This is a Journal entry by moo

11th April

Post 1


Got up at 6:00 today..this is definately not good for me..I'd forgotten life existed at that time of day, but it does, confirmed by the milk delivery van rattling past to the corner shop (The only one I know that is actually on a corner).

Yesterday's task of going for a walk around the city failed miserably when I only managed 5 minutes before I realised that despite the blue skies and sunshine it was actually too cold to be out and about in a T-shirt, surprised my arms didn't go blue and fall off.

Went back inside and "wandered" round here and ML. Think I've kind of got the hang of this place now, but I'm adding every familiar name to my friends list, meaning I'm getting lots of notifications in My Space about everyone's conversations, which is a bit odd. Managed to to all planned revision.

Today's tasks are to give in an essay I spent the holidays writing, and preparing for tonight. Tonight it is my big date (been looking forward to this for weeks), hope it goes well, but if it doesn't never mind eh. Oh, and I have to revise "Keywords" and their definitions today, so tomorrow's entry could contain a lot of geographical terms..ooh I bet you're looking forward to that! smiley - silly

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11th April

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