This is a Journal entry by moo

7th May 2005

Post 1


Well the world didn't end on Thursday so I had to do my exam after all. I think (hope) it went ok. 1 down 4 to go, and the nastier ones are out of the way first.

I voted by post and was a bit worried if they'd actually got my vote or not, but my Dad saw that my name (under his on the list) had been crossed off implying that I had voted, so all was well and good.

Stayed up on Thursday with my boyfriend and some of his friends watching the election. It was made a lot more bearable by turning it into a sort of party thing with food and drinks. Lots of immature innuendo about Peter Snow and his swingy thing helped too. Gave up at 3 and went to sleep as it was becoming obvious that Labour were going to win. Don't actually support Labour, but they're the best option out of the 2 parties that could have won in my opinion.

Morning came, lovely sunny day, checked my local MP was still my local MP (yup), went out food shopping. Spent the rest of the day revising and popping my head round the door of The Bull before going over to boyfriend's and making his whole flat dinner because I couldn't let them have microwave meals AGAIN.

7th May 2005

Post 2

Polly Tunnel

Hi Moo.

Pleased that you think the exam went well. In my experience people invariably feel they have done worse than they actually did so this can only be good news.smiley - ok

I'm afraid that your name being crossed of the voting list simply means that you applied for a postal vote ( and are not then entitled to vote in person )not that your vote was received. Unless there was a 1 vote margin of victory in your constituency I wouldn't worry about this though. smiley - biggrin

Hope your coooking was appreciated and accompanied by good wine. smiley - bubbly


7th May 2005

Post 3

Bex (mustard)

Presumably there's nothing to stop you sending in postal votes as Recorded Delivery. Then at least you'd know they got there.

I wonder how they check that people who are registered in two places (like me: registered at university address and home address) don't vote twice. I know you're not allowed to, but I can't imagine they spend ages checking up on who's voted where.... otherwise it would be ages before the counts could be done.

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