Journal Entries

13th April

Well, I go to bed at about 9:00 in the end. Unfortunatley I only got about 2 hours sleep. This was because my flatmate (The one who's pants appeared to be on fire, they weren't but he'd been drinking rather a lot and possibly taking something he shouldn't have), kept going outside to talk to his chums then ringing on our doorbell to let him back in because he's lost his keys, this went on in half hour intervals so everytime I started to drop off to sleep I was given a short sharp shock meaning that eventually I just couldn't sleep because I knew I'd be woken up pretty soon if I did. Eventually we refused to let him back in, which is cruel I know, but it's the only way any of us were going to get any sleep. He went off with one of his friends, I assume (hope) to go to sleep on his floor or something.

Memo to self: Check he's ok.

As a result I'm feeling quite guilty and very tired. Got a long day ahead of me aswell, but as soon as I get back, I'm going to bed.

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Latest reply: Apr 13, 2005

Dear Dairy(milk)

Dear Dairy(milk)

Oh I give up..I'm so tired I can't even remember that I ate the small bar of chocolate I was saving for my lunch tomorrow at lunchtime today. This is absolutley hopeless. I am going to have to do the most "unstudenty" thing I've done in my student life (apart from listening to TA and posting on it's associated messageboard), and get ready for bed at 8:00pm.

But first, I must check on one of my flatmates who is running around like his pants are on fire or something, if only to stop the high-pitched screaming so I will actually be able to sleep. Also, I may discover that his pants actually are on fire, in which case there's no point going to sleep because either the fire alarm will go off or I will be asleep when the whole flat goes up in flames.

PS. Why did Wispers disappear and get replaced by Dairy Milk "Bubbly"? It just isn't the same.

PPS.Ooh, a chocolate bar smiley - choc how handy.

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Latest reply: Apr 12, 2005

O Flower of Scotland...

Tried to go to bed early last night, but was kept being woken by drunken girls screaming and walking past in their clippy cloppy heels. I'm quite a light sleeper so I'm not that surprised, in fact I am programmed to wake up at about 1-2ish as that's when the drunks usually hit the street outside my room, and then fall back asleep again, (that is of course if I'm not one of the party people myself). Last night also featured what sounded like an entire rugby squad singing "Flower of scotland" all in different keys.

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Latest reply: Apr 12, 2005


Well, that went well (the date), he's asked me round for a sunday roast, he'll cook it. Now listening to The Archers via listen again, very useful, I don't think my date would have appreciated it if I'd said "sorry, can't make 7:00, got to listen to The Archers".

Got to be up early again tomorrow...hope I'll get used to it by the end of the week.

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Latest reply: Apr 11, 2005

11th April

Got up at 6:00 today..this is definately not good for me..I'd forgotten life existed at that time of day, but it does, confirmed by the milk delivery van rattling past to the corner shop (The only one I know that is actually on a corner).

Yesterday's task of going for a walk around the city failed miserably when I only managed 5 minutes before I realised that despite the blue skies and sunshine it was actually too cold to be out and about in a T-shirt, surprised my arms didn't go blue and fall off.

Went back inside and "wandered" round here and ML. Think I've kind of got the hang of this place now, but I'm adding every familiar name to my friends list, meaning I'm getting lots of notifications in My Space about everyone's conversations, which is a bit odd. Managed to to all planned revision.

Today's tasks are to give in an essay I spent the holidays writing, and preparing for tonight. Tonight it is my big date (been looking forward to this for weeks), hope it goes well, but if it doesn't never mind eh. Oh, and I have to revise "Keywords" and their definitions today, so tomorrow's entry could contain a lot of geographical terms..ooh I bet you're looking forward to that! smiley - silly

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Latest reply: Apr 11, 2005

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