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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Oct 14, 2003
Currently listening to: Just random things – I’m playing off all the soundfiles that has lost theirselves on my computer. Right now it’s ‘Mrs. Robinson’. “Look around you, all you see is sympathetic eyes… Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home.”
Hmm, this is possibly the fourth time I try to write here – I kept getting puzzled when the text kept disappearing from the box, each time I turned my back. That is, until I found out that little Missy, sitting on the desk looking at me with such adoring eyes, has learned to bat the ‘Delete’ button - frustrating feline that she is. She can’t be content with just chewing on the pencil when I’m trying to take notes, oh no, now she is adapting to new media! Only in my family could such a super-intelligent animal evolve…
“Yes! I admit it! I liked the Backstreet Boys!”
Oh dear, I don’t know how to react to this *Puts arm to forehead in standard “woman in distress” pose* But what the hey, let’s say forgiven and forgotten! You’ll keep my secret and you’ll keep mine. After all, there was a half-a-year in the confused nineties my bedroom was adorned with Hanson-posters
You’ll be amazed of how impulsive and brave I was last Thursday! I’ll tell you, I… I… I bought socks with vertical blue stripes! No, not that I was growing so nostalgic for the “good old days” at Løkenåsen, I actually popped in after school to meet my teachers again
Or actually, a considerable time was spent lurking outside school, talking to myself (“Should I? What if..?”) And once inside, I met a lot of them old guys (quite many, frankly, I hadn’t thought about since) and of course the main Prof. And the beauty of it was that he hadn’t changed one bit since I last saw him (some five months now), ‘cause then I would feel I was missing out on something, but no – the same haircut, same smile, same jacket and cleanly shaven as always – as I can guarantee after three hugs and two kisses on the cheek from him
We talked for quite a bit (as he was avoiding a staff meeting to the best of his ability) and we both expressed how we missed eachother’s creative input.
Ah, it brings a smile to my face just telling you about it, and now I feel much better And you thought you’d escape my Prof.obsession, hah! You can comfort yourself it doesn’t surface as often anymore
Or just hit me over the head with something if you're getting sick of it.
I’m staying home from school today due to a headache earlier today, and I should really be studying hard to tomorrow’s major test in typography But there’s all these things coming between me and my study books, mostly because I’m bored to tears (“We categorize the grotesque styles in four – the one’s with small x-height…”) So most of the day has been spent on playing with Photoshop.
Well, I should return to my minuscles and analyze those versalls (which I realize is probably named something else in English, but frankly, the subject doesn’t interest me enough to look it up in the dictionary)
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Oct 21, 2003
"When I took office, only high energy physicists had ever heard of what is called the Worldwide Web.... Now even my cat has its own page."
-Bill Clinton (1946 - )
Currently listening to: "no, you don't" by NIN. "baby's got a problem, tries so hard to hide, got to keep it on the surface, because everything else is dead on the other side..."
Well this is going to have to be a quick post. I can't write much at the moment. I'm supposed to be making dinner but I got distracted by an unused computer *grin*
Same old teacher eh? Lucky you. At least you can go back and visit. My favourite teacher has disappeared. Nobody knows where he's gone, and I'm missing him way more than I should. It's hard when you meet someone on the same wave length and then they just go. It's possibly one of the hardest things in the world. I know just how you feel.
*laughs quietly* Hanson? Ahem. I think that's slightly worse... but who am I to judge. Ahem. Ah dear, we both have terrible secrets that need to be hidden. I won't tell anyone as long as you grant me the same promise.
Well I've just had our teacher/student interviews. It's where our teachers say how well we're doing in a certain subject and then ask us if we intend to keep on doing the subject. My teachers were generally positive, and I don't think I got a single bad comment. Except for the lack of work I seem to put in... but then again, it's true, so I can't complain.
I'd better go. I haven't listened to the second half of the CD and I need to get started on this pasta.
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Oct 26, 2003
Currently listening to: Myself humming 'Sixteen tons'. Me and Tine slept over at Daniel's last night (as my mum is travelling abroad) and he let me record some songs from his LPs to my MiniDisc "When you see me comin' better step aside. A lot of men didn't - a lot of men died..."
"I won't tell anyone as long as you grant me the same promise."
Deal! *Speaks in solemn tone* We are now bound in our immortal promise to eachother. A promise that will last beyond the Rocky Mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and Ringo Starr's nose. As is said, is done *Makes mysterious ritual sign*
"My teachers were generally positive, and I don't think I got a single bad comment."
Way to go Nate dahling We're going to have similiar things in my class soon, and I'm wondering what they think of me now, knowing nothing of my "past"
Up to this point all my teachers have had access to my files and my former teachers' reviews (Reviews?
"A magnificent cast and wondrous dance coordination made Tilde a top-rated show!") but as I've now come to so-called "optional" school, no files have been sent to Skedsmo. So for once I won't get those "I read you were bullied at school all those years ago, how do you feel now?" questions
Ugh, I got a major task till tomorrow, and my minds completely blank! No teacher will see it, but I promised my working group to have it done, so now it feels much worse if I don't have it ready. We're making reality TV show setting in English, and my group is based on our equal hate of reality shows - so let's just say we're making some quite sadistic plans for the fools who'd want to sign up on this. It's called 'Deceptive Habitat' as the poor contestants will never know when they will be waked up in the middle of the night to move to a different location (like, from a mansion to a damp cave in one night)
And winning a contest in our show doesn't necessarily mean something good will happen to you, as the winner of one particular game will be sent for a packet of wine gum we've hidden somewhere, and as the guy is out looking for it, everyone else packs up their things and scamper out of there to a new location. Whoops, the winner is out of the game
*Laughs evilly* I think it's a rather refreshing show, but I would no doubt kill myself is someone saw it fit for TV... And my task till tomorrow is mapping out the last episode, but my storage of sadistic evil seems to be temporarily exhausted.
Sorry, I'm babbling so much about the show we're making, but as our school days are spent with little else, there's not very much else to talk about. And oh! *Slaps forehead* I've forgotten to eat breakfast today! How on earth am I able to do that, I've been starving all night.
Fhoublef! (="Toodles" with mouth full of buttered toast)
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Nov 4, 2003
"They were the most depressing group of people Yossarian had ever been with. They were always in high spirits. They laughed at everything."
-Catch 22
Currently listening to: my extensive use of vocabulary. I'm calling g2 all the words I can think of at the moment. This is the second time it has lost a posting and me walk off unawares. So sorry about that again!
Well I've just had my year photo taken. Guess how long it took? 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes...? No. IT TOOK ONE HOUR AND TEN MINUTES. 1 hour and 10 minutes! Can you believe that? How long does it take to press a button? Not only did I have to stand right at the back, but the man who took the photo was incessantly cheerful and told me to "cheer up! It's a school photo!" I then glared even more and he responded ".... maybe not then." Things got even worse. I had to stand behind the popular girls. All they said, for the entire hour was
"So, should I smile, or should I not?" and did various examples for their friends to judge. IRRITATING. Only slightly.
Anyway. I'll show you the final product when I get it back. You can see who I am by the nervous twitch.
Ach, I have to go now. I just start to reply and I have to go. Ah well. No matter. I'll try and make the next one longer. Sorry (again)
PS. Brilliant idea for the reality TV show! So good I may have to steal it...
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Nov 6, 2003
Currently listening to: Well, I'm on the school computer and am sick of searching for music on Google, so I've used my own space on this rock and saved three songs; 'Oh, my love' by John Lennon, 'For the longest time' by Billy Joel, and a bootleg take of the Beatles' 'Hold me tight' where you hear the first line, and the rest is just studio musicians exclaiming "Oh, bloody 'ell!" and "Blast!". I'm really in the need of new music...
One... whole... hour? You mean you had to stand around for a complete hour, waiting for light to penetrate through a shutter and hit a film in a nanosecond? My hamster could have taken a desent snap faster than that... What sort of idiot photographer does your school employ? But you anyway, please e-mail me a scan of the product when you get it, and I'll promise you I'll do the same when we get back our 'sexy secretaries'-themed class photo (before I burn it
Ugh, I'm bored to tears I haven't been able to make any progress on the colour brochure I'm making, as I haven't got any photos. I have to analyze the whole ROGGBIF-list (Wait, that isn't the same thing in English! Well, all the rainbow colours anyway) and what the
can I say about indigo? Nobody ever says, "Oh, what a nice indigo skirt!" It's a word and colour completely ignored, and I have to make a complete page dedicated to it.
All I've got left to do on the brochure, is taking a couple of example photos ("Here's a RED sign, look at the GREEN leaves"), which I have to do after school. Still an hour to go before I reach that freedom though. And meanwhile there's absolutely NOTHING I can occupy myself with, which is why I've stealed away to h2g2.
My mood is running wild these days. I may be extremely depressed and feel like nothing is never going to be right again, and then unexpectedly feel like I've got the world on a string. For about ten minutes, then I'm all down again. I want OUT of this CLASSROOM, damnit! It depresses me extremely Especially when I don't even have any work to dive into...
Oh, wait. We're allowed home earlier today, as the teacher's got a staff meating. Wahoo!
G'day and Toodles
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Nov 10, 2003
Well, hi. I heard you were going through a rough time, and I'd just like to hear how you're doing... You certainly helped me earlier this year when I lost my favourite uncle to cancer, and I would love to help you out in any way you'd want me to
Well, it seems like your original journal thread made some unpleasant stirs *Cough, cough* So if you'd want to talk about it, or even don't wish to talk about it (feeling its none of my business), I'm still here.
*Not sure exactly what to say but trying*
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Nov 11, 2003
I really do appreciate it, and don't for a minute think I don't. I've been having a rough time at the moment, who knows, it's probably all down to hormones. Maybe everything that I think is so bad isn't really. Just overreacting. It sure doesn't seem like it.
I can't eat. I just want to sleep all the time. I feel like being sick. It's so hard to cope with what I'm feeling so I'll try anything to escape it. I'm fatigued. Every day it's a struggle to get out of bed. I just can't find anything to motivate me.
I've been trying to socialise, anything that might lift my spirits. My friends aren't exectly reassuring so the socialising isn't helping. So I've just thrown myself into school work and sleeping. It's all I do at the moment. Right now I can't talk to anyone without being offended by them or something they say. I think I've lost all patience with the human species.
It's really nice to know that some people care about me. I don't seem to be getting any sympathy from anyone else, so it really does help. The people over here at my end just don't seem to notice. If they do notice they don't care. Shame that.
I'll have to speak soon, I need to print off my 4 page essay on the marriages in Pride and Prejudice (we're only up to Elizabeth and Darcy so it's nowhere near finished)
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Nov 15, 2003
Well, it's allright - I'm feeling utterly useless these days too, but I hope you're starting to feel better. And I'm thinking I shouldn't ask you too many questions about your down period if you don't feel like talking about it, because I tend to hate people prodding in my personal life each time I'm avoiding them, unwishing to dissect all my worries. Sometimes I just leave them alone and wait until the numbness disappear from my mind. It's not exactly what we've learned at school with all our "coping with blues" sessions, but it usually works for me.
So anyway, drifting off there, like I usually do. I just hope you're getting over this bleak period Nate dear Hope at least you got someone you feel like talking to, so you don't have to cope with whatever your problem is all alone. We got this marvellous Counsellour at our school who's always there with sympathies and fudge - there's never any fuzz going to him, and I should hope your school got something like that too. The best spent money our school has ever used, I'd say.
Well, I should go now. Tonight's the premier of the show 'Musical magic/Magical music', mainly of my mother's production. She's coaxed me into talking on three acts, and I'm a nervous wreck. First singing 'Obladi-oblada' and 'Aquarius', and then I'll make my debut at tapdancing to 'Singin' in the rain'. The worst thing, however, is the attitude to the fellow musicians and performers - for some reason they're freezing me out, and ignoring all the work my mother has put into this. There's only three performances, and I wouldn't be surprised if I never took on a soloist part on one of these things again - I just can't cope with the low spirits and cymisism. Never a word of praise or a helpful comment, I tell you
Anyway, it seems we all got problems. I'm just hoping the snow soon will fall and cover up all the rotten leaves and dead grass...
True, it's a shame no one is there to notice people having problems. It just makes on paranoid and hurt. I really hope you feel like you're handling this
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Nov 20, 2003
I hope everything went well for you. My advice is don't take any criticism if it isn't constructive. I know how rude people can be and the best thing you can do is learn to ignore stupid comments. If they're going to blank you, that just goes to show how immature they are. If they don't appreciate all the work your Mother put into it, I suggest they take a lesson in appreciation.
Sorry it took me so long to reply, I haven't felt up to writing a massive reply recently. The only long peice of writing I did on g2 was my complaint about my school sudden take on americanisation.
Well I'm taking this all a step at a time. Each day is a victory as far as I am concerned. Sadly we don't have a good counsellor. We do have one, she's just no good. I'd dearly love to kick her in the sharries but I don't have the energy. I could go on for an hour about how terrible each session was, but I got to miss lessons so I can't complain that much.
Not much happening over here. I dyed my hair, bought a jumper and some trainers (all of the above, black)... I'm having a friend to stay over tommorow, in a desperate attempt to cheer me up by my parents, which will be good. She's the only person I can talk to about anything of any consequence. We tend to stay up all night talking about life, the universe and everything. We always end up talking until the early hours, it's a nice change.
It's stupid, we get all these talks on Teen Pregnancy and Contraception, yet they don't talk to us about depression and things that are actually likely to affect us. I think the government has its priorities in the wrong place, instead of spending all this money on educating us about condoms and their proper use, they should be giving us advice on how to cope with depression. I know people who are also frequent self abusers and another handful of people who are or have been severely depressed. These are just people who I know, either I attract manic depressants or a lot of teenagers are having difficulties coping.
Ah well. I'll speak soon, I feel like having a quick sleep on the sofa. Ta ta.
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Nov 24, 2003
Currently listening to: 'Oh what a night' by Billy Joel.
Well, the shows went good - I'm thanking all gods we had our last performance yesterday with as many as SEVEN members of the audience. Ah yes, with a hall to room a couple of hundred viewers, I sang and danced to seven lucky people, all of which were family members of musicians Not good for anyone's ego, I'm certain. Anyway, it was a good show, even though it didn't attract many viewers - and I still recieve my payment.
I know what you mean about the wrongly prioritized (er, my dictionary is misplaced) education focus - at least I've had nearly as many projects on mental problems as sex at the school's I've been at (although I've had the same project twice at two different schools). I know several people with severe depressions, but the school system is still completely helpless as to what they can do with these...
Well, I'm feeling almost content now, even though our trademark winter is upon us; The snow is ancle deep already But still, it brights up outside and makes everything look less dead... And it reminds me I should start up on stacking up Christmas presents - it would be wonderful to not run like a maniac through the shops minutes before closing time. You know I read an interesting article in the newspaper Dagbladet the other day, about how we seem to keep buying bigger and more expencive presents because we feel it's our duty, rather than something we do because we want to show our appreciation.
Anyway, I must go now - my math homework won't equate on it's own, you know
Wishing you good day
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Nov 30, 2003
"Good evening. Here is the News for parrots. No parrots were involved in an accident on the M1 today, when a lorry carrying high octane fuel was in collision with a bollard ... that is a bollard and not a parrot"
- MP's Flying Circus, episode 20
Currently listening to: myself humming the tune to an advert I saw years ago... "My baby all gone, she makes it all gone..."... Yes, that is an advert for a doll.. Just be glad I'm not singing the advert for baby wee wee. *shudder*
Ugh, I don't know if you've ever encountered Baby Wee Wee, but it has to be the greatest atrocity in the history of toy design. It's a baby doll, complete will full working male genitalia.. Ahem. May I quote from a website selling the thing?
"He drinks from his bottle and walks towards you calling Mummy, wee wee! when he needs his potty so he can have a wee."
Doesn't that sound hideous? I am sickened. I think there may be several sorts of Baby Wee Wee in circulation. I'm starting to fear for the children who will recieve these for Christmas. They should offer free counselling with every purchase.
Aww Don't worry about it. It's character building, just because only a couple of people showed up, when you're a famous dancer/musician you'll just look back and laugh at all those poor people who missed an opportunity to see you on stage.
*goes into a panic* B*llocks! I'd completely forgotten about christmas! It's sneaked up on me again, every year I forget and end up running around in a blind panic. Hmm. I'll have to spend my weekend doing some shopping. Either that or I get everyone packets of Polo's... again.
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Dec 3, 2003
Currently listening to: Åsmund (a classmate who's very cool, by the way) playing music from the Norwegian cult TV serie 'The Julekalender' The whole serie created its own form of lingo when it was shown a couple of years ago, by mixing up the Norwegian and English language, forever screwing up both languages for my generation. The music is quite catchy though, written and performed by the parody band Travellin' Strawberries, who also play the lead in the series. Anyway, enough information for today
Baby Wee Wee Yes, I remember something like that advertised on the TV - it's not exactly something you exclaim "Aw, how cute!" at when you first see it. I remember when I was a little girl, there was a doll you could feed a sort of porridge, and you got it back in the proper atonomical way as well
No wonder why I was a tomboy, and still refuse to buy such things to my nieses.
Ugh, I got to finish a poster for Design class today It's supposed to be a movie poster in Victorian style... Mention the last time you saw a movie poster in that particularly disorganised, not-used-for-a-hundred-years style
At least my group tried to make it as weird as possible, making it a thriller with Kiefer Sutherland (young version mind you
) called 'The Gidlock killers'. I've been snapping pictures of a knife with chokolate sauce splattered all over the last few days... Ah, after all the work I've gone through with the poster, I expect nothing less than Mr. Sutherland will starr in the movie
Huh, imagine that request letter to his manager
Well, for once I actually started with Christmas presents before December - although they were just worthless knick knacks... And after school today I'm going to get some more, including one for you And hey, a copy of the Private Eye would be great, as I can't get hold of one in my current country
I should return to my poster now - and then I have to prepare my talk on Victorianism So goodbye for now
P.S.: I just like to brag about my group's reality TV concept was voted the best of the Media classes *Victorious dance*
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Dec 11, 2003
"Outside the hospital the war was still going on. Men went mad and were rewarded with medals."
-Catch 22
Currently listening to: NIN 'Burn'... "this world rejects me, this world threw me away, this world never gave me a chance, this world's gonna have to pay"
Well I'm back. Every time I've sat down to write a reply I've either been kicked off the computer or had to leave. It looks like the same is about to happen soon. So this might be short. Sorry
Well, you'll never guess who I saw. Think... Ex Monty Python person... think... man with tape recorder up his nose... think traveller... think... initials MP.... Yup, that narrowed it down. I met Micheal Palin. He's soo nice. It was at a book signing, he signed my book and I said hello and something stupid, but he was so nice. He didn't once tell me to get lost or to shut up. Aww What a nice man.
In other news, I had an accident with some dye Yeeah, well, I didn't really read the bottle. I thought it was black, but it turned out to be blue black. More blue than black it would appear. Hmm, so that was a shock for everyone concerned!
Erk. Got to go. I'm being kicked off.
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Dec 14, 2003
Currently listening to: My mum getting ready to leave - I've agreed to go along on some Christmas shopping and I'm dreading to leave Everybody's so stressed out on these things... Anyway, I'll try to finish this message before she pulls me out of the chair.
Wow! You met Michael Palin? That's really
! And you got him to sign your book - aw, I bet that copy will become your family heirloom, with your grandchildren sitting around you, eyes beaming as you show it to them and tell the story for the eleventh time
No, that's probably just how I'd like my future family to be like. Not fair - this means two people I know have met ex-Pythons (my mum once bumped into John Cleese in Oslo) And at least I take your friends recognise the name Monty Python when you say it? Then you are lucky, my friend
I was making a point of MP to my friends the other day, only to be met by sheer confusion "Monty... Py-thon?" YEs, my near and dears haven't heard of them!
Oh dear - dye accidents, we've all been there. Well, to comfort you - I use the blue-black dye, because in the right lightning, it looks REALLY black were usual black dye would look more grey... Um, if that made sense.
Ugh, just one more week to go (thank Bog I'm finished with all my tests and exams) and then there's the lovely Christmas holiday. I surprised myself when I realised I looked more forward to the practical holiday (sleeping in, not have any pressing tasks to do) rather than the Christmas season. And I'm way behind on the present-shopping as well. I have no idea what I'm buying relatives. *Sigh* It will probably be the same "running-frantically-through-empty-shops-in-the-last-minute" ordeal.
Well, I gotta go to the Christmas marked - talk to you later
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Dec 17, 2003
-John Cooper Clarke
Currently listening to: ‘Kontroll På Kontinentet’... I got your present yesterday and I've been unable to get online for long enough and say thank you After a great deal of consideration I decided to open it, you know how hard it is not to open a Christmas present before Christmas Day! I'm really glad I did! It's a fantastic CD, you're right! As for the Lefser, I haven't tried it yet, I'm still puzzling over how to approach it
I put your present in the post a couple of days ago, it should get there on time according to my Dad. So if it doesn't, you know who to blame.
Actually, if your present doesn't get there on time, blame me. It's my fault for putting off the Christmas shopping for as long as possible. I decided to do it all in one evening, needless to say it didn't work out as I had planned. I still have another... 1, 2, 4.... 5 presents to buy for family members… and I still have to get some for friends. Why couldn't I just have no friends and be an orphan… Christmas would be so much simpler.
Aaaaargh! One more full day of school, I don't think I can handle the suspense! We do have to go in on Friday, but it's only the first lesson and then the 6th form play (which is always awful but still better than Maths) and then we 'tidy up the school' for the next hour, which means draw on the blackboard and use up all our form teachers board pens. We also get to wear our own clothes, and afterwards a couple of friends and myself will be going to a restaurant to celebrate our last ever Christmas together at our school. Sarah's going to college to take a GNVQ in childcare, Lucy will be going to another school to take her A-levels, and the rest of us will be in separate classes. *sniff* It's so sad, this is the last Christmas we'll have together. Well, to make up for it, we're all going to stay by the sea over new years, just the 4 of us. It'll be great. We'll have the whole house to ourselves, can't wait!
Actually I know someone who thought Monty Python was actually a person (I've actually known three). Ahem. Since then, they've gone on to become massively obsessed with them, which is slightly irritating. My Dad was a massive Python fan, but when everyone else started to like them, he suddenly decided he didn't anymore. In fact the other day he said
"Monty Python has never been funny"
Which I know is a dirty great big lie, as last week I found not one, but TWO Monty Python books in the attic.
Well, I'd better go. I have some Art course work to finish off. It was due in today, but since I wasn't at school, it was impossible to hand in. I've just realised all my work is at school! Oh dear, it gets worse and worse!
Ta ta
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Dec 18, 2003
Currently listening to: Queen Laitifah, strangely; 'When you're good to Mama'...
Seriously, you like Kaizers? Wonderful I was hoping you would like it, as so very few of my closest friends actually do. Yeah, they are a bit different, aren't they? Personally I like the song 'Rullett' best for some reason - it got that kind of dark atmosphere I adore. Before I came to h2g2 this evening I first notised your MSN nick and thought "Hmm... That sounded familiar somehow
...", so you found a translation, then?
Well, still haven't gotten your present, but don't worry - the Norwegian customs are, as I told you, really awful. Sometimes, when I order music and movies from abroad, the things get stuck in the customs for so long I suspect the workers are making copies for themselves before sending it on...
Ugh, I'm really late on the Christmas shopping still - I got hordes to buy, but I've promised I'll go tomorrow. Thankfully my friends have agreed to only give eachother Christmas cards this year, so now I'm finished with writing them I only got my family to worry about. Not to mention the other day I had to get a book present for my mother's friend's 12 year-old daughter - ah! An impressionable youth, and I had to find a suitable book. Well, I eventually got her a collection of Roald Dahl's most grotesque horror stories - we'll see if my mother's friend will ever talk to me again
I'm so thankful over how easy this last week has been. Just eay, fun classes, like when Mr Holm ordered us to go out and look at the stars in the middle of Math And today all we had to do was meet up at noon and bowl with the whole class - and I won! Tomorrow all we have to do is meet up at ten o'clock, listen to the principal do his usual Christmas speech, and then exchange cards and eat lots of candy (I'm bringing two bags) and then it's finished. I should really be in a Christmas play parody of Sleeping Beauty, but as the title lead is not coming tomorrow, I hardly believe there'll be a performance. A shame really, as it was such a painfully funny plot we had problem writing it down as we made it up, because we were laughing so hard
I should tell you the whole plot some time.
Right, I'll speak to you soon - I have to finish the last few Christmas cards
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Dec 22, 2003
Currently listening to: 'Bliss' by Muse... I haven't listened to this CD in aaaggges. Crikey, I've forgotten how good it is.
Well, we've just put our tree up. *satisfied smile* Yup, I decorated it myself, I'm not saying it looks good, merely that I ruined it all by my myself. I still don't feel Christmassy! ARGH. I want to be all jolly and in the spirit of things,
This is a momentous occasion... brace yourself! I have only one more present to buy! Amazing huh? Sadly it's for my Father. I know what he wants, but sadly I don't at the same time, if you see what I mean. He's told me he wants a CD. He knows which one it is. But he doesn't know what it looks like or what it's called. GREAT. I eventually managed to extract the fact that the label it's on is Hed Kandi. So. That's a start. I've found a list of CD's on that label and now all I have to do is... figure out which one it is
This man will be the death of me.
Sorry about the shortness of the post, I've been kicked off the computer. Which is irritating not only because I'm going deaf in my right ear and am in a bad mood, but also because I haven't finished working out which CD Geoff wants. Ugh. Well, if I don't speak to you before the day, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope your present gets there, and I hope you like it.
Back again !
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Dec 25, 2003
Currently listening to: Tine practising her ukulele I bought her for Christmas, complete with a drawing of Paul McCartney on the back.
Oh yes, Merry Christmas! - I've been unable to get online for a period, but here I am!
So, tell me all about how your Christmas've been Did you get the things you wished for? Did all guests behave well? Did anybody get drunk and pass out under the sofa? Sorry, I need to talk to someone outside my family, as it's customary not to leave the house or bother friends on the 25th (since all celebrating is done on the 24th, everybody is theoretically having major hang-overs
Oh, and thank you for the gifts! The package arrived just in time, so I opened it with my others. Well, I've read the Private Eye copy from cover to cover, whilst sitting in a corner giggling maniacally - it really was hilarious, though some of the names were lost on me
I really wish we had magazines like that in Norway, but alas I guess the mags over here are too regulated. Oh, and the Clockwork Orange picture sure managed to freak out my relatives
It's already up on my wall. My brother's eyes seemed to light up when I unpacked the racing cars ("What luck! There are TWO cars in here - come on, Tilde!") and we've already had several family matches. So yeah; Thanks, they were great gifts!
Trust me to have a touch of the flu at Christmas time All the great food taste exactly nothing to me, and I've been so very ill I haven't been able to try out as much gifts as I was hoping to. Among other things I've gotten authentic Beatles bubble-gum cards from the sixties
, two major boxes of After-Eights
, a Renè Magritte calendar, and the latest technical gadget from my brother: A digital camra so small you can hide it in the palm of one hand
And of course, enough money to by certain things I didn't get, like the two remainig Sandman-books I haven't read
So I've had a pretty good Christmas celebration - it was our first Christmas with all new partners present: Mum with Trond (of course no surprise there - he lives with us) and dad with his girlfriend, Kari (she seemed very nice). It all went much better than I'd have ever expected - for once, it didn't feel embarassing or unnatural, in some strange way
So anyway, enough of me - I'll hopefully hear from you soon enough, and then you can tell me how it all went with you. And once again, thanks for the gifts
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Tilly - back in mauve Posted Dec 28, 2003
Sorry, now I've come down again from illness and exhaustion , I will add a few things which might have confused you in my preivous post
In case you wondered at my comments on the little toy car, I forgot to mention to you that my brother had also recieved a little racing car, from Tine, and although they were slightly different, we had some races. So my bad, in case you were frantically asking yourself, "How on earth could they race eachother with one toy car?"
Well, I'll have a look on other boards to see if I might have goofed up some other posts after my little high on Christmas food and cough serum
Move right along now
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R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Jan 5, 2004
Currently listening to: Next door screaming and shouting. ARGH!
Well, this is going to have to be really quick! I have to make dinner, do some revision, sort out my course work and school bag then get myself to bed without collapsing!
I'm sorry I haven't been on much, tommorow is the start of the mock exams, I'm going to be taking two weeks study leave, I have two weeks of non stop exams starting tommorow, on my birthday (20th Jan, in case you were wondering
) I have a day long Science practical!
I'm really glad that Christmas went well! You had a great new year too? I hope you liked your present. I was slightly confused as to how one mini could race itself. I had a mental image of one of you with a licence plate and crawling along side the mini as it sped off
We went to my friend's holiday home by the beach (freezing cold it was) and stayed there by ourselves for four days. It was great. We bought wine, chocolate, nice food. It was a brilliant holiday. Apart from one small incident. My friend had a tub of beans poured over her head by this boy who was trying to pick a fight with us. She's normally really quiet and calm but she flew at this boy and punched him, kicked him and tore his coat. It was amazing! I won't tell you the ins and outs of the story as it would take forever. I might make a journal entry. It was that good!
I'd better go. I need to figure out this tempremental pressure cooker we have
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- 581: Tilly - back in mauve (Oct 14, 2003)
- 582: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Oct 21, 2003)
- 583: Tilly - back in mauve (Oct 26, 2003)
- 584: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Nov 4, 2003)
- 585: Tilly - back in mauve (Nov 6, 2003)
- 586: Tilly - back in mauve (Nov 10, 2003)
- 587: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Nov 11, 2003)
- 588: Tilly - back in mauve (Nov 15, 2003)
- 589: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Nov 20, 2003)
- 590: Tilly - back in mauve (Nov 24, 2003)
- 591: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Nov 30, 2003)
- 592: Tilly - back in mauve (Dec 3, 2003)
- 593: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Dec 11, 2003)
- 594: Tilly - back in mauve (Dec 14, 2003)
- 595: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Dec 17, 2003)
- 596: Tilly - back in mauve (Dec 18, 2003)
- 597: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Dec 22, 2003)
- 598: Tilly - back in mauve (Dec 25, 2003)
- 599: Tilly - back in mauve (Dec 28, 2003)
- 600: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Jan 5, 2004)
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