This is the Message Centre for Tilly - back in mauve
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Jan 8, 2004
Currently listening to: My classmate Hanne whistling behind me. Class should actually have started two minutes ago, but since only four students have turned up as of yet, I think we'll get some extra time surfing as we wish. I don't know how much time I've got, though (Ooh, such suspense )
Oof, I'm glad I'm finished with my mock exams, or rather, mock exam (singular - hah! ) - I only had one before Christmas, half Design and half Production. It went well, even though I had to study without my book, which has strangely disappeared. By the way, does it annoy you to have your birthday so close to Christmas? Do you get less presents? Just early curiousity this morning
"I had a mental image of one of you with a licence plate and crawling along side the mini as it sped off"
*Laughs loud and recieves strange looks from class* Oooh, how come everything is so hilarious when I'm tired? This really was a weird mental image indeed Oh, now people ask me what on earth is so funny. They won't understand
I need all cheering up I get - isn't everything just WONDERFUL We've got a virus on our computer home (that's why I'm only using the school computer) which conveniently shuts down every 10 minutes - As I'm kinda a slow writer I keep losing my work... Secondly, I got a major swollen cold sore on the side of my face which rather look like a bruise after someone's beat me up - people keep asking me, "Tilly, who's done this to you?" It's a damn cold sore, but they won't believe me
At least school work will be more entertaining, as our group is working independently on a short film. Making movies is not my favourite task, but it's kinda fun in the brainstorming process - we're making a horror movie, which enables us to use lots of scary and gory effects. Next week we're all sleeping over at Caroline's to shoot it. The problem is finding someone to play the psychotic, hysterical teenaged girl that is the main character
Whoops, gotta go – internet will be shut off
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Jan 11, 2004
Wahey, quote of the day is back. "Reason has always existed, but not always in a reasonable form." -Karl Marx Currently listening to: 'We Like The Moon' on I'm obsessed with this song. I think it's hillarious. Sadly it seems I'm the only one. Ah gee. This virus? I had a similar one. It makes the computer turn off every 10 minutes, a timer comes up and says the machine will shut down in... 10, 9, 8... etc? Does it do that? If it does, it may be this: It was designed to attack Microsoft's website on a certain day. The virus may still be lurking around, I'm not sure if it still is. Ah well. Hope that helps. Hmm, you need a psychotic, hysterical teenage girl? Gosh.
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Jan 15, 2004
Currently listening to: 'Sgt. Pepper's lonely hearts club band' and my friends chatting behind me. We're really not allowed to listen to music aloud here in class, but since people braking the rules have been complimented by teachers for their good taste in music, I'm making a point
Ah yes, the virus sounds like that - thanks for the tip, I'll notify Trond, he's kinda the master of our computer. It's temporarily sorted out, but they've taken my Kazaa away, which is bothering me
"I mean... who... would be suitable to play a psycho?"
Well, eventually we just drew lots - my friend Stine "won" the title role (Linnea - don't ask me how we arrived at that name), myself, I'm playing the other "real" role in the movie - her mother Luckily there isn't much dialogue - mostly like "Aaaaigh! Get it away from me" - "There's nothing here, Linnea." - "Aaaaah!" We're shooting it this Saturday...
Oops, I better get back - we're finishing the plans and I always get nervous when I write at school. I know perfectly well all the teachers got this neat programme where they can watch the student's screen on their own computer. I always wonder if they're looking at me, it makes me paranoid ARE YOU WATCHING ME NOW?!
*Withdraws into a corner with a spoon equipped as weapon*
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Jan 18, 2004
"They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself."
-Andy Warhol
Currently listening to: an advert for another "top 100" whatevers. Are you constantly being subjected to these? If you aren't, then be thankful. The BBC, ITV and Channel 4 are subjecting us to millions of these shows, "The Nations 100 Favourite Musicals", "The Nations 100 Favourite Numbers" etc.
"the teachers got this neat programme where they can watch the student's screen on their own computer"
Aaah no! I've been caught out by that system I was caught by my ICT teacher posting on h2g2 while avoiding doing my coursework (I'm still avoiding doing it actually) He saw me posting something with plenty of expletives, and called me over. I've learnt my lesson
I got a package in the post the other day... from someone called Tilde? Thankyou for whatever it is. Would I be wrong to assume it's for the 20th? Thankyou very much, haven't opened it yet, but will soon.
I've been shopping ALL day. Argh. Firstly I went shopping with my Mother. I'll tell you this. There is nothing at all in mainstream shops that I would EVER consider buying It's all the same crap, chewed up and spat out and put into different stores. It's amazing. Camden is the only place I can buy decent clothes that I actually like.
I then went shopping with my Dad. He took me out to look for a main birthday present, something I really wanted. It was suggested that it could be either a TV, Walkman, or Hi-fi. In the end I found a worthy hi-fi... It's a Ministry of Sound one... boy is it nice... Pricey though. So we decided I'd put in some of my Birthday money to help pay for it.
Got to go,
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Jan 22, 2004
Currently listening to: My whole family groaning in the kitchen - we're all extraordinary tired these days, so all we do is wake up at six, be annoyed with eachother, go to our daily business, get home, groan and go to sleep Ahem, anyway -
Nah, I haven't noticed any large number of 'top 100's, nothing other than the pop music one, which just goes to show people's general bad taste in music Honestly; the only thing that makes a woman singer famous today is a large rack and a couple of scandals
Well, I have to write this at home now, since the teacher has banned the internet as a punishment I haven't done anything wrong, mind you - and the things I do wrong takes so comparatively little time I get them done before I need to do any work. The problem we're having is everybody playing games all day I don't see why they're all spending hours playing Tetris and Minesweeper when they're so much more entertaining things to do on the net (h2g2 is considered a fact site, so as long as you try to keep away from the chats you're alright )
Oh, HAPP-EE BIRFDAY! I'm a little late so saying so, but then I probably mean it more So, how was your day? Good presents, food, party, or at least a BigMac menu? Go on, tell me how it went
Ugh, it shows that the seven hours we spent shooting our 5-minute movie made us so exhausted no one checked if we had shot good scenes Tomorrow we need to go back to my friend's house and reshoot several sequences. Especiall one we shoot without notising that the lead actresses pants slid itty bitty down and revealed most of her a*se Well, that's showbusiness for ya, I got to put my horrendous blonde wig on once again and act as the weird ol' mother...
Well, h2g2 is acting all crazy for me right now, so all this was actually written 12 hours before it was posted. Oh well, there's no time like the present.
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Jan 28, 2004
NB. I have posted here THREE times and not a single post has made it through... If this one doesn't post I shall go insane! I have saved this on word, and if this version doesn't post I will start to cry...
Anyway... As I was saying:
"Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles."
Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914), The Devil's Dictionary
Currently listening to: Take a wild guess Thankyou so much! It's a really good CD, I've been listening to it virtually non stop, along with my Monty Python assorted sketches CD.... Brilliant present, thankyou muchly
Yeah, the birthday was a good one. Presents included: hi fi stereo (total surprise , The Divine Comedy, A book on Soviet politics from Lenin to Trotsky, a ring and necklace, another necklace, Monty Python Autobiography, Monty Python songs and sketches on CD, Kaizers Orchestra () and some pencils with the times tables written on it (for the exams)
Sorry to say this but... IT'S SNOWING!
*starts a snowball fight*
Woohoo! I know you're used to it, and that you find it tedious, but considering we never see the stuff, everyone's going mental. Aaah, it's deep too... I walked all the way to the post box through the stuff and when I got home I felt like I'd just had a work out, it was so difficult to walk! Crikey, I hope we get a snow day... I feel like a little kid... I'm acting like one too... I was running around outside throwing snowballs at the kids next door... they tired of it before I did... hmm... that's rather sad isn't it? Ah dear, what a dork I am.
I'd better go, I'm so desperate to play in the snow... Oh I'm such a big kid
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Jan 29, 2004
Currently listening to: 'Dig a pony' from Let It Be...Naked - for once I'm not singing along, as there are other students in the classroom. Rrgh, for once we actually could leave school an hour earlier, but as I got a session with the school band tonight (which I'm really getting sick of) I have to wait for Tine to pick me up from school At least I got the teacher to temporarily stop the no-internet rule so that's why I'm online here.
Good you answered me, I was getting nervous you weren't forgiving me for the present I've had some really annoying problems with h2g2 as well lately, so I'm praying this post will go through.
Ooh, a hi fi stereo? Guess who's envyous - you really should take good care of that baby. My own CD player has played its last musical sigh, and the car stereo in the black Mercedes (the car I and Tine are going to be driving in for two hours today) has also broken down. I'm starting to think good music despies me - everything they play on TV is that godawful World 'Idol' Kurt Nilsen Meanwhile I've barricaded the old record player in the basement, and I guess I'm its' leagal guardian now...
Ah, snow eh? In my point of view snow is indispensable throughout December, but then it could simply melt overnight. It keeps coming down here too, and I have to daily dry off my coat after walking to school. There's some upshots of them, of course - my Media class is really big on building snowmen, so we've soon populated the whole schoolyard with them Snowmen are fun!
Ugh, for once I'm not looking forward for the weekend - Tine's decided she's going to tell our mum about her definite plans of moving to Daniel's around Easter, and my mum's no idea yet. I've known for some time, but still I'll miss her It will be strange to be the only child left home, and it's not the same to have Tine over on visits... But again, there's an upshot I'm taking serious advantage of: I'm getting her room - which isn't a room at all, but more of a complete apartment (the whole lower floor, in fact, with a massive room with own waterworks and everything) Somehow knowing I'll inherit that one cures some of my blues...
Oh, the horror movie we're making, 'Aldri alene' (='Never alone') is getting better each day, I'm really proud of it, though my role in it is so overplayed in my blonde 60s wig. Today we put on the music (all illegally used, of course, which is an unwritten rule for these student movies ) and I got serious goosebumps when the murderer's shadow played along the wall while you heard a sharp bass beat ("Dhrrunnn") If I manage, I might send you a copy on video when it's finished
I'm going to play some more air guitar to my music now
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Feb 2, 2004
"To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act."
-Anatole France
Currently listening to: myself getting very excited at the prospect of my new CD's arriving... I've found the ultimate CD site... It has virtually any CD you could ever want... I've been using them for a while, but I never realised HOW good they are! I've found some pretty elusive CD's by some pretty obscure bands... (look at me using all the big words )
Don't worry, you'll still see Tine I'm sure it'll be weird at first but I'm sure you won't miss her as much in time. Just think: Bigger bedroom! Hope it all went well... how did your Mum react?
Here's a rant:
Today I got in such a stress at the people in our class. My god. They are such a bunch of idiots. You know those people who think they're much smarter than they actually are? Well, we have some of those types of people in our class. Today they were trying to pretend to know about politics They were complaining that as teenagers it's hard to get your voice heard. The worst part was that my favourite teacher was letting them talk and no matter how many times I tried putting my hand up, I was ignored. I felt really strongly that they were talking rubbish, but I couldn't get my point across. So in the end I lost it and interrupted.
Stupid Girl: "It's so hard to get your opinions heard, I mean, we have no way of making a difference"
Teacher: "That's a very good point Alexandra"
Myself: "Uhm, can I ask you a question?"
Stupid Girl: "Yeah?"
Myself: "Have you actually made any attempt to get in contact with our local government, or tried to find out HOW you can get your voice heard?"
Stupid Girl: "Uhm"
Myself: "You can't just sit there complaining about how hard you have it, when you can't be bothered to get off your backside and go and find out how you can bring about changes!"
Stupid Girl: "It's not that easy!"
Myself: "How would you know! You haven't even tried, so don't sit there complaining that you're so hard done by when you don't even have a clue!"
Stupid Girl: "Oh and you've gone to our local government and stuff?"
Myself: "No. I have never felt so strongly about an issue that I thought I needed to complain to my MP. If there was an issue I felt needed addressing I wouldn't sit there complaining about how nobody listens to me, I'd go and do something."
Stupid Girl: "Nobody's ever told us how we can get our opinions put across"
Myself: "That's b*llocks! There are millions of staff and council meetings for you to attend so you can speak up, it's just that you're so bloody apathetic you can't be asked to do anything."
I ranted on for ages about how stupid they all were and what's wrong with the world, but they just stopped listening to me and started a new conversation. I could go on for another hour about how appaling their complaints were, but I won't subject you to that Phew. Calm. Calm.
I'd love to see your film! I can't wait to see this blonde wig It sounds fantastic!
Ugh. I have to finish my essay on Pride and Prejudice... Just Mr Darcy and Lizzie Bennet to write about now! I decided it would be a good idea for me to finish it before we have parents evening. Our English teacher's a dragon, and I couldn't face her at parents evening, asking me where my essay is...
I could rant about my English teacher too, but I won't. Although, I can sum up what sort of a person she is by repeating a story she told us. She told us that when she was younger she became incredibly jealous of her baby sister so threw her down the stairs
You can see why I'm dreading parents evening.
A bientot
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Feb 4, 2004
Currently listening to: A CD of ol' rock'n'roll my dad burned for me. I've been acting all shocking and provoking on the bus today, with a rebellious look and Chuck Berry on the discman
You know, I recognise your rant and can say that I think it's impossible to be in a class with no students like that one you mentioned. If that made sense. What's worse, though, is when the teacher can't see the point I'm making. Like when we're having class debates and I don't care to voice opinions on thing I don't know enough about. Last Norwegian class about debates we were talking about the Norwegian crime punishment system, and everybody were saying things and making assumptions that was plain wrong, yet the teacher told ME off for not making a statement like the others
Well, it went alright telling mum Tine was moving out. All in all, I think everybody's relieved. And I'm okay with it as well, because I realize it won't be very different - even though Tine's adress is still here, there are times I don't see her for weeks even now. And it's a GREAT pleasure 'inheriting' her room - I already got sketches ready for how I'm going to decorate it The walls are not great, so I'm going from music shop to music shop asking for discarded posters.
Ugh, I've had such an extremely bad day - when I said the movie was nearly finished after four weeks of hard work, I was not kidding. All we had to do today was adding some sound effects we had recorded separately, and we would be done with the whole project. And what did we see but absolutely all of our work was DELETED! It just wasn't there. Four weeks of solid work and constant bickering over details down the drain! After the computer expert had looked at it and concluded "It's a bug. There's absolutely no way to get back the files. Well, have a good day." Stine resorted to crying softly in the fetal position, while I was laughing like a maniac. Really, words cannot describe how ridiculous it all was. Today we were going to copy it to casettes and just relax until the final deadline this Friday. We could do nothing but start all over again, so thankfully we had saved the raw tape on casette. So, after 7 hours of non-stop work (and I'm not kidding. I took only a five minute break to eat my lunch) we've manage to edit it all together again, and we're back to where we started today - tomorrow we're going to add the last sounds, and then we'll copy it to casettes the fastest we can. Ugh, I'm never going to trust machines again - I wonder if Peter Jackson ever encountered this on the Lord of the Rings movies? I think not.
Sorry if that was all ranty, but I'm trying to regain my calm after the biggest shock of stress I've encountered for months
On a lighter note, I've been pulling today's copy of the newspaper VG around, complaining on an article, but nobody's taking an interest (they want to read all about Prince Haakon's newborn daughter) - so I'll tell you. A note on the culture pages tells how "the famous actress Keira" has found love and goes on to tell that this man of her fancy is American, eleven years older her, and happens to be an actor as well. "Is this finally real love for Keira Knightley?" Oh, and if you keep on reading, you'll see that this unknown actor is... Adrien Brody. Really, I think the whole article is written from the wrong point of view, but that might be because I got a bit of a screwed-up cultural grasp. I have never even heard of this Keira (alright, so I read she's in 'The Pirates of the Caribbean', and I must be the only teenager in Norway who hasn't seen it) while they just about mentions this Brody who appearantly nobody's heard of before. They didn't even write about his movies, his Oscar or his stunning looks ...
Well, I'm going to keep planning my room-moving (it won't happen until Easter, but I like to be prepared ) and admire the two posters I bought extremely cheap by complaining to the sellers about minor flaws
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Feb 13, 2004
"The problem with political jokes is they get elected."
-Henry Cate VII
Currently listening to: some police show on TV, detective inspector, DI Manson and all that jazz
I'm sorry I haven't posted in ages. This is due to several factors:
1. My computer decided to do as your school computer did, and delete all my ICT coursework, I've been hurrying to try and get it all completed before the deadline
2. h2g2 has been messing around and every time I've tried to log on, it's denied me entry
3. I've been so tired I can't motivate myself to write long essays
4. I haven't been allowed on the Internet for long periods of time, due to my being grounded long story
A note on the 'culture pages' eh? Ha. Obviously really cultured people write it, so cultured they have no idea who Adrian Brody is... Ugh, I can understand why you might be irritated by that.
You'll be delighted to hear that you're in good company. I haven't seen Pirates of the Carribean either, with good reason, everyone seems to like it, which usually means I'll hate it I might actually see it tommorow, I'm having a movie day with a friend. I have these days every so often, where I spend the day eating pop corn and watching films. My friend's bringing over the second lord of the rings film and Pirates of the Carribean.
Ugh, I have had the worst week ever. Here's a run down of the last few days:
Tuesday: Found out my Uncle is seriously ill and is going into hospital to have a tumour, thing removed (nobody's telling me anything in detail) my cousins are going to be dropped at my house and I will have to spend part of my half term looking after them, I don't like them at the best of the times, but they'll probably be really scared and upset and wail a lot
Wednesday: Slipped over on a peice of paper in my room and whacked my head on the floor, in the evening my computer deleted all my ICT coursework, it was due in the next day, I didn't sleep that night
Thursday: Netball tournament for four hours, I was scratched, elbowed in the face, kicked and hit, I couldn't sleep that night either
Friday (today): My muscles seized up and I could barely move, I was in major pain, I stayed at home totally exhausted and was woken up by a phone call telling me my English coursework was due in today and I would have to hand it in or forfeit my A grade paper
Aaah dear, well, I'd better go. I need sleep. Sorry for the lateness of my post...
Ta ta
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Feb 20, 2004
Currently listening to: 'Moi bien' by Combo Tango. No idea what this is - I just found the song on the internet yesterday. The band is quite good, I think - I need something nice and quiet to listen to here at school.
Well, sorry for not answering sooner - I've just been mostly drowning in schoolwork. Yesterday we had a major test in movie production (I think it went well), and then we had just one day to write and design a dull brochure... Anyway, I'm stealing a bit of time from my Production class now to write a bit.
You're grounded, eh? "Long story"? Don't you know I'm a fan of long stories?
I really hope your uncle is doing alright, and that you're coping with all your stress - I know how it all seems to tumble down sometimes, but at least my one week vacation starts on Monday. Do you have a vacation nearby as well? I'm always forgetting...
Tine and I are enjoying a bit of freedom at the moment, as mum and Trond are at a magic convention (that's right) in Blackpool. Of course I'm dead jealous they can pop over to England whenever they feel like, but being home alone is the next best thing Oh, it's just the small things; We don't have to put our chips in a bowl, but eat it right out of the bag... We're eating junk food every day (tacos, pizzas, hamburgers) and so on. There are some problems though, like most of the potted plants have died because we haven't watered them. Oops
Sorry, gotta go - my teacher is looking at me with a very angry look on his face
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Feb 23, 2004
"A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her."
-Oscar Wilde
Currently listening to: nothing... complete silence After two days of looking after younger cousins you learn to appreciate such treats as this...
Well, last weekend was spent looking after the cousins. They aren't that bad, just very loud and very... well... childish considering they're 4 and 7 it's hardly surprising. I'm not sure how my Uncle's operation went, but I don't think it's cancer. False alarm That's a relief, although I don't get on well with him, I wouldn't wish him ill.
Update on the "currently listening to". I've found the video for Johnny Cash's version of the Nine Inch Nails classic 'Hurt'. I can see why it reduced Trent Reznor and Zack De La Rocha (singer, used to be in Rage Against the Machine) to tears. It's a really touching video. His cover version is so good I might actually go out and buy the new box set of previously unreleased songs he recorded before he died.
Well, I'm not really grounded at the moment. My parents are going away for a few days, so I'm staying with a friend, which will be fun, which isn't allowed if you're grounded, which I sort of am.
Anyway, I was grounded for such a stupid reason, I don't see why I should feel guilty about going out anyway.
It all started after Parents Evening. It wasn't too bad, but by the time we got home I was exhasuted, I quickly checked my e-mail and then started going up the stairs to bed. But my parents wanted to do their 'attentive and proactive parent' bit and talk to me about how I thought parents evening went, I hadn't slept in three days and so I wasn't in the best of moods. I sat down and listened to them talk about how I needed to do much more revision and focus more on my Maths work, I was getting really tired so I said something out of turn. My Mum went insane and started screaming and yelling at me, she started yelling at me that I was rude, arrogant and lazy (all true, but you shouldn't say it, especially not your mother), my Dad yelled, swore etc and I eventually ended up in my room thinking "Now, what just happened and how did I get here?"
So, that's the story of how I was grounded. Now, I actually found the concept highly amusing because, to be honest, I don't have much of a social life and I don't really go out excessively to the point my parents feel the need to stop me. In fact, they're glad when I go out, they used to be really worried about me, that I didn't socialise well with other people, and they're usually really keen for me to get out and meet other people. It's odd really.
I sort of wish I could stay at home, then I'd get to experience the delights of eating junk food every day, killing the plants by forgetting to water them and generally being untidy You're so lucky...
I made a new friend at the weekend by the way... I've always thought that the village which I live in is a pretty quiet, straight place. I was proved wrong I had this nagging feeling that Radlett has a subculture, I'd sometimes see Punks and Goths walking around, I always hoped that Radlett would have a subculture and that I'd get to meet one of the people in the scene.
This weekend I thought I'd have my chance... although in the most unlikely circumstances.
I took my cousins to the park, just to keep them occupied. When we got there I spotted an odd looking woman with her son, I didn't think much of it, just that she was dressed very oddly for a woman of her age. My cousins later went over to play with this woman's son on the roundabout. So I followed them, clutching their outrageously colourful belongings, which stood out vividly against my usual black and khaki.
I was fussing around with a pink scarf and a ribena carton when I saw that the woman wasn't actually a woman, it was a young boy, bit older than myself, he was there with his brother
He was dressed in a black full length coat, big black boots, purple velvet scarf, crucifix and a black shirt, and he was holding a cane. Completely kitted out in Goth garments! We got chatting and he turned out to be a really nice chap. We were talking about the playground, how it hadn't changed since we were kids and other such things. I was just about to ask him if there actually was a Goth scene in Radlett and if so what was it like, when he turned to the small kiddie castle and said:
"I always wondered what it would be like to use that in a snowball fight"
"Pretty poor, I've tried... lots of times"
"I've always wondered about it, never had the chance to try, I haven't seen snow in ages, we don't get much snow up North"
"Up North? Where are you from?"
"Oh, Nottingham"
"What are you doing down here?"
"Visiting the parents, I go to school up in Nottingham, I only came down for half term"
I was gutted. The first real goth I'd ever found and had the chance to talk to in Radlett and it turns out he doesn't even live here any more. Ah well, I intend to keep searching Gosh, what a pathetic quest I've set myself! Surely I should be searching for something important, like the Holy Grail or something... Ah well, that's me for you! Daft as a brush...
Well I'd better go, I've just realised my DT coursework is due in tommorow and I haven't finished it...
Back again !
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Feb 26, 2004
Currently listening to: 'Old-fashioned lover boy' by Queen. "Ooh, love - here he goes again - ooh, loverboy..." It's been ages since I listened to this song, as I only got it off Kazaa, which was promptly banned in this house after Trond read in the newspaper how many viruses there was in it. Finally, yesterday I was allowed to download it again, and I was pleasantly surprised all my old soundfiles were still there. I'm now going through which songs I've tired off and can delete - not this one, though, I love this
I'm glad you're uncle didn't have cancer It makes me wonder how many cases of false alarm there are each year, just think about all the people that have to go through such dread and fear...
Trond and Mum are now back, bringing gifts and are currently apalled at the number of potted plants we had to throw out Good thing they don't know just how messy and chaotic the house was a day before they returned - neither me nor Tine are very tidy, so it got to the point where todays trash of empty crisp bags and pizza cartons where placed on top of yesterday's on the living room table. The main sofa was used as a table as well, since Tine and I have developed this strange habit of sitting on the floor while watching TV lately We had to have a major clean-up a couple of hours before they arrived, and they didn't notise a thing.
Aw, finding a local sub-culture - so close, yet so distant Well, good luck on your quest Quests are so fun! The perfect thing to while away tedious days and boredome with. Aww, now I wish I was on one, but I'm making sure I'm living a comatose life in my vacation as I always do. It's strange how my mum won't understand how much I enjoy getting bored
It's just been Truls' 29th birthday - I gave him a book of useless facts and a model racing car. He went wild with both, which is encouraging, since I don't think I can handle that my big brother will be thirty years old next year - how's that even possible? A sibling of mine simply can't be anything but young in my eyes, but thirty - that's adulthood! I discussed it with him and made him promise soberly never to grow up - he hates it too, so we got a deal
Finally, it seems like spring is upon us! Yes everybody thinks I'm crazy; "We haven't even come to Easter yet - spring is months away, and the snow will stay until the middle of April!" and I'll no doubt be disappointed again when it starts snowing more (we're up to our knees still) But things are starting to look bright - sunny days, it's getting slowly warmer and it doesn't get dark until late on the evening (which is always good). Surely this must be spring! *Refuses to think logically* I love spring - it changes my entire being. I'm actually starting to think I'm developing a pathetic teenaged crush on the actor Billy Boyd It might be over in a blink, though, but it all fits my mood. None of my friends know his name; Check. They regard him as way to old to be worthwhile of any thought; Check (he's only thirty-five, which is shocklingly young for me, you know) And I think I've discovered I've inherited my mother's helpless attraction to Irish and Scottish accents (she's got this thing for John Hanna)
"Spring is here, suh-puh-ring is here
Life is skittles and life is beer
I think the loveliest time of the year
Is the spring, I do - don't you? Of course you do"
- Poisoning pigeons in the park
I should go now, and continue my rant elsewhere. But I can tell you I'm happy because I'm free, I got my peer-to-peer programme back, and the bright sun is in my eyes (I don't think I've ever used my sunglasses outside of a band gig)
Back again !
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Mar 9, 2004
"The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons."
-Fyodor Dostoevsky
Currently listening to: another dating show I'm really starting to get bored with these...
I'm sorry I didn't reply, I thought you hadn't replied and was still waiting for you to... then I saw that it was actually my turn Erk. I was slightly wrong there.
Wish Truls a belated birthday from me. Slightly late, but how does that saying go? It's the thought that counts...
My father has also banned me from using Kazaa for the same reasons. We got a virus from it, we keep on getting this pop up window that makes us change our home page to some porn site I know it's quite serious but it's pretty funny.
I must say I am slightly appaled at your new crush... I was happier with your fixation with Micheal Ball, but you're my friend, and I shall stick with you. No matter how main stream your crushes are. To be honest, I'm glad you haven't falled for Elijah Wood or Orlando Bloom, now that would be unforgivable!
Here's just a quick check. You're birthday's in March right? I'm terrible when it comes to remembering dates, but I'm pretty sure I've got the month right? What a terrible friend I am...
I must say, I really do like my English teacher. She's told me that she thinks when I finish 6th Form in two years I could seriously consider going to Cambridge. She's given me loads of information on the collge, the various branches, requirements and lots more. The more I read about it the more I want to go... I think my desire to go can be summed up in this one single fact that I got from one of the booklets:
Cambridge library has over 7 million books and over a 100 miles worth of shelving I want to go!
Well, I'm sorry for the lateness of my reply. Speak to you soon,
Back again !
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Mar 17, 2004
Currently listening to: 'All'improvviso amore' with Josh Groban. No idea what he's singing about, but he sounds passionate about it and it's a good beat, plus I've found Groban is perfect to listen to while working with Media. I've made myself a little library of soundfiles on this school computer, but somehow I don't feel like listening to any of those now. Whoo, if somebody should try to figure me out with those songs I've saved down, they'd probably think I was schizophrenic. There's Beach Boys, Rolling Stones, Roy Orbison, Tom Waits and even Björk and Alphaville What was I thinking?
Sorry it's been ages since I posted, but I've been working mostly 'in the field' lately and haven't been near a computer. Just replace 'field' with 'dull, dull school assembly hall listening to men working with Media and thinks we worship them for that reason' and you should be closer to the truth Gah, is it even possible to go so many days with 'inspiration meatings' without chewing off a leg? Appearantly. On the bright side, I've made lots and lots of doodles in my notebook and some of them aren't half bad to come out of my chewed-up pencil...
Main stream? Oh my, I hope you're not too disappointed with me In my class I nearly got chased out of the classroom when I expressed my views on Orlando Blooms undeserved fame, so there's main stream for ya I mean, 'Best Newcomer'? Does he ever do anything but gaze with a pained expression or talk in an overdone accent? - But I've heard Billy Boyd is up for a role in the new 'Childs Play' movie, so we'll see how long he is considered main stream Or how long I admire him
Actually, my birthday's the 11th of May Don't worry, I never remember dates neither - not only am I a bad friend, I'm also a bad sister, niese and aunt Now, I know Tine's in October... I think. But that's all the dates I'm capable of remembering.
I'm currenlty working on my exam task for design/practical class - I'm making a website for an actor I've invented and I'm having lots of fun with all the things I'm imagining about him. His name is Finley O'Brien, he made his debut playing 'Man in crowd', he's currenly making a movie in Dublin, and strangely he looks exactly like my brother I had Truls posing all over Oslo, and I'm working on the pictures today - changing his hair colour slightly, removing his piercing... It's fun Too bad I'm horrible at the programme we're making the webside with, but all the preparation is really amusing. I keep imagining things I really don't have to, like the plot of every movie he's made (when all you see on the website is the titles) - many of them are stories I've written earlier. And I managed to sneak in my name, as I'm listed as the secretary of O'Brien's agent, equally non-existing P. Fermoy...
Sorry, working on this project for weeks are really distracting me from the real world I used two days (both at school and my own free time) just putting together the name of a character he played in a movie from 1997
Wow, it would be really amazing if you went to Cambridge - that college is famed even here in itty bitty Norway. And I could brag I knew a Cambridge student
I should return to my invented actor yet again - how pathetic is this? Everyday I'm slaving for my employer that's just a figment of my imagination Here comes the straight jacket...
Back again !
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Mar 23, 2004
Currently listening to: my frenzied typing.
Well, I'm just letting you know I've read your post, and that my full response may be a little while away
I'm starting my Art Exam tommorow, and I've been getting incredibly stressed about it. I've been so busy preparing for it, I haven't had the chance to get a reply done. Every time I sit down to write it, I get delayed or side tracked. So, apologies.
Today we did our drama play ... you can tell by the smiley it didn't go well. Full details soon.
Well, I'd better go and wash my hair. I put in a load of hair gel for my Drama play and it's sticking together. If I take it out of my hair band I look like I have a furry animal on my head.
Speak soon..
Back again (again again) !
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Apr 5, 2004
"If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith."
-Albert Einstein
Currently listening to: The Rugrats. Yes. The Rugrats. I don't really like them, but it's either that or watch regular daytime teevee.
Finally! Finally I am replying! I'm so sorry it's taken so long, but what with all my exams and things, I haven't had the opportunity to sit down and really give you a good update of what's going on in my little world.
Why is it you always get exciting and interesting projects in your classes yet I get stuck with awful projects like making chocolate boxes! It's hardly fair This website for an imaginary actor sounds great! What am I doing in my classes?! I'm making a box... I know! How terribly exciting!
Well, I've completed my Art exam. All the prep work (admittedly there wasn't a great deal) is finished and the actual exam is over. Phew. It's a relief I can tell you. The actual exam went on for two days, I thought I was going to go mad. Imagine, two whole days in a stuffy art room, unable to talk, move properly and all you do is stare at the same composition hour after hour... Argh, the tedium!
My Drama exam... hmm... how should I put this... didn't go as well. Well, before we performed ours to the teacher, he predicted ours as being the worst in the year. So, we didn't really have a great deal of motivation.
All the Drama play's have to be moderated, which means an official person from the exam board comes to our school and checks to see if the teacher has marked them fairly. What they do, is they take the best marks, the worst marks and then compare the two. We were an example of a cr*p group.
In the actual performance, nobody laughed, we'd just taken in two or three friends and they sat there in a stony silence. My partner forgot her lines, making me change the script, improvising what came up next. The other characters were poorly acted, I messed up the ending and all in all it was a mess. Needless to say our marks were terrible.
We then went to the moderation. We didn't want anyone to see it, our play was so awful and had been given a terrible reception we just let someone in to do the lighting, but then everyone started to come in to watch it. I tried getting people out but for every two I threw out another 5 came in! Eventually I just gave up and let everyone watch.
When we actually performed for the moderator, it was amazing. We gave the performances of our lives! We remembered the script, everyone acted perfectly and the audience were in hysterics! It was a terrific success.
When we got our marks back, it turned out that they had actually gone down. All the other groups that were moderated did worse for the moderation than they did for the teacher. Which made everyone elses marks go down. I just can't win!
Well I must say, when you said that Billy Boyd is going to be in the new 'Childs Play' movie, I couldn't help but give the odd snigger. I had a mental picture of him dressed up in a Chucky costume holding a knife and stabbing people's ankles... Maybe I'm just too easily amused... Hey, you know what they say... 'Before you learn to chuckle pointlessly you're on your way to an early grave..'
Well, sorry again about the lateness of the post, and I hope you're well! If I don't post again before Sunday, I'll wish you a very happy Easter
Ta ta,
Back again (again again) !
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Apr 10, 2004
Currently listening to: 'Four weddings and a funeral' showing on cable. Really, I usually hate cute romantic comedies as a rule, but this is my mother's favourite movie ever and I must have seen it six hundred times with her, so I've become kind of fond of it. I can swear before the world that it's the only movie I've ever seen to this day with Hugh Grant where I don't get the notion to throttle his charming, bumbling self. Well, a little, perhaps, but John Hannah outplays him superbly, so it makes up for things...
Sorry, I'm late with replying this time - I've been exhausted moving to Tine's abandoned room literally the whole week, so I haven't had the time to log on. The gigantic 50 square meters room somehow seems much cosier with all my things in it Plus, I now got my own sofa, my dear old 50kr (£4) armchair, as well as the old rocking chair inherited from my English Great-grandmother - and after all these years, enough shelves for all my books! I finally found a place for the Clockwork Orange picture you got me for Christmas, on top of the exhibit closet (the glass cases you find in museums) where it succeeds in freaking out all my guests Life is good.
Still, you seem to have a great deal more interesting exams, if it's any comfort Drama exam, that's something people actually find interesting, and at least you must have felt some satisfaction in giving a killer performance when you thought it all hopeless Sorry, I'm horrible at comforting, but I hope you feel content, at least, with the moderation performance - I remember how utterly frustrating it is to be bitter about an exam for a year *CoughOralEnglishcough*
Hope your Art Exam went fabulous, anyway Must be a bit horrible, I guess, to go with one idea and hope it will please - but knowing your good taste it should go down well, in my opinion - and I'm being serious here My Design/Technical exam isn't even before in May, but I'm wasting no time being nervous - at least you seem to have iron guts.
In other news, today I had one that will probably go down in history as the Great Hair Bleach Disaster of '04 I've finally tired of raven black hair after four years, so I decided to bleach it completely blond and then find a new colour for it. The problem was, I experimented last month and dyed the roots red, and I fooled a lot of people into believing I was a natural red head who dyed her hair black (cheap thrills are what I live by ) And now my real roots have started to show, I wanted a drastic change. The product: My natural roots are platina blonde , the red dye has become pink and the black dye is still very black, but now looking a bit pensioner-grey. Hurrah I knew it's hard to bleach thorougly dyed hair, but this was beyond my wildest nightmares - I look mostly like a very misfired punk-wannabe, or probably a geriatric punk-wannabe. I'm dying it once more tomorrow to get it under a bit of control, even though the bleach I use burn like hell and is probably illegal in Scandinavia anyway. "You gotta hurt for beauty" like my mother usually say.
'Before you learn to chuckle pointlessly you're on your way to an early grave..'
Ooh, I'd love to see that on a tombstone somewhere
Oh yes - a happy Easter to you too, whatever way you like to celebrate it! What do you do in your house? We don't celebrate in any official sense, we're just thankful for a vacation, and usually do our spring cleaning. The last day of school, one of the girls in my class (who kindly and frustratingly tries her best to make me return back to the Christian faith) said goodbye for the holiday and felt she had to add, "But please, remember what this holiday's for". It made me a bit annoyed since we've had the same discussion too many times, so I quickly replied with a smile "Yes, in my humble opinion it's for the Earth's rebirth of spring. You do know they celebrated this before Christ?" and got out before we would launch into another argument Religion is really hopelessly easy to fight about - everybody got such strong viewpoints (me too) and everybody would like to convince the others. What I find most frustrating is how people take it so personal when I tell them I don't believe in what the believe in When I say "I don't believe in a holy Jesus Christ" some people seem to translate it into "I think your an idiot to believe these things". Gah, is this what starts wars?
Well, I'll stop with my ranting and return to the decoration of my room. Who knew it would be so exhausting to move everything you own down a floor? I guess Tine had harder work, moving it all to an apartment two hours away, but she seemed to trouble less than me.
Hope to hear from you soon, take care, and I have fun making those boxes
Back again (again again) !
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Apr 24, 2004
"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Currently listening to: Fairly Odd Parents on Nicktoons TV... ahem. I'll have you know it's an intellectually stimulating programme... *shifty eyes*
50 cubic meters of space?! This is the room us mortals can only dream of! Me and my stupid tiny 49.9 cubic meters (Only kidding, I wish I had as anywhere near as much!)
Apologies again for my late post. I've been really busy over the holidays, as soon as I got back to school I've been working and sleeping solidly. The first weekend, I am using to catch up on my g2 correspondance (well, what's left of it, just the few faithful few now remaining ).
Well the weather is wonderful here. We're well and truly into the Summer. I believe I may even be sunburnt What a momentous event! The first small portion of long term agony the summer has to bring...
Our views on Easter? Well, in my house, for my Mother and myself it's a religious time. You wouldn't think I'd be the sort of person to be found in a church, but there ya go . I have no problem with people who don't believe in God, my Father doesn't, most of my friends don't, and I have no desire to go around trying to convert people. Let's face it, I'm just as likely to be wrong, there might not be a God, but then again there might. I'm more inclined to believe that there is. I can't blame a strict religious upbringing, because I've been brought up in the most relaxed environment on earth. My Mum let me make up my own mind, and I have.
Ugh, I spent two hours putting up my Art work in the school hall for marking. Why is it that I had to be christened Wood? Why not Domanskji? It sucks being at the bottom of the register. Not only do you always come last (okay, sometimes second from last, just in front of Maggie Wu) but in art exams you get stuck next to one of the most talented artists in the year. I felt so depressed, putting up my piss poor art (my teacher actually made me put up some of, in my opinion, the worst work I've ever done) right next to the most fantastic artist in the other class! It's so depressing
Don't worry about the hair, whatever's happening with yours, I can guarantee it's 100 times better than mine It smells of aftershave (long story), has really blondey roots about two inches long, is thinning out making me slightly bald (another long story) and is kinked and wavy. Horrible. I thought I would try curling it Ha ha! Oh yes, I can see it now. Natalie with an afro. Gosh, it sounds really amusing doesn't it? Yeah, I'll put my hair in curlers tonight and see what happens. I'll make sure I provide photographic evidence.
Speak to you soon, if I survive my French Oral that is
Back again (again again) !
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Apr 28, 2004
Currently listening to: 'Nothing rhymed' with Gilbert O'Sullivan. "Will I glance at my screen and see real human beings/starve to death right in front of my eyes" How silly it is to put that anti-copy thing on CDs so I can't play them on a computer; That's where I play 80 % of all my music! I don't copy them! Right now I'm listening to my 'Berry vest of O'Sullivan' album on my beat-up DiscMan which I thought I would never use again, and which only plays on the right channel. When I get home I will have to copy the CD to a MiniDisc analogue-style - and I didn't intend to ever copy it, but now I have to! Why?!
Alright, rant over.
"Well the weather is wonderful here. We're well and truly into the Summer."
*Frowns and makes a slow hissing sound through clenched teeth* Here we've had nothing but rain for a week And it isn't even that wonderful "cats-and-dogs" type of rain, it's just forever "spitting" rain every five minutes. At least the trees are becoming green again, and each time I see a new type of flower of the year I pick it for my mum, like I used to when I was six years old. I always become very cheery and likeable (well, slightly more likeable then) when spring comes - coincidentally, this is the time let people borrow the most money from me
"my teacher actually made me put up some of, in my opinion, the worst work I've ever done"
Teachers are strange that way, aren't they? But who knows, maybe she represents the simpler-minded audience, which can't recognise fine art like us with our peculiar tastes? But anyway, I don't believe your art is that bad - I suspect if I had seen it, I would refuse to talk to you again out of sheer jealousy. I haven't got a creative bone in my body, sometimes I feel like all I do is imitate others Tomorrow I have to put together my Design portifolio for my upcoming Exam - and almost everybody got much better works than me...
Well, my hair is recovering - I bleached it one more time, and now I got a bright, slightly carroty red. It was maybe a big jump from raven-black, but it helped my mood and I feel a bit brighter now. Though some of the air-heads at school was shocked I could so clearly be dying it - and didn't spend eight months gradually colouring so "nobody would notice". Heh, I'm a blonde who dyed her hair black and then red - how could nobody notice that?
I've been careless and now have a huge crush on a friend and classmate, so I'm exploring the highs and lows of that feeling. I don't know anybody who's more hopeless with this business, and I'm utterly helpless in what to do with it Tell him straight forward? Keep sending out my pathetic signals? Send him an anonymous note? Ugh, I'm pathetic. The last time I had a crush on a classmate, a friend of mine with more guts snapped him up because I didn't dare to, and I was left bitter and annoyed over myself. Isn't there a fool-proof manual or a button to push or something?
I better go now, I've used twenty minutes of my Media class already - I'm not in the mood for working today, and I'm putting it off as long as I'm able to I'll probably be spending my day surfing songlyrics and staring awkwardly at the lad.
Key: Complain about this post
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- 601: Tilly - back in mauve (Jan 8, 2004)
- 602: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Jan 11, 2004)
- 603: Tilly - back in mauve (Jan 15, 2004)
- 604: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Jan 18, 2004)
- 605: Tilly - back in mauve (Jan 22, 2004)
- 606: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Jan 28, 2004)
- 607: Tilly - back in mauve (Jan 29, 2004)
- 608: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Feb 2, 2004)
- 609: Tilly - back in mauve (Feb 4, 2004)
- 610: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Feb 13, 2004)
- 611: Tilly - back in mauve (Feb 20, 2004)
- 612: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Feb 23, 2004)
- 613: Tilly - back in mauve (Feb 26, 2004)
- 614: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Mar 9, 2004)
- 615: Tilly - back in mauve (Mar 17, 2004)
- 616: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Mar 23, 2004)
- 617: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Apr 5, 2004)
- 618: Tilly - back in mauve (Apr 10, 2004)
- 619: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Apr 24, 2004)
- 620: Tilly - back in mauve (Apr 28, 2004)
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