Journal Entries

18th April 2005

For those that are interested, my boyfriend has a full head of hair and ot doesn't appear to be thinning anywhere I could see. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Apr 18, 2005

17th April 2005

I'm so used to getting up early that I woke up at 7:00am today even though I didn't have to and could have done with a lie in really.

Had a huge argument last night. I was told that I was annoying because I was "too nice" and polite, even when I'm disagreeing with someone. This confused me a bit! Then I said that I could not be nice sometimes if he'd prefer. He said that would be good...So I had a right go at him about how he is so incredibly judgemental and that I had wanted to hit him when he told my gay friend that he was only half a person, it felt good at the time to let it all out. Then he argued back that I was a hypocrite because I was being judgemental about him -that got me.

Oh well.


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Latest reply: Apr 17, 2005

16 April 2005

Went out last night, hangover this morning. Completley ignored label on tablets warning me that I was not to drink anything whilst taking them, but I feel absolutley fine (well, apart from the hangover).

I met up with the bloke who's asked me to dinner tomorrow. I'm going to refer to him as my boyfriend now because he introduced me to his mates as his "girlfriend" smiley - smiley Also, it is easier than writing "the bloke who invited me to dinner" for the rest of the duration of the relationship.

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Latest reply: Apr 16, 2005


Got quite a bit of sleep last night, which is good.

Pizza has had predicted effect, I sound like I have a cold.

Don't know what else to write so I'm going to use it as a list to remind me what to do when I go shopping on Saturday.

1.Get backpack and purse.
2.Lock door and leave flat for shops.
3.When in city centre, sit for a bit.
4.Get cash out.
5.Look in at least 2 clothes shops, see if there's anything you like.
6.Take advantage of the 5 for £30 in Virgin Megastores.
7.Go to supermarket, get the following: Salad, Baking Potatoes, Frozen Broccoli, Pasta Sauce.
8.Go home.

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Latest reply: Apr 14, 2005

Wanna Pizza Me?

Had a pizza for Tea/Dinner whatever it's called, the first one for months now, it was three cheese, and I sure missed the stuff. Will probably develop "a cold" tomorrow, or my tummy will ache a bit, but it's worth it I think. I was tempted to have a yoghurt, but that's probably risking it a bit. I'm going to get ready for bed now (5:35pm ish).

But firstly, flatmate was ok and did indeed go to someone else's flat to stay. He came back here when he was thrown out when the person went to sleep, he spent the rest of the morning wandering around and then came back when it was 8:00am. He fell straight to sleep and only woke up about 5pm this evening. This means that he will probably be out tonight, especially as he only has 1 exam, and he's not too fussed about taking it because he's passed this year anyway. It's alright for some.

moo smiley - silly

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Latest reply: Apr 13, 2005

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