This is a Journal entry by moo

Dear Dairy(milk)

Post 1


Dear Dairy(milk)

Oh I give up..I'm so tired I can't even remember that I ate the small bar of chocolate I was saving for my lunch tomorrow at lunchtime today. This is absolutley hopeless. I am going to have to do the most "unstudenty" thing I've done in my student life (apart from listening to TA and posting on it's associated messageboard), and get ready for bed at 8:00pm.

But first, I must check on one of my flatmates who is running around like his pants are on fire or something, if only to stop the high-pitched screaming so I will actually be able to sleep. Also, I may discover that his pants actually are on fire, in which case there's no point going to sleep because either the fire alarm will go off or I will be asleep when the whole flat goes up in flames.

PS. Why did Wispers disappear and get replaced by Dairy Milk "Bubbly"? It just isn't the same.

PPS.Ooh, a chocolate bar smiley - choc how handy.

Dear Dairy(milk)

Post 2


One tends to forget the delights of student life... i hope you can get another bar, I don't like to think of you starving.

Dear Dairy(milk)

Post 3


Dear Moo, go get yourself an early night. Sometimes student or not just giving in and going to bed extra extra early is just the thing to do....

And as for screeching flatmates - have to say you're bringing back to mind the not so good bits of student accommodation.... How to make me ratty - be noisy when I'm trying to sleep (road rage has nothing on my sleep rage...)

Hadn't noticed that whisper's had disappeared (kitkat girl myself or a twirl)

Look after yourself,


Dear Dairy(milk)

Post 4


On days when I absolutely MUST have chocolate, it tends to be Snickers - somehow the peanuts give the illusion that it's healthy!

Dear Dairy(milk)

Post 5

Katy Tulip

Here you are, Moo, a HUGE box of Belgian Chocolates, all for you. And thank you so much for your help in jazzing up the Mustering Station Page.

Take care and sleep well,

smiley - smiley Katy

Dear Dairy(milk)

Post 6



Not sure if using the not monitoring option means you will miss it or if you are doing a manual watch - I assume the second! Any quick reply to earlier about to be done!


Feel like I ought to apologise for intruding into Mo's chocolates! Not quite worked the protocal out around here, suspect there isn't one which I like! smiley - ok

Dear Dairy(milk)

Post 7


I /thought/ I recognised that marquee!

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