This is a Journal entry by moo

17th April 2005

Post 1


I'm so used to getting up early that I woke up at 7:00am today even though I didn't have to and could have done with a lie in really.

Had a huge argument last night. I was told that I was annoying because I was "too nice" and polite, even when I'm disagreeing with someone. This confused me a bit! Then I said that I could not be nice sometimes if he'd prefer. He said that would be good...So I had a right go at him about how he is so incredibly judgemental and that I had wanted to hit him when he told my gay friend that he was only half a person, it felt good at the time to let it all out. Then he argued back that I was a hypocrite because I was being judgemental about him -that got me.

Oh well.


17th April 2005

Post 2


Awww, Moochi, you're lovely as you are.

And as for "only half a person" - what a vile thing to say! Well done for telling him off. I once went out with a bloke who said things like that - it didn't last long...

Look after yourself today and have something good to eat, there's a good calflet (hope you don't mind that too much, I have a tendency to call people lambkin but it didn't seem appropriate somehow).


17th April 2005

Post 3


Is this the Friday bloke? Calling you judgmental shows that he doesn't know you as well as your friends here. Can't see him staying the course. Plenty more fish in the sea. Good men are hard to find. Back then we feminists had a saying: a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle".

Of course they have their attractions. First thing to notice is : does his hair grow nicely at the back of his head? That's a good sign.

17th April 2005

Post 4


Have you also heard this about hair (or lack of)? Going bald at the front, sign of a great thinker; going bald at the back, sign of a great lover; bald patches meeting in the middle, thinks he's a great lover!

17th April 2005

Post 5


Oh no, this was a so called "friend" of mine. I still haven't apologised to him, better not because that would be being too nice for his liking, and also he doesn't deserve it. Spoke to gay friend this afternoon, he phoned up in tears because of what mean guy said, that's right folks, he actually told him to his face that he was only half a person and the spawn of the devil.

Cheered gay friend up by cooking him a fry-up for his late breakfast. The really sad thing is that this mean guy actually believes it. He's also incredibly racist and admits it. He's a devout christian and believes he can get away with it by praying to God afterwards for forgiveness...hmm..

Let's just say he isn't a friend of mine any more, I can overlook most faults, but I just cannot believe that someone thinks like that and if they did that they wouldn't be embrassed to let everyone know.

Anyhow, date tonight, looking forward to it. My boyfriend seems to appreciate that I do have other friends that I want to spend time with, and if at any stage he doesn't then I'm afraid I shall have to have words with him smiley - smiley

17th April 2005

Post 6


Right I will spend tonight examining his head and give you the low-down!

perhaps not. smiley - smiley

17th April 2005

Post 7


Oh, good, so glad to hear that, sorry I got the wrong end of the stick. The mean guy may *think* he's a devout Christian, but he doesn't sound like much of one to me...sounds like he may be keener on the letter than the spirit.

Enjoy your date, hope it's good.


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