This is a Journal entry by moo


Post 1


Got quite a bit of sleep last night, which is good.

Pizza has had predicted effect, I sound like I have a cold.

Don't know what else to write so I'm going to use it as a list to remind me what to do when I go shopping on Saturday.

1.Get backpack and purse.
2.Lock door and leave flat for shops.
3.When in city centre, sit for a bit.
4.Get cash out.
5.Look in at least 2 clothes shops, see if there's anything you like.
6.Take advantage of the 5 for £30 in Virgin Megastores.
7.Go to supermarket, get the following: Salad, Baking Potatoes, Frozen Broccoli, Pasta Sauce.
8.Go home.


Post 2


Glad you got a good night's sleep moo (you sounded so tired the other night...)

Like the idea of sitting when you get to the city centre (except I'd find it difficult to resist something to nibble).

Anyway you've reminded me to go write my shopping list,


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