This is a Journal entry by moo


Post 1


Well, that went well (the date), he's asked me round for a sunday roast, he'll cook it. Now listening to The Archers via listen again, very useful, I don't think my date would have appreciated it if I'd said "sorry, can't make 7:00, got to listen to The Archers".

Got to be up early again tomorrow...hope I'll get used to it by the end of the week.


Post 2


How exciting moo! I'm glad it went well, that feeling of excitement and anticipation is luvverly, good luck for the roast!

Niff smiley - smiley


Post 3


oomchi, so pleased you enjoyed the date and didn't he get you home nice and early.

Will there be roast spuds as well and would you like a friend to come with you. Just to chaperone and taste the food for you of course.

smiley - biggrin


Post 4


I expect there will be. I'll try and remember to bring you one back, then ruin my internet connection by shoving a potato down the hole thing.

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