Journal Entries

9034.49th of Moo

Mananged to have an uninterupted sleep last night- woopee!

P.S. Got tomato sauce, toothpaste and tuna yesterday.
P.P.S. You forgot to get any bread, get some today.

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Latest reply: Apr 22, 2005

8122nd of Moo

What a night! I had two lads trying to tear chunks out of each other outside my window. From listening in a petrified state it emerges that Lad A thought he was seeing Girl A, turns out Girl A had just been caught with Lad B in her bed..oh dear.

Fight continued with Moo sat in bed listening and hoping no-one got hurt. Lad C came along and tried to break it up. Eventually the fight was broken up. Then Lad C came back to talk to Girl A, who had decided to sit right out side my window and whine a lot. Girl A then proceeded to say that she'd had enough of it, and that she only had one friend and that was Lad C, queue sound of Lad C and Girl A kissing. Good grief woman! That's not exactly going to help the situation is it!

By this stage the whole of my flat was awake with the noise so we decided to move them on, we opened my window, turned on my stereo as loud as it would go and played punk rock.

It worked, they moved and we all went back to sleep.

PS. Toothpaste, Tomato Ketchup and a Tin of Tuna.

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Latest reply: Apr 21, 2005

7012th of Moo

I am in such a strange mood today.

I spent the afternoon talking to random strangers in the hospital waiting room, waiting for my friend to have her operation done. Then we came back home and I chatted for ages to the taxi driver. Boredom does this to me.

Says in that bit at the top that visitors to my journal can discuss it. Why they'd want to I have no idea, but feel free.

Just to give you something to discuss I will give you an essay style question:

"Parsnips are Phallic Symbols" discuss. I will mark your essays on style, content and structure.

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Latest reply: Apr 20, 2005

20th April- I think

I think I may have lost count of what day it is, I haven't crossed of my calender for about a week now!

Today I have to take my friend into hospital and back again. I'm slightly nervous, the last time I was in a hospital was when my Grandad died, so I'm not fond of them, but then I guess no one is really.

Best get ready or else I'll have to take her there in my pajamamamamaas (can never spell that word).

peace and love


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Latest reply: Apr 20, 2005

18th April- Part 2

Today I was supposed to be taking my friend to hospital. She got a phone call this morning saying that it had been moved to tomorrow. Rearranged plans to make sure I could take her. Got phone call this afternoon saying it was going to be on Wednesday instead, so rerearanged tomorrow's plans and moved Wednesday's Drs appointment.

What's the betting she gets a phone call tomorrow saying it's been moved again?

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Latest reply: Apr 18, 2005

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