very very very dark brown (verging on black) Just my luck eh? My friend also said that when I dye my hair blue I'll have to ask another friend to sacrifice a pair of jeans and a white sock in aid of my individuality
She isn't mad at me, just slightly irritated because I stained her jeans slightly, and her sock completely, her Mum didn't believe our exscuse about tie dying our wardrobe
"But girls, why did you dye it while you were wearing it?"
Well I hope you had a fantastic Birthday and I hope that my tale of woe and purple brought a smile to your face,
Hipp.. hipp... hippy birthday! [peace out]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted May 17, 2003
Currently listening to: '50 ways to leave your lover' by Paul Simon This is one of the songs that tear my sanity in half. First, there's that beautiful, sad and endearing verse melody -
"The answer is easy if you take it logically
I'd like to help you in your struggle to be free..."
And then that bad disco refrain with all those bad name puns - "Make a new plan, Stan. No need to be coy, Roy" rushes in and spoils the whole, tragic moment Why?
YAY, you're back! Thank God, my world was getting awfully boring and tragic without you, and that's the truth. Thursday was awful - first we had PE in the pouring rain, then we were told that our final exam would be in math (And the selection was Norwegian, English and Math - all other options would have worked out fine, but bloomin' MATH...!) and then I demonstrated to myself that even something as innocent as a box of Heinz beans are really a murder weapon when I cut the heart of my thumb and blood literally stained a quite large area of the floor - I think I've never bled so much before
Aw, the birthday was great, thank you. It got a couple of really good CDs, some antique books, a minidisc (finally!) and lot of other nice things. The biggest surprise was when suddenly my school band came marching to my house and gave me a private concert - I had no idea they had been planning that They usually only give private concerts if there's a "big" happening - like a wedding or confirmation, and this was only my birthday! Besides, I know they had to travel for almost two whole hours just to get here, so it really meant a lot to me
Thinking back, I really should have suspected their plans, like a slipup Tine did:
Tine: "I better get ready for the playing and - "
Me: "Playing? What playing?"
Tine: "Er, basket ball! Don't you think we should have a game after the birthday?"
Me: "Er, okay..."
Maybe that makes more sense in Norwegian, but it was a pretty nice save nonetheless!
It's 17th of May today, by the way - our Norwegian constitution day, and I've been marching for many hours, luckily no one in the band fainted this time. I look like I've been in a fight though - my lip is cracked, I'm limping on both feet, if that's possible, and my right arm hurts so much I can hardly move it It's been a fun time nonetheless, and thankfully Tine's season of Russ is officially over at midnight. She's been having a gas too, and gotten a lot of knots in her hat string - one is a plastic apple she got for giving herself in at the police station for stealing apples
She told me it went like this:
Tine: "I'm here to rapport apple theft..."
Officer: "Er, do you know who did it?"
Tine: "I did. And I feel so bad!"
Officer: "Uh, I'm sorry, but there's no legal punishment for stealing apples..."
Tine: "But the guilt! It's eating me up inside! I STOLE!"
Officer: "But wait a minute - there aren't any apples yet anyway."
Tine: "I didn't steal them now, of course - when I was nine!"
Officer: "Then you were too young to get punished by us, anyway, and the case is closed after all these years. Please go."
Tine (Leaving and mumbling): "Thou shall not steal... Thou shall not steal!"
I had a laughing fit when she told me Can't wait till I become a russ!
"I hope that my tale of woe and purple brought a smile to your face"
He-he, it sure did - I know all there is to know about dye over stuff that are not meant to be dyed Like my ears. They're still black/blue...
Well, I'm going to lie down on the sofa now and tend to my sore limbs...
Hipp.. hipp... hippy birthday! [peace out]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted May 18, 2003
"As the poet said, 'Only God can make a tree' -- probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on."
-Woody Allen
Currently listening to: "Save each other from heartache, for the time that you are together is short, for even if you are united for many years, one day they will seem like minutes to you, heartache, save each other from togetherness..."
Aww, nice to see someone misses me. You're certainly the first... and probably the last Ah well can't complain. It's been an interesting time away from the computer: I bought a new shirt, was offered sex and moved into the front bedroom. Yeah, quite an interesting experience that middle one
Sounds like you did have a good Birthday I don't think I'll bother next year. I'm not a Birthday Party person, I always end up having them and I always end up hating them.
My friend's having a fantastic party this year, we're all going to her holiday home for the weekend, just her friends, no adults, and we'll spend the entire weekend hanging out there in her massive house (It's gonna be big, she does have 11 brothers and sisters after all), our own rooms! I can't wait... It's going to be Sarahs birthday soon, so it's my job to find out what she wants and get something similar and cheaper
Wow! Sounds like I should move to Norway so I can experience this Russ phenomenon! The year 11s have had their muck up day, I had study leave, and the scary thing is... next year that's going to be us!
That's a very very scary thought! I've been at this school nearly 4 years, it's quite sad in a way. It all passed me so fast. *sniff* I'm all grown up and it took me quite by surprise
Well I'd better get going, I have to revisde. I actually have one exam tommorow and it's half way through the day and only lasts 20 minutes Hardly seems worth coming in for.. ah well.
Hipp.. hipp... hippy birthday! [peace out]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted May 18, 2003
Currently listening to: Brad Pitt muttering "Oh, God..." - actually, mum and Trond is watching Se7en in the other room. I remember the first time I saw it - on my class' last video wake, and Prof. Petter approached us and whispered "Shhh, don't tell anyone I made you see this..."
You were offered sex? Sex? As in copulation and all that jazz? Or is this just one of those cultural misunderstandings, like the Norwegian word for six is 'seks', and tourists always blush when we say that? No? Oh, do tell me then, so I can take it all out of proportion and pass it on ...
Ugh, I'm all stiff and sore, and my back is unbendable I was so tired after a whole day of marching yesterday I slept until one o'clock this morning, and I'm usually more of an early bird (or is it sloth? I'm more of an early sloth, coming to think about it
) And I haven't done much today except doodling a character I came to call Malcolm (and he's wearing a 'Gidlock Killers' T-shirt
don't ask me what that means, I have no idea...) and I went to the cinema to watch Chicago (yes, after nearly half a year, it reaches Norway
) I still can't stand Renee Zellweger, but I think it's the first time I saw Richard Gere in a role that didn't make me sick, so I guess it was good
I guess I should go to bed soon - the whole week will be used for preparations to the final math exam on Thursday *Shiver*
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Oh please.. *blushes* No need for applause..
- 501: Tilly - back in mauve (Apr 21, 2003)
- 502: Tilly - back in mauve (Apr 21, 2003)
- 503: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Apr 22, 2003)
- 504: Tilly - back in mauve (Apr 22, 2003)
- 505: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Apr 23, 2003)
- 506: Tilly - back in mauve (Apr 23, 2003)
- 507: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Apr 25, 2003)
- 508: Tilly - back in mauve (Apr 26, 2003)
- 509: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Apr 29, 2003)
- 510: Tilly - back in mauve (May 4, 2003)
- 511: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (May 7, 2003)
- 512: Tilly - back in mauve (May 7, 2003)
- 513: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (May 9, 2003)
- 514: Tilly - back in mauve (May 10, 2003)
- 515: MartheFrosk (May 15, 2003)
- 516: Tilly - back in mauve (May 16, 2003)
- 517: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (May 16, 2003)
- 518: Tilly - back in mauve (May 17, 2003)
- 519: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (May 18, 2003)
- 520: Tilly - back in mauve (May 18, 2003)
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