This is a Journal entry by moo

Raining- yay!

Post 1


Yes! It's raining! This means

1. That hopefully not many people will come into the shop where I'm working so I'll have a quiet day today.

2. I don't have to water the plants as instructed whilst I'm looking after the house. Tempted to put indoor plants outside so they can be watered too, but daren't incase they die.

unfortunatley it also means

3. I will get wet on my way to work- have to walk in.

4. I will get my socks wet on my way to work as my "smart" shoes are secretly falling apart at the seams.

But never mind eh, could be worse.

Raining- yay!

Post 2


Moo, I'd say put the houseplants outside in the rain. They'll love it. It'll wash the dust off their leaves effortlessly. I wish I could put some of my plants outside in the rain for half an hour, but I refuse to climb up & down 3 flights of stairs carrying yuccas and dragon plants! I'd probably get locked up.

Hope you feel better soon, and work isn't too demanding. Cat x smiley - tea

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