This is a Journal entry by moo


Post 1


It's exam panic time. Every time I have exams, no matter how prepared I am for them, I go into a mad panic. I'm fine once I get in the exam hall as I have the actual questions to fill up my mind it's just the time leading up to it. Let's face it, not many people do actually enjoy them! I get feelings that something bad will happen while I'm in the exam hall, or during the exam period. This is probably because one of my grandparents died during an exam period (Just to clarify, I was the one taking the exam, not him!) and as one of my other grandparents is not in the best of health right now I guess I fear a repeat.

Any advice on calming exam nerves would be apreciated. I have my pills this time, and the doctor has suggested increasing the dose for the exam period, but I would feel a little like I was cheating if I did - taking performance enhancing drugs almost.

Hope all is well with everyone,

Moo woz 'ere (29/4/05)


Post 2


Breathing techniques Moo? And I dunno what kind of pills you have, but my doctor has suggested beta-blockers for my interview panic, which sounds roughly the same as your exam panic. Apparently they slow your thumping heart and stop the sweats and trembles. Don't worry about 'cheating'! Have less of a conscience... all you're doing is trying to do your best. Look after yourself, eat properly, not too much caffeine, try & get a good night's sleep, and like I said, breathe deeply, counting to 10.

All the very best of luck, Cat x


Post 3


Good luck with the exams, Moo.smiley - teasmiley - cake

Lavender oil is reputed to be very soothing. My sister that used to get panic attacks swears by it. She developed PA as a teen, and I first thought it was teenage girly nonsense - until she came to visit me and I bodily had to carry her in my arms out of a shop.

If you have a Body Shop or Neal's Yard near you, a small bottle of lavender oil is inexpensive. Put a few drops on a handkerchief and inhale the aroma before and during the exam.

A whiff of lavender now reminds me strongly of her, even though she no longer gets the attacks!


Post 4


Will try lavender, and will speak to doctor this week about what pills and potions I can take.

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