Journal Entries
Milla is Hypocondriac
Posted May 19, 2015
Or not even that, really, maybe
I keep feeling that I'm not quite right, or don't quite fit in the world. So I keep reading things, and taking online tests and so on.
One thing has felt really good, looking at MBTI type things. And this one fits me really well:
But then I also look at Asperger's tendencies. I *know* I'm not severe in any way, if even that. But there are times when I can't seem to communicate what I mean or how I feel to people. So, maybe to a slight degree. Or, it's just normal to feel inadequate at times. But how many times is a significicant number?
And I stumbled across Highly Sensitive Person things - and some of it fits with the INFP thing, others not so much. I do get exhausted from too many people in a crowd, noisy places, noisy places with several conversations at once , visual noise (shopping centers with all the colours and impressions and different styles of each shop, for example). So, to some degree, this too. Or not. Maybe I'm just difficult.
Next, I worry about hypothyroidism. Of course. And I wonder how many of the symptoms you should check off before being taken seriously. Half? A third? 75%? And of these?
Again, I don't have all the symptoms. Of the ones I would say "YES, that I have" I think most are low grade. And then there's the slow weight gain, that just isn't coming off. Low energy, physical and mental. Depressive/dysthymic. Low heart rate, low body temperature. Memory things - short time and working memory are fine, I took a test. But long term? Lots of things are just gone, and it feels horrible to be reminded, and *still* not remembering.
And if it's the hypothyroidism, perhaps that could explain the HSP? Or is that an aspect of INFP?
One thing is for sure though, I spend too much time inside my head.
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Latest reply: May 19, 2015
Happy Boxing Day from Milla
Posted Dec 26, 2014
So, yeah, I also hope that your Christmas was as fun and jolly / quiet / social / delicious as you desired.
We've had a good time too. R and I, and our respective batches of offspring. Delightful company, the young ones!
Also Janssons Frestelse and excellent turkey.
Today I have mostly spent time on cleaning my grandmother's 1950's Electrolux Assistant food processor/mixer, to be able to sell it. And it switches on too, so it works. There must be 50 different parts to grind, slice, mix and grate. I plan to sell it in three lots, I think, one basic baking set with the machine, and then the grinder kit, and the slice/grate kit. So, if anyone fancies a very heavy piece of machinery, give a holler.
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Latest reply: Dec 26, 2014
Milla on the fly
Posted Nov 29, 2014
Almost, that is.
I'm loafing around at home still, waiting to leave. Just got message that the plane is two hours delayed, and have managed to contact people in China to let the driver know - so the poor guy doesn't have to hang around the airport for two extra hours.
Now, I think I need some coffee, and to pack the last few things for my carry-on. Oh, and post that letter which means buying stamps, and maybe hang that load of laundry before someone forgets it and it goes moldy, and check when the vet opens (the cat is coughing badly, but only now and then) and probably another millon ideas...
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Latest reply: Nov 29, 2014
Milla reads journals
Posted Nov 17, 2014
I never feel I have the energy or dedication to make a daily journal so I don't join the najopomo. But I must say it's interesting to read-so many different things, so many new conversations popping up. I wish it could go on more around the year, it's energising to "meet" people, and see more of eachoter's worlds.
We're a bit short of sub-editors, so I'm also trying my hand at that. A good while ago, I edited one that was very long and unformatted, but the recent ones have been interesting reads, and easy to work with. Even in Pliny I find it easy going. But perhaps that's because they are in good shape to start with!
Right, I should make an early night - I have to drive to work at 6:30 in the morning, and I don't like to even leave the house at 8:30... so, wish me luck in waking up in time!
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Latest reply: Nov 17, 2014
Milla hears a Sound
Posted Nov 4, 2014
It sounds a little like a washing machine, humming machiney like, and a steady thump-thump-thumping. Only, I'm on the fourth floor in the hotel, and I don't think that's where they keep washing machines.
Mhmmmmmmm thud thud thud.
It's the threadmills in the gym upstairs. Someone is running. And now going faster! At least that makes more sense, and I can ignore it better.
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Latest reply: Nov 4, 2014
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