This is a Journal entry by moo

Exam Moode

Post 1


Hello. I am in the library, so don't make too much noise! I haven't gone into Mustardland even to's actually quite hard. I was about to have a lurk and use the excuse that you might be discussing glaciation, but I thought that unlikely so didn't.

Hope everyone is as well and happy as is possible, and that the trolls have decided to leave the boards alone, if not, remember DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS! I'm off now, but just wanted to say thanks to everyone who wished me luck.

smiley - silly

moo x

P.S. Found this for when you want to disscuss the archers (TA):

smiley - ta

Exam Moode

Post 2


Good luck Moo!

smiley - ok


Exam Moode

Post 3


In case you check this later moo - hello and sorry to have missed your goodbye thread in TB.

Anyway get lots of studying done... and lots of luck. Looking forward to you being back! Think I need to suggest the removal of computer cables to my stepmother for my little sis about to sit exams....

Um, how about U shaped and hanging valleys, glacial morraine and drumlins (wow where did I drag that one up from!),

there you go, a quick update on glaciation - all the excuse you need to be here ; )

(still not got the hang of smilies)


Exam Moode

Post 4


Hi Hebe

Sorry not to meet you at Cromford - still kicking myself for not getting organised in time! Mind you, with all the fallout that's been happening on the ML boards today, I'm probably well out of it.

For the winking smiley, you have to type 'winkeye' between pointy brackets like this < >.
Result = smiley - winkeye

Exam Moode

Post 5


Hi Annie,

sorry you didn't make it Cromford - and regardless of the revelations I've seen today I'm still glad I went. The person concerned was probably the person I spoke least to on the day, so it doesn't interfere with my memories of the day much. But some of the others did and it must be worse for them. I'm amazed someone could sink so low.

I loved meeting all the posters I already felt I knew (I didn't know the imposter so he doesn't count) and I don't think it'll put me off going again. After all 99% of us aren't like that...

Ok now a test smiley - winkeye

I don't use the "skin" that gives smileys at the bottom of the page, and though I found a list once I keep losing it, and when I'm typing a message can't be bothered to go looking....

but I like smiley - winkeye and in here think I should use it rather than ; ) so thanks!


Exam Moode

Post 6


It owuld have been useful to have another observer, with hindsight. As Hebe says, how can people sink so low.

Exam Moode

Post 7


What revelations?! What's happened? I hope everyone is ok and nothing bad has happened to one of my mustard chums. If it has could someone pass on my sympathy/hugs/best wishes?

This morning's task is to revise river networks, then lunch then my boyfriend's going to come round and test me on what I've learnt. Then we shall go out for a nice relaxing walk I think.

P.S. The guy sat opposite me looks a bit like Colin Farrell (If you squint smiley - smiley) I don't think he is though somehow...


Exam Moode

Post 8


Mooch you're well out of it. River networks, how exciting. Courage dear and don't forget to wrap up well for those draughty exam halls.

Signed: your mother.

Exam Moode

Post 9


Hello mother dearest.

Missed the Archers today, never mind, there's always listen again.

Um..what else. Oh, I have made a new "friend" only I don't like her much because she keeps following me around and texting me at all hours just to ask where I am and when I'm coming back. It's touching that she thinks I'm that interesting..but sometimes I just want to tell her that frankly it's none of her business where I am and when I'll be back. I try to be nice and civil though, I sometimes feel like that's a fault of mine, as was accussed a few weeks ago (see journal entry sometime in the past). Ho hum..anyhow, I'm leaving this place now I'm fed up of note taking and diagram drawing so I'm off to the pub with O/H (always wanted to write that!).

Hope all is well.

moo smiley - smiley

Exam Moode

Post 10


"off to the pub with O/H": you're a fast mover mooch. Does the beloved object know...?

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