This is a Journal entry by moo

18th April 2005

Post 1


For those that are interested, my boyfriend has a full head of hair and ot doesn't appear to be thinning anywhere I could see. smiley - smiley

18th April 2005

Post 2


Morning oomchi,

"ot" : I've never it called that before ! smiley - winkeye

How was the meal and when can I expect the roasties to pop up at this end ? Hope boyfriend has a stunning personality to go with the healthy follicles and you had a great time.

Pollysmiley - biggrin

18th April 2005

Post 3


Oh he's lovely!

I'm now trying to find a picture of something that was in the meal.


smiley - flan <<<that's the closest I could find to a yorkshire pudding.

o <<< and that's all I could do for a roast potato, sorry smiley - smiley

18th April 2005

Post 4


I didn't know that Yorkshire pudding and roast potatoes were a must for a first date. Clearly a treasure in the cooking department. Bear that in mind.

18th April 2005

Post 5



Thanks for the yummy food.

Hapy that boyfriend is up to required standard.


smiley - ok

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