This is a Journal entry by moo

Wanna Pizza Me?

Post 1


Had a pizza for Tea/Dinner whatever it's called, the first one for months now, it was three cheese, and I sure missed the stuff. Will probably develop "a cold" tomorrow, or my tummy will ache a bit, but it's worth it I think. I was tempted to have a yoghurt, but that's probably risking it a bit. I'm going to get ready for bed now (5:35pm ish).

But firstly, flatmate was ok and did indeed go to someone else's flat to stay. He came back here when he was thrown out when the person went to sleep, he spent the rest of the morning wandering around and then came back when it was 8:00am. He fell straight to sleep and only woke up about 5pm this evening. This means that he will probably be out tonight, especially as he only has 1 exam, and he's not too fussed about taking it because he's passed this year anyway. It's alright for some.

moo smiley - silly

Wanna Pizza Me?

Post 2


What a bore this allergy is! And the roommate, not one of nature's choice specimens then. Can't you boot him out.

Wanna Pizza Me?

Post 3


Oh yes! smiley - ok

Wanna Pizza Me?

Post 4


We've booted one out already, but it took several attempts and a long process. Unless he does anything REALLY serious, there's no chance of him going on the first attempt, it will take about 3, and by then term would have ended. Besides, he's a nice guy when he's not out getting drunk and we don't know who would replace him (they'd probably swap another trouble maker with him, which makes some sense I suppose, as it's a bit unfair to move the innocent). They are reluctant to move people out of halls completely, they'd lose their money, but it has been done. I might have a word with him today or call a flat meeting.


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