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Right then.. this may or may not be right, but it is what I understand to be correct.

There was a bloke called Avery and he classified soil in the UK into the following big groups:

Brown Earth. This is, as it's name suggests, brown, although some of it can be on the greyey side. This type doesn't usually have any particularly defined horizons, the colour change is gradual. This is fertile land.

Podzols. (My personal fave because I like the name). These are acidic and sometimes have a bleached horizon. They have a zone where iron and aluminium build up. This is not as fertile soil.

Gleys. These are grey/blue in colour, and water affects their structure (they are "hydromorphic"). They're are anaerobic bacteria in this soil and that is why they are the colour they are. These soils can be quite fertile, but they need to be drained.

Peats are made of organic matter which has all accumulated in waterlogged conditions (anaerobic).

Lithomorphic soils are shallow soils which are used mostly for grazing. They have a large bedrock, and the top layer can be eroded easily if mismanaged. Useless for growing crops in.

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Latest reply: May 8, 2005

7th May 2005

Well the world didn't end on Thursday so I had to do my exam after all. I think (hope) it went ok. 1 down 4 to go, and the nastier ones are out of the way first.

I voted by post and was a bit worried if they'd actually got my vote or not, but my Dad saw that my name (under his on the list) had been crossed off implying that I had voted, so all was well and good.

Stayed up on Thursday with my boyfriend and some of his friends watching the election. It was made a lot more bearable by turning it into a sort of party thing with food and drinks. Lots of immature innuendo about Peter Snow and his swingy thing helped too. Gave up at 3 and went to sleep as it was becoming obvious that Labour were going to win. Don't actually support Labour, but they're the best option out of the 2 parties that could have won in my opinion.

Morning came, lovely sunny day, checked my local MP was still my local MP (yup), went out food shopping. Spent the rest of the day revising and popping my head round the door of The Bull before going over to boyfriend's and making his whole flat dinner because I couldn't let them have microwave meals AGAIN.

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Latest reply: May 7, 2005

Asparagus (30/4/05)

Bought some asparagus today from the market, no idea how to cook it though so I'm just checking how to cook it with the aid of google.

Went to "health" food shop to get some lavender oil, it's pretty strong smelling stuff, I expect the whole of the exam hall will become relaxed with just 2-3 drops!

Um..that's about it, other than revision, but this journal would get a bit dull if I told you everything I'd revised (this morning it was slope failure, in case you were interested). Best go get book out now-"fluvial forms and processes" I'm sure it will be an exciting read.

Oh, before I go, anyone seen the new 50p? It's got a load of writing all over it which seems to be a dictionary definition of "Fifty" and "Pence", I saw it on a poster in the post office.


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Latest reply: Apr 30, 2005


It's exam panic time. Every time I have exams, no matter how prepared I am for them, I go into a mad panic. I'm fine once I get in the exam hall as I have the actual questions to fill up my mind it's just the time leading up to it. Let's face it, not many people do actually enjoy them! I get feelings that something bad will happen while I'm in the exam hall, or during the exam period. This is probably because one of my grandparents died during an exam period (Just to clarify, I was the one taking the exam, not him!) and as one of my other grandparents is not in the best of health right now I guess I fear a repeat.

Any advice on calming exam nerves would be apreciated. I have my pills this time, and the doctor has suggested increasing the dose for the exam period, but I would feel a little like I was cheating if I did - taking performance enhancing drugs almost.

Hope all is well with everyone,

Moo woz 'ere (29/4/05)

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Latest reply: Apr 29, 2005

Exam Moode

Hello. I am in the library, so don't make too much noise! I haven't gone into Mustardland even to's actually quite hard. I was about to have a lurk and use the excuse that you might be discussing glaciation, but I thought that unlikely so didn't.

Hope everyone is as well and happy as is possible, and that the trolls have decided to leave the boards alone, if not, remember DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS! I'm off now, but just wanted to say thanks to everyone who wished me luck.

smiley - silly

moo x

P.S. Found this for when you want to disscuss the archers (TA):

smiley - ta

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Latest reply: Apr 24, 2005

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