Journal Entries

Raining- yay!

Yes! It's raining! This means

1. That hopefully not many people will come into the shop where I'm working so I'll have a quiet day today.

2. I don't have to water the plants as instructed whilst I'm looking after the house. Tempted to put indoor plants outside so they can be watered too, but daren't incase they die.

unfortunatley it also means

3. I will get wet on my way to work- have to walk in.

4. I will get my socks wet on my way to work as my "smart" shoes are secretly falling apart at the seams.

But never mind eh, could be worse.

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Latest reply: Jul 30, 2005


I passed my first year, didn't do to well in the whole soil thing, but I passed and that's all that matters. I did quite well in the other modules as well so that's a bonus. I have a job, was quite easy really, just walked in and asked for one, short "interview" (more of a chat really) later and I'd got a job- tis only part time, but it's more than some of my peers have got, they left it far too late. Boyfriend is still lovely, we've been meeting up perhaps a bit too often for our own good, because everytime we go back to our own homes I miss him bucket loads.

Hope all is well,

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Latest reply: Jul 4, 2005

Jobless but looking

Jobless at the moment, but I've got a few interviews lined up. I know it's only a summer job and likely to be the jobs no one else wanted because I've left it a bit late, but I don't mind. I'm probably going to have to get up so I can be wherever it is at 9:00, 9:00! Good grief. That'll mean getting up at at least 8 depending on where it is. Oh well, it will get me adjusted to "normal" sleeping patterns I guess. Stupidly spent the last week of uni getting hopelessly drunk every night and sleeping in the day, as result bank balance went down quite a bit more than planned. Shouldn't drink I know, but it was my last week and I wanted to, so that's all ok then.


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Latest reply: Jun 4, 2005

19/5/05- revising

Blurgh..revising is annoying, I keep seeing bits and thinking, "yeah I know that" then finding other bits and thinking "argh! I've never even heard of that! (underline "that!")<" but then I guess that's the point of it. Ear infection's gone, just got a sore throat now, so have stocked up on cough sweets for exam tomorrow.

Told homophobic friend that I was shocked and upset by her comments aimed at my gay friend yesterday. She just said "whatever" and walked off, don't know if I was more upset about her comments or her dismissal of my feelings. Still waiting for some sort of apology and until I get it I'm doing the really mature thing (not) of only answering her when asked a direct question and in the shortest way possible.

I know I'm acting like a 7 year old (I'm sure there are some well, behaved 7 year olds out there, so apologies to them/their parents). But this girl needs to understand it's not on to just go round offending people and then expect them to want to have anything to do with her. Oh well, term's nearly over.


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Latest reply: May 19, 2005

Morning Walk

Went for a walk this morning, it was interesting to be around when all the shops were opening up. There weren't many people about apart from people who looked like they were walking to work, and the beggers setting up in their favourite spots. Got one a cup of tea, I refuse to give them money. Ended up in my favourite park, it has trees with lovely pink blossom and I like to sit and watch the squirrels running about all over the place. A kid threw a frisbee into one of the trees and a there was a lovely shower of pink blossom.

Came back here for breakfast (toast), revison and a few mustardtinged breaks.

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Latest reply: May 9, 2005

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