This is a Journal entry by moo

13th April

Post 1


Well, I go to bed at about 9:00 in the end. Unfortunatley I only got about 2 hours sleep. This was because my flatmate (The one who's pants appeared to be on fire, they weren't but he'd been drinking rather a lot and possibly taking something he shouldn't have), kept going outside to talk to his chums then ringing on our doorbell to let him back in because he's lost his keys, this went on in half hour intervals so everytime I started to drop off to sleep I was given a short sharp shock meaning that eventually I just couldn't sleep because I knew I'd be woken up pretty soon if I did. Eventually we refused to let him back in, which is cruel I know, but it's the only way any of us were going to get any sleep. He went off with one of his friends, I assume (hope) to go to sleep on his floor or something.

Memo to self: Check he's ok.

As a result I'm feeling quite guilty and very tired. Got a long day ahead of me aswell, but as soon as I get back, I'm going to bed.

13th April

Post 2


You shouldn't feel sorry for him, oomch. He wans't particularly considerate was he? Teach him a lesson. You're too good...

13th April

Post 3


I'm a bloke and I agree totally with Martine, too much tolerance is not what he needs, if he get's into bother too that is not your responsibilty - sounds like he's got some growing up to do.

The words inconsiderate and self-centred come to mind! smiley - fullmoon


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