This is a Journal entry by moo

16 April 2005

Post 1


Went out last night, hangover this morning. Completley ignored label on tablets warning me that I was not to drink anything whilst taking them, but I feel absolutley fine (well, apart from the hangover).

I met up with the bloke who's asked me to dinner tomorrow. I'm going to refer to him as my boyfriend now because he introduced me to his mates as his "girlfriend" smiley - smiley Also, it is easier than writing "the bloke who invited me to dinner" for the rest of the duration of the relationship.

16 April 2005

Post 2


Oooh, Moo, congratulations on blokey (assuming he's worthy of you)!

Re: tablets and feeling - it might not be that drinking will make you feel ill, but it might mean that the tablets don't work as well as they ought to - is there any way you can find out the reason for the prohibition?

Hope your day's still as good, did you get any clothes?


16 April 2005

Post 3


Dear Moo,

Glad to hear you're feeling so good. Just watch those tablets and alcohol. O/H says that taking them together might cause the side-effects of both to be worse.

Love and hugs smiley - smiley

Eilis smiley - peacedove

16 April 2005

Post 4


Will ask GP next time. Perhaps that is why I am feeling so jolly today! I did get some clothes (a top) and have posted in The Bull a description if any one is particularly interested!

16 April 2005

Post 5


Congratulations on the successful promotion of the Friday guy to "boyfriend" even for the duration. As for the mixing of alcohol with pills, there's that scene in Working Girl where Melanie Griffith is in the same condition and wakes up in Harrison Ford's bed, lucky her. Don't you love that movie? "Coffee, tea, me"? Wonderful.

I think you were quite noble the other day to catpee and then explain why you did it, and sorry that you took such flak. Anyway, you're worth ten of them.

16 April 2005

Post 6


Well said, Martine!!

Eilis smiley - peacedove

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