This is a Journal entry by moo

19/5/05- revising

Post 1


Blurgh..revising is annoying, I keep seeing bits and thinking, "yeah I know that" then finding other bits and thinking "argh! I've never even heard of that! (underline "that!")<" but then I guess that's the point of it. Ear infection's gone, just got a sore throat now, so have stocked up on cough sweets for exam tomorrow.

Told homophobic friend that I was shocked and upset by her comments aimed at my gay friend yesterday. She just said "whatever" and walked off, don't know if I was more upset about her comments or her dismissal of my feelings. Still waiting for some sort of apology and until I get it I'm doing the really mature thing (not) of only answering her when asked a direct question and in the shortest way possible.

I know I'm acting like a 7 year old (I'm sure there are some well, behaved 7 year olds out there, so apologies to them/their parents). But this girl needs to understand it's not on to just go round offending people and then expect them to want to have anything to do with her. Oh well, term's nearly over.


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19/5/05- revising

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