This is a Journal entry by moo

18th April- Part 2

Post 1


Today I was supposed to be taking my friend to hospital. She got a phone call this morning saying that it had been moved to tomorrow. Rearranged plans to make sure I could take her. Got phone call this afternoon saying it was going to be on Wednesday instead, so rerearanged tomorrow's plans and moved Wednesday's Drs appointment.

What's the betting she gets a phone call tomorrow saying it's been moved again?

18th April- Part 2

Post 2


Did they give your friend any reason why it's been changed moo?

A few years ago I had to have a fairly big operation and was scheduled to go into hospital on 1 July - thereby messing up other colleagues' holiday plans, but not too bad as far as the annual workload was concerned (I was working in a university departmental office). I was told to phone in on the morning I was due to be admitted, to check that the bed was still available. When I did so, they said "Oh no, sorry, we've had to use your bed for an emergency admission. We'll get in touch again within the next 6 weeks."

Me: "You mean you'll admit me within 6 weeks?"
Them: "No, we'll tell you your new admission date within 6 weeks."

This meant that I had to go back to work the next day, everybody was in a bad mood (especially the temp who had thought she was going to get several months' work while I was convalescing), and in the end I went into hospital on 1 October - less than an ideal time to be away from a busy department.

But I did write and complain at the time, and pointed out that I was lucky in that I don't have children and had not had to make childcare arrangements with all the resulting upset and trauma.

Sorry about the rant! Hope your friend gets her appointment soon.

18th April- Part 2

Post 3


Something to do with one of the neccesary staff memebers being unavailable at that time. It's getting a bit silly now, she was supposed to go in about a month ago, but they keep moving it, so much so that now her dad is reluctant to miss work each time it's scheduled her dad runs his own business and it causes chaos if he's away, due to the fact that it is only a total workforce of 2) so I've volunteered to take her in and bring her back.

18th April- Part 2

Post 4


Something to do with one of the neccesary staff memebers being unavailable at that time. It's getting a bit silly now, she was supposed to go in about a month ago, but they keep moving it, so much so that now her dad is reluctant to miss work each time it's scheduled her dad runs his own business and it causes chaos if he's away (due to the fact that it is only a total workforce of 2) so I've volunteered to take her in and bring her back.

18th April- Part 2

Post 5


Now you see what I did there, I posted my message and thought that was a preview, like in Mustardland, then I tidied up the punctuation a bit and posted it again. Woops!

18th April- Part 2

Post 6


Oops! Never mind, we'll get used to it soon I'm sure. I actually quite like the fact that you can post directly on here, without *having* to preview first.

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