This is a Journal entry by moo

7012th of Moo

Post 1


I am in such a strange mood today.

I spent the afternoon talking to random strangers in the hospital waiting room, waiting for my friend to have her operation done. Then we came back home and I chatted for ages to the taxi driver. Boredom does this to me.

Says in that bit at the top that visitors to my journal can discuss it. Why they'd want to I have no idea, but feel free.

Just to give you something to discuss I will give you an essay style question:

"Parsnips are Phallic Symbols" discuss. I will mark your essays on style, content and structure.

7012th of Moo

Post 2

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

smiley - lighthouse

7012th of Moo

Post 3


Er ... what does this mean exactly?

7012th of Moo

Post 4


I dunno, but it's cropping up all over the place.


7012th of Moo

Post 5


Yes, I got a completely blank reply from the Mustering Station to one of my journal entries too.

Isn't Katy the Mustering Station (as it were)?

I'll go and leave her a message and see if she knows what's going on.

7012th of Moo

Post 6

Katy Tulip

Giggles, sorry annie!

It's a lighthouse...

You see, when I first had the Mustering Station Space, I 'unsubscribed' from every thread I didn't post in, because I was worried about not keeping track of any replies to my posts. But now I only use the Tulip ID to post, so that isn't a problem anymore, because replies I get go to my space there. In an effort to gather all the posts people have made into one central place again, I've been 'subscribing' to them again so they show up on the Mustering Station 'mayo'. If there were no replies, I had to post something to do that, hence the smiley - lighthouse - Peet said the custom here to show that you've read the thread but don't have anything to add to it is to drop a smiley.... Unfortunately, for some reason I can't do that with some of them smiley - sadface

Can you tell I'm waiting for OH to come home so I can cook his dinner, while the troops are all fed and happily ensconsed on the sofa watching a yawn-making movie?

smiley - blush Katy smiley - rose

7012th of Moo

Post 7

Katy Tulip

Oh dear, I'm sorry Douglas.................

smiley - blush Katy smiley - rose

7012th of Moo

Post 8


Ohew! I was convinced it was MI5.


7012th of Moo

Post 9


Mooch, I have tried with parsnips and phallic symbols but parsnips are a sorry vegetable and the result is nix.

As you can see Katy has been playing havoc with your intimate diary in the silent watches of the night.

7012th of Moo

Post 10

Katy Tulip

The lighthouse is rather apt, wouldn't you say martine?

Ah, the door! OH is home.

Wot a relief.... tara for now.

smiley - smiley Katy smiley - rose

7012th of Moo

Post 11


You mean that "innocent" explanation convinced you it *wasn't* MI5, Douglas? smiley - winkeye

7012th of Moo

Post 12


Not sure I really understand the mechanics of this, but OK!

I haven't really been using the Mustering Station as a central place to look at replies to my posts - I use the 'My Conversations' button for that. (I'm not really worried about having a central place just now, because I don't think it's worth getting in a state about the 'new Mustardland' until it actually exists.)

I usually go to the Mustering Station when I want to read people's journals.

I can see Martine's point about not meeting new people, but haven't yet investigated 'Ask h2g2', as Peet suggested.

I know I've said this before, but I'm really enjoying having a new place to play, especially with the recent unpleasant goings-on in ML.

Anyway, sun is most definitely over the yard-arm, so cheers!
smiley - redwine
Australian Shiraz, sorry martine! You will also be horrified to know that the description of this smiley is 'redwine'! Here it is again: smiley - redwine

7012th of Moo

Post 13


Martine, deeply though I respect French culinary traditions, I have to say that parsnips are one of my favourite vegetables (the other being brussels sprouts - I know, I know!). Roast parsnips - yum! Parsnip soup - also yum!

btw, there have been press reports today that a restaurant in England is apparently the best in the world (decided by whom? don't know). It is The Fat Duck at Bray, the chef is called Heston Blumental, and his specialities include snail porridge and bacon-and-egg ice cream. smiley - ill

7012th of Moo

Post 14


Anything that keeps you amused dear... But the mind boggles. Any second now you will offer me parsnip wine.

You're right about this being a port in a storm.

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