This is the Message Centre for Tilly - back in mauve
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Aug 29, 2003
"It was the morning of April 20th 1999, and it was pretty much like any other morning in America. The Farmer did his chores. The milkman made his deliveries. The President bombed another country whose name we couldn't pronounce. Out in Fargo, North Dakota, Cary McWilliams went on his morning walk. Back in Michigan, Mrs Hughes welcomed her students for another day of school. And out in a little town in Colorado, two boys went bowling at 6 in the morning. Yes, it was a typical day in the United States of America."
-- Michael Moore
Currently listening to: myself chanting a motivational phrase, trying to get me to go and deliver papers. It isn't working.
Well it's good to hear everything's going terribly. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one suffering. I've been sitting here, devoid of entertainment, welcoming any possible diversion ("Hmm, I wonder what would happen if I put my hand in the blender...") and desperately trying not to loose my sanity and start singing 'Baa baa black sheep' with a tea towel on my head. So yes, life is pretty dull. One might go as far to say... I want to be back at school... no, no, forget I said that! As soon as I'm back at school reality will sink in. It's nearly time for the all important GCSE exams *quiet panic*
( General Certificate of Secondary Education and is the basis qualification of the English education system. GCSEs are primarily targeted at secondary school pupils, but are also suitable for adults.)
So, according to all the teachers if I mess this up, I mess up my life and I'll "die poor and lonely" to quote Matt Stone.
Well yesterday I diversion was the order of the day. I slipped over to France and bought cheap stationary. Aren't euros the most pointless thing ever? Working out francs and converting them was so easy, but now I have to get out a bloody calculator every time I want to know what 67 euros is in pounds, whereas before you just moved it decimal one place to the left. So simple and effective! Now I spend an hour just trying to remember how many euros it is to the pound (and I still don't know!)
You can tell I'm bored, I'm looking at everyone on my contacts list personal profile. If you want something... 'entertaining', go look at this site. I'm not really friends with this girl, she's just in my class.!5*i0*VyWx0ek9x3
and the website at the bottom is well worth a look
( if the link doesn't work)
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Aug 31, 2003
Currently listening to: Myself humming along to some Duke Ellington tune. No idea what the title is Dah-du dah-du dah-duuuh...
Well, well. *Dons old matron's voice* "It's time you lazy-bum got back to school where you'd got some proper thoughts into your head* So, when is the big day anyway. Excuse me while I sneer evily I shall be alone in my suffering no more, I say! I've already completely forgotten how I begged for school to start to get my out of the dullness of the holiday. Thank heaven I have no such things as GCSE exams but tomorrow is our... er, the only way to translate it is "driving test in math"
It's a very hard test you get when there's a new teacher trying to break you in. They never allow the usage of calculators, and I'm terrible at making numers out in my head
Give me a calculator and a very difficult task involving decimals, promille and four thirds and I'm okay, but ask me what seven times eight is and my mind freezes...
"I slipped over to France and bought cheap stationary"
Have you the least bit of clue how exotic, wonderful and extraordinary that line sounds to the likes of me? I mean, France! Excuse me while I go slightly psychotic... Natalie my dear, "Slip over to France" wasn't a line I could possible concieve excisted
The least bit I can do is drive for four hours and get to Sweden where I at most can buy cheap pork, but you..! France! Where talking about the same France here, right? Poetry, amazing wine, Edith Piaf, cuisine, ballet and literature? *Hums first part of La Marseillaise* I mean, back here we are taught to look at France like some Salvaged Land of culture and food, whereas you "slip over to France to buy some stationary". Well, excuse me little Miss Cultivated
You nearly can't tell by all that I'm envyous, right? But anyway, I totally agree with you on the Euro rubbish. It's impossible to convert, and anyway I've kinda always liked the idea that different countries has different currency. It makes them more individual I think, but that's just the romantic in me. Norway has its kroner, Poland has its sloty and France really ought to have its franc...
I had somewhat of a startling awakening yesterday. I was having a very weird dream involving my sister and the corpse of an IKEA employee, when I suddenly felt something tickling on my face. It continued so I just brushed and rolled over, but now something was tickling my arm. I opened my eyes, and behold! there was a huge daddy long legs (and I'm not talking about Fred Astaire here) crawling over my arm. My first response was "Oh no, not one of those dreams again", but I couldn't help but notice how real it looked and felt, and I finnally shrieked and crushed it with my English notebook, leaving all the little disbodied legs squirming over my pillow.
Let me just assure you that I HATE daddy long legs. They're one of the few things on this earth I just can't stand even thinking about being in the same room as. Tine once seriously offered me a thousand kroners (Lemme see, that would be about £84) if I'd just pick one up and hold it for five seconds, but STILL I couldn't bring myself to do it
Allright, I should go now, as I've downloaded a new version of Messenger and I'm having fun changing all the sound effects (What do you think is best when I get an e-mail, a tortured scream or the first lines of the 'Tequila' song? )
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 1, 2003
"It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes."
-Douglas Adams
Currently listening to: myself speaking aloud as to wether I should ring Lucy now... or later... You know those awful people who hint at being invited over? Well, it's my turn. School starts at 1pm tommorow and I have the entire evening alone. So I want to go to someones house and eat their food and use their toilets etc.
Well, it's back to school tommorow. Yay? I've packed my new bag (blue, red trimming and a superman logo) and have bought a folder (anime, card captors from France) and am all set to go back to school (have taken large numbers of tranquilisers)
Well France is only half an hour away from England. You can get to Calais in about two and a half hours (the two hours being the traffic to the euro tunnel)
I can't stand daddy long legs either *shudder* but they're not anything my towel can't handle. The trick is to wind up your towel and thwack one end at the little bastard with built up speed from the number of twists in the towel.
The one thing I hate more than daddy long legs, are moths. *shudder* I was outside at night with a friend setting up a tent (long story) when a moth with glowing eyes flew at me. I screamed! I actually screamed! Then I ran away after throwing my torch at it (which did nothing but encourage it). I was so embarassed. I have never screamed in my entire life.
Wish me luck, I'm going to try to invite myself over someone elses house. Hopefully, it will work.
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 6, 2003
Currently listening to: A talent competition for kids on the telly. I just get depressed, as nine- and ten year olds seems to have accomplished more than me
Well, I've got to go soon - my mum is annoyed over how much time I use on the net. Yesterday I spent the whole evening searching through for lists to put up on my website, but it always seems like all the things I'm interested in, nobody else cares about... Well, well.
So, how's school treating ya? Not to brutal, I hope - like my math teacher, whom I'm not sure I respect because he's good or because I find him terrifying. Anyway, my whole school day consists of looking things up on the internet, yet I never find the time to go on h2g2 anymore... I sit seven hours on the computer and then I go home and spend the remains of the day surfing the net of things I like...
Anyway, enough babble - have fun at school, doll
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 7, 2003
Currently listening to: In Extremo 'Erdbeermund'... think Rammstein but with another member and less politically correct lyrics.
Yeah well. I thought I wouldn't be on h2g2 much anymore, I'm only online when I'm doing homework, of which there is a lot. Par example, I've just finished an essay on the sidewinder. For Biology. We were only supposed to find five facts, but I got carried away and did a page. What can I say... I like snakes!
Crikey, I just found out if I want an autograph from In Extremo all I have to do is send them a stamped addressed envelope and my address. How strange. Well, that's something for me to do in Citizenship
Well, I hope to see you around h2g2 some time. Don't disappear without a warning.
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 8, 2003
Currently listening to: Myself humming 'The sewers of the strand' with a pained expression on my face. "Ankledeep in sludge, dear, we'll walk hand in hand..."
It's Monday, and I'm sitting at home in baggy clothes with a fever, runny nose and oh-so soar throat (me, that is, not the clothes) So this is it, then. My first sick day from the new school. I'm missing Math, Norwegian and my week's only English class. Curses, I'm out of practise - I actually feel bad about missing school
Well, don't worry, I hardly think I'll be gone from h2g2 for very long periods of time - after all, most of my school day I'm working on-line and we're free to surf where ever we want to during the short breaks - I just have to learn to type really fast, that's all
Just to keep on complaining for a moment, my arm hurts. Why, I hear you say? (Well, actually nobody have cared so far, but now you can't stop me ) I'll tell you; Yesterday, after going to a Norwegian premier of 'The Pianist' (Hah!
Finally! *Does triumphant dance* - even though there's only one obscure cinema in Oslo showing it), and I don't know if it was because of the high I got after watching Adrien Brody's face for over two hours, but I actually managed to slip as I got into my father's car and then hang hopelessly with my feet inside the car and my remaining body dangling as I was clutching the open car door. Let's just say every stranger in the street found something to laugh at for some time
Wow, I wish everyone was as generous as In Extremo - that would make it so much easier to be a fan (as opposed to certain artists who demands quite a sum of money to just scribble their name on a piece of paper) Er... By the way... Who's In Extremo? *Covers in embarassment behind a sofa*
Right, I better go now and feel sorry for myself,
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 8, 2003
Currently listening to: Myself humming 'The sewers of the strand' with a pained expression on my face. "Ankledeep in sludge, dear, we'll walk hand in hand..."
It's Monday, and I'm sitting at home in baggy clothes with a fever, runny nose and oh-so soar throat (me, that is, not the clothes) So this is it, then. My first sick day from the new school. I'm missing Math, Norwegian and my week's only English class. Curses, I'm out of practise - I actually feel bad about missing school
Well, don't worry, I hardly think I'll be gone from h2g2 for very long periods of time - after all, most of my school day I'm working on-line and we're free to surf where ever we want to during the short breaks - I just have to learn to type really fast, that's all
Just to keep on complaining for a moment, my arm hurts. Why, I hear you say? (Well, actually nobody have cared so far, but now you can't stop me ) I'll tell you; Yesterday, after going to a Norwegian premier of 'The Pianist' (Hah!
Finally! *Does triumphant dance* - even though there's only one obscure cinema in Oslo showing it), and I don't know if it was because of the high I got after watching Adrien Brody's face for over two hours, but I actually managed to slip as I got into my father's car and then hang hopelessly with my feet inside the car and my remaining body dangling as I was clutching the open car door. Let's just say every stranger in the street found something to laugh at for some time
Wow, I wish everyone was as generous as In Extremo - that would make it so much easier to be a fan (as opposed to certain artists who demands quite a sum of money to just scribble their name on a piece of paper) Er... By the way... Who's In Extremo? *Covers in embarassment behind a sofa*
Right, I better go now and feel sorry for myself,
Back again !
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 9, 2003
"E's pinin for the fjords!"
- do I need to say?
Currently listening to: Electric 6, 'Dance Commander'... ugh, interrupted by Zane Lowe. To think I used to fancy him *shakes head in shame*
Ouch! That sounds painful, and I'll bet the stares and sniggers didn't help matters. But I'm sure the warm glow of Adrian Brody dulled the pain Have you seen what he looks like every day? Crikey, he's a rocker! *laughs to self* He looks like he's auditioning for a part in some teen film.
Well, my new English teacher... ahem. I don't believe I have met someone so, irritating, rude, arrogant and patronising in my entire life. She doesn't so much teach, as dictate bloody great big chunks out of a study guide. And she feels obliged to put us down at every opportunity, and generally be unpleasant. For example, when taking in our essays on 'The American Dream' she said, "I'll read them and then kill myself"
Lovely. Another example would be when she was getting us to copy something down as she said it, she kept on spelling e-v-e-r-y other w-o-r-d... She then goes "Well, I didn't think YOU LOT would be able to spell"
"Who's In Extremo? *Covers in embarassment behind a sofa*"
It's nothing to be ashamed of. I can't for the life of me, find a CD by them in any shop in this country. It's no problem though, my most favored and trusted online music store has almost all of their albums (not to mention a cheap double disk NIN CD) anyway, I don't know a single person who's even heard of them (whereas everyone knows Rammstein.. "those German dudes who like fire, right?")
I'm really into this almost, medieval sound they produce. It's certainly unique.
Well, I'd better go. I have to persuade my Dad to let me order "7".
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 10, 2003
Currently listening to: My still painful coughs, mingling with the noise of the telly...
I'm still ill with a fever, and I'm troubled as I'm still feeling guilty about it This is not like me - I'm ill and exhausted, but still I'm worrying about my school work. Usually I'd just take and enjoy the time off as I got it, but still I'm thinking "Oh dear, when I come back all the others will be way smarter than me..."
I need to learn to be careless...
Ugh, teachers from hell, we all know them. I can't understand why they are stupid enough to start off as an enemy, when everybody knows people work harder for people they like (I've proved it myself ) So alright, when teachers decides to act all annoying and irritating, the students will either
A) Work harder to impress the teacher, or
B) Completely ignore the teacher and disregard her comments.
Out of personal experiences, I can say that B seems to be the dominant result here.
Ugh, the dull thing about being ill is you actually haven't got the energy to do anything you really like, now that you got the extra time on your hands. Like today; I had a headache so I couldn't listen to any music or even look at anything for any longer period, and since I had a fever I couldn't go outside I was bored out of my mind. So what did I do? I walked down to the library and loaned the only movie left, which was Lolita (not one of my favourites, but Peter Sellers is cool) and continued to act illogically. When my mum got home she yelled at me for forgetting my key in the doorlock!
You know what, I'm going to act on impulse and download something off Kazaa by In Extremo (ooh, I'm bad) Lemme see now... 'Melancholie', that sounds like a title that'd suit my tastes But off course, with the way Kazaa has been treating me it will probably be downloaded in mid-December.
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 14, 2003
Currently listening to: Depeche Mode 'I feel loved'... a recent discovery, Martin Gore lives near me. Which was a pleasant surprise.
Exactly! Why do some teachers try to make us hate them? It won't make us work harder. We'll be deliberately disrespectful and generally make a nuisance of ourselves... well, I'm speaking for myself here
Ah, it's now System of a Down... I love this song oddly enough...
"Father into your hands, I commend my spirit
Father into your hands, why have you forsaken me?
In your eyes, forsaken me
In your thoughts, forsaken me
In your heart, forsaken me
Oh, trust in my, self-righteous suicide
I cry when angels deserve to die
In my self-righteous suicide
I cry when angels deserve to die"
Ah dear, life's been a bit of a bitch recently. I can't get myself motivated to do anything, all I've been doing is hanging around various places and sobbing uncontrolably.
It hasn't been all bad though. I had to spend my weekend with someone I'd gladly hit over the head with a blunt instrument. But it turned out very well.
My friend invited me over to her house, along with several of my other friends. I was looking forward to it, until she suddenly rang me up and told me someone else was going, I hate this person so I wasn't thrilled. A then persuaded me to go.
It was brilliant! The person I hate showed herself up completely and was so rude to everyone that she ended up staying for only three hours. Everyone now sees her as I see her and it looks like I won't have to see her socially ever again. She was so rude to everyone and now nobody likes her particulary. Wonderful!
Well I'm watching Muse on Gonzo. This is fun. What I wouldn't give for hair like Matt's....
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 17, 2003
Currently listening to: A music programme called "Retro" - we mostly watch it because my mother had a crush on the TV host.
Wow, that seemed like a fantastic evening! Things like that only happens to me in my sadistic fantasies. *Huddles in a corner and broods*
Ugh, what a couple of hard days these have been! I'm exchausted. Firstly, yesterday I spent some time on a class trip, fighting my way through the forest, completely failing to make myself a meal and taking pictures of the surroundings (I am a media student after all). Today I've been washing the whole house as I'm earning 200 kr (about £17) for 'Operation: Handout'. All the students earn money to build a girls' school in Tanzania - it's a good cause, so I actually did a good job scrubbing floors today *brave smile*
Sorry I can't bore you with more dull facts right now, but 'Citizen Kane' is on soon, and my (slightly cute) teacher has adviced me to see it. Oh, if only all my teachers looked adorable...
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 24, 2003
"I hate work. That's why I got married."
-Peg Bundy
Currently listening to: Nine Inch Nails 'Deep'... "All I can do... driving me through into you... deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep"
Sorry I haven't replied in ages, I had so many messages this one got pushed to the back. I thought you'd been quiet for so long that I'd have a search for the conversation and I saw it was me who hadn't replied Sorry, my mistake.
Sounds like you've had one heck of a time. I haven't had the opportunity to do anything worthwhile recently. All I seem to do these days is work, stare into space and sleep. It's not a nice combination. I think the lack of social interaction has dulled my brain. I've been having so many imagined conversations in my head I can't remember which ones were real and which ones weren't
I had my haircut the other day and today I looked in the mirror and thought "Feck, Trent Reznor". So now I think I have a haircut that makes me look like sed rock artist.
No worries though. I'd rather look like Trent than say... J-lo. Call me weird if you will.
I'd better go, I had ten seconds to talk then it's back to doing whatever it was I was doing. To be honest. I can't remember what I was doing.
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 28, 2003
Currently listening to: My own silent cursing - I had written loads here but my computer shut down
Well, you needn't worry - I've done the same mistake myself. *Makes divine symbol* I'm allforgiving, my child (as long as you keep clear from my minidisc, mark you)
Jeez!! I nearly fell of my chair just now - we've invested in a new telephone as the old one had an involuntary echo-sound (and it eventually was more interesting listening to oneself speaking than the person on the other side), but the new one sounds more like fifty-six screeching Hitchcock-type birds getting ready to attack. I'm just about to dive under the desk with my hands protecting my head when I hear it ringing...
Well, I've been gone at the firm's cabin at Skei (you remember the place with the mini-mountain) with Tine and dad the last three days. We've mostly been wandering in the bright red and orange forests and practising target with my father's air-rifle - just your everyday quality time I shot a bottle cork distanced 15 metres from me, so you better at least seem impressed. I'm getting an air-rifle for Christmas, I swear...
"I'd rather look like Trent than say... J-lo. Call me weird if you will."
Oh, no no no no I'd take Trent's 'do anyday over J-Lo's
My own forelock keeps falling into my eyes, so when I brush it to the side I look more like Hitler
So I've got you beaten there... Plus my blonde hair is starting to show under the black dye, so now it looks like I'm going grey too *Starts rumbling through bathroom closet for dye that was made illegal twelve years ago*
Well, I'm going to take a shower now and then I'm going to plan what I'm going to do with my one-week holiday starting tomorrow. As Tine is a *real* student now she won't get a break, so I'll have the whole house for meself! Knowing me, I'll be bored to tears now I finally got some privacy, though
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 29, 2003
"Last night I dreamed I ate a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone."
-Tommy Cooper
Currently listening to: A property programme on tee vee. The BBC has gone mad on all these better homes programmes, it's starting to get tedious, especially when they put them on instead of the Simpsons.
Oooh, I love air rifles! I know several people (all boys) who have vast collections of them. Sadly, I can't even begin to count the number of times I have found myself sitting in a teenage boys room and shooting at posters of scantily clad women with a BBgun. Dear oh dear, that sounded bad
*gasp* Didn't anyone tell you?! The Hitler look is in this season! Black is the new black, dictator moustaches and gloves are very Winter 2003! Why Tilly, you're ahead of the trend dahling!
I had a very odd dream last night. You know when you dream of trying to do something, but failing? Well I had one of those. It's the second dream I've had about this bloody Muse concert I'm going to. I dreamt that I was supposed to be there, but nobody was taking me, so I was stranded at school in a petrol station (Yes, I know, odd) It was actually very upsetting and scary at the time Well, I have to say... that's the first time I've had a 'nightmare' about Matt Bellamy. I swear, the lead up to this concert is making me really anxious. It's starting to affect my sleep. Soon my school work will suffer and I'll have a nervous breakdown. *panic*. Okay, maybe I'm getting a 'teeny' bit carried away...
Why is it. That I always get stuck next to the crazy person? It was Lucy's Birthday and she took us all to Thorpe Park and we went on all the seriously scary rides (including the worlds first 10 loop roller coaster). As I was sitting down to get in the latter there was a space next to me (Sarah freaked out and didn't go on at the last minute) and a really weird looking guy came and sat next to me. As the man came round and locked us into our seats the weird guy turned to me and says with a creepy big grin on his face "I just had an ice cream". I forced a grin and went "Oh really?"... and he started rambling on about something I couldn't understand. I was scared stiff. He had a female voice too, which was even scarier. And throughout the ride he was yelling random things at me while I wished that the belts would give way. It was hillarious, scary, but hillarious.
I'd better go, I've missed two Friday's in a row and I think I have work to catch up on.
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 30, 2003
Currently listening to: Some radio programme I don't like very much, for no appearant reason.
"I can't even begin to count the number of times I have found myself sitting in a teenage boys room and shooting at posters of scantily clad women with a BBgun."
Harh, harh Even if we DO grow up to become normal, well-adjusted adults and manage to leave all our teenaged awkwardness behind us, I tell you I'm going to read that quote in your wedding!
Just to see a reaction on your husband-to-be; "What? Natalie, I never thought you were like THAT!"
Ugh, I know what you mean about those slightly disturbing guys I still have this creepy memory from Poland when three young men approached me and whispered "Somebody... has... died." Brrr, it still gives me goosebumps (not the nice type) just thinking about it.
Well, I'm still enjoying my vacation, so now I'm just going to waste the whole day on pointless things. Surprisingly I've been thinking a lot of school work - we were analyzing logos and now I can't stop Did you for instance know that the Beatles drum logo breaks several designer rules? But now, maybe I'll converse with Roosta for half an hour... You see why I can't find more to talk about
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 30, 2003
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
-Herm Albright
Currently listening to: The Rapture 'House of Jealous Lovers', due to my inability to get up and change the channel, it shall stay on.
Oh dear! That's one of those things you wish you hadn't said, and know will come back to haunt you later on in life... like camera footage of you singing or a bad school photo *hangs her head* Okay, how much am I going to have to pay you?
Just when the music gets unbearable (Busted) my Mum comes in and turns it off!
"Natalie, I'm turning this off. You have to concentrate on your work. I have to go out for a bit, I'll see you later..." *leaves*
*grins and plays Nine Inch Nails*
"You can have my isolation. You can have the hate that it brings. You can have my absence of faith. You can have my everything... "
Surely the reason the Beatles were so successful was nothing to do with their logo?
Say, I don't suppose you're going to see Cabin Fever when it arrives there? Apparently it's a good old fashioned gore fest Thin on plot but I've heard the budget was spent on the blood and guts! No more boring 12 rated baby horror films... It would appear the good old days of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and B-rated gore fests are back!
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Oct 1, 2003
Currently listening to: Myself humming 'Somewhere over the rainbow'. It's really strange, it's been circulating the family for days - the minute you are subjected to a family member humming it, it gets stuck in your mind. Look! I only started humming it minutes ago, and already Tine is whistling it Somebody do something!
"Okay, how much am I going to have to pay you?"
How dare you imply that goodwill towards your future partner can be bought? I'm shocked that you would infer I'm a corrupt person! Do you really expect me to tell you that the line will conviently slip my mind forever if you send 5000 boxes of nicely packed After Eights to Lørenskog, Norway, care of Fred Bartersen? My dear Nate, I'm no fool you know
"Surely the reason the Beatles were so successful was nothing to do with their logo?"
Well, ah... *Cough cough* I should say, er... 'Scuse me for a sec while I phone my Design teacher... *Dials, hums along to muzac* Oh, he says, "Just imagine how much more successful they would be if they had a logo that followed the Divine Proportion-rule." Hah! You see? ... Nah, I'm not convinced by that either
Gore fest, eh? Hmm, I shall have to have someone to bring, but who? I'm still trying to convince anybody to go and see the Norwegian horror-flick 'Villmark' with me ( ) but none have voulenteered yet. Maube if I just lie through my teeth, "Yes, I swear you can see Leonardo DiCaprio undressed in the background. There! No, you just missed it... Wait a moment now..."
I'm going to go now and watch 'Boston Public' on the telly, one of the few worthwhile TV series America has spewed out the last couple of years...
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Oct 5, 2003
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
-Sir Winston Churchill
Currently listening to: my exasperated sighs as I attempt to get my head around the h2g2 version of HTML. Yes, I'm updating my space again. I am putting in the effort to get my all the important details up there. When I say important details I mean all my favourite films... *grin*
5000 boxes?! *thinks about the prospect of a ruined marriage* Okay okay! 5000 boxes it is... but I won't forget this Tilly! I won't forget this! *dark mutterings*
Ah dear, I'm suffering from post summer stress disorder. The sudden change in weather and temperature has seriously disorientated me. For the first time in years I had to put the radiator in my room on. Amazing. I had no idea how to do it so I asked my Dad. This is how it went:
Pater= *grin* "Natalie, you're supposed to be bright, yet you can't even turn this on!"
Myself= *shiver* "Yeah yeah, comeon turn it on.. I'm freezing my ass off here"
Pater= "Look how simple...
*radiatior emits hissing gurgling noises* is.... oh... oh sh!t!"
Myself= "Heh heh"
Pater= *runs off cursing to try and find a hammer and a bucket*
I've had a really good weekend. I spent yesterday on my friends sofa watching b-rated horror flicks... then we mocked the contestants on Pop Idol while eating a Chinese takeaway. It's been ages since I've just had a normal weekend at a friends house. It was nice. Normal. Very normal. Sometimes, just sometimes, normal is nice. But don't think I'm going soft...
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Oct 8, 2003
Currently listening to: You really don't want to know. Really. I tell you, you dont. Alright, I'm ashamed to say this... 'Everbody (Backstreet back)' by the Backstreet boys. But before you refuse to speak with me again, have you ever really listened to that bass? I hadn't really until yesterday.
Ahem. So you had to put up a radiator in your room. Let me see now, it's been quite a number of weeks since I put up mine. Ah, and I turned up the heating system in my room as well. Oh, and the hot water bottle. And if I'm lucky, nobody else is hogging the extra blanket You try living in Norway!! The land of the frozen trousers in the morning...
Sorry, I'm in a bad mood today. Today we took our class photo to the yearbook, and us being Media students, we had to have a theme over it. You can guess what our theme became: Sexy secretaries Sexy indeed. I objected "It'll be an freezing cold morning in Hell the day I put on a skirt and become 'sexy' for a class photograph!" So I was undesrstandably the only girl in trousers. They were cool trousers though
Oh, and I for once learned some really interesting at school (at least that's whay I thought) You know when you look at pictures taken with a blitz, and there are someone looking quite demonic with red eyes? Well, it isn't something that mysteriously forms on the photo, or some "cat eye"-type reflection. That's actually what your eye physically looks like for a extremely small moment, as the bloodvessels in your pupil suddenly expands to protect your eye! I never knew that. And nobody's home, so there's no one but you to bore with these strange things I learn at school
Hmm, after a very long period (from summer vacation) now I suddenly meet my old classmates again, and I've found out I've really missed them! Suddenly I understand what Prof. Petter (whom I miss most of all) meant when he sighed, "You children! You don't understand how sad it is to say goodbye." Since none of my old classmate is even at the same school as me (okay, except one guy, but he's studying aircraftsmanship), I've only heard some strange rumours as to what they are doing now. But yesterday I met my old classmate Ida on my bus home, and it was SO good to have some older aquantance to talk to! And today, suddenly, at the dance studio when I was just finished with my tapdancing, I met one of my (former) best friends, Siri. Strange how they suddenly seem to be creeping from every corner. Man, NOW I suddenly start missing the ol' gang ...
Well, I got a major headache, and I've got a big test on Friday ("Explain what good advertising entails")
Back again !
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Oct 12, 2003
"A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her."
-Oscar Wilde
Currently listening to: myself sighing loudly every 10 seconds. It's been a bad yet good day, and now I'm worried about the fact that I didn't get anywhere near the amount of homework I intended done.
Poor you I've got the rest of this year before I have to say goodbye to my classmates. Although, at the moment you'll have a hard time convincing me that I'll miss them.
Ah dear. I think it's time I... err... confessed. Y'see Tilly, the thing is... when I was younger, I used to like this band... I was very young then... so innocent and stupid... I didn't know any better... this band... was... well, they were called... ahem... the Backstreet Boys. Yes! I admit it! I liked the Backstreet Boys! I was young, too young to know any better... I had posters... stickers... official photographs... and amongst all that I had albums. The shame! The shame of it all!
That is actually a really good fact! I think I'll have to steal it and use it at every opportunity. Every time I go to get some photos developed I'll hang around the other customers and say "Ever wondered why you're eyes sometimes appear red in photographs?" and when they say no I'll tell them anyway!
At the moment I'm being particulary nasty to people. I can't help it, I'm just in such a foul mood. I have to really try not to offend people at the moment. I'm being incredibly nasty to everyone and I don't know why. Oh dear. *sigh* I need to cheer up. And fast.
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- 561: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Aug 29, 2003)
- 562: Tilly - back in mauve (Aug 31, 2003)
- 563: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 1, 2003)
- 564: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 6, 2003)
- 565: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 7, 2003)
- 566: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 8, 2003)
- 567: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 8, 2003)
- 568: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 9, 2003)
- 569: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 10, 2003)
- 570: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 14, 2003)
- 571: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 17, 2003)
- 572: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 24, 2003)
- 573: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 28, 2003)
- 574: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 29, 2003)
- 575: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 30, 2003)
- 576: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 30, 2003)
- 577: Tilly - back in mauve (Oct 1, 2003)
- 578: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Oct 5, 2003)
- 579: Tilly - back in mauve (Oct 8, 2003)
- 580: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Oct 12, 2003)
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