This is a Journal entry by moo


Post 1


I passed my first year, didn't do to well in the whole soil thing, but I passed and that's all that matters. I did quite well in the other modules as well so that's a bonus. I have a job, was quite easy really, just walked in and asked for one, short "interview" (more of a chat really) later and I'd got a job- tis only part time, but it's more than some of my peers have got, they left it far too late. Boyfriend is still lovely, we've been meeting up perhaps a bit too often for our own good, because everytime we go back to our own homes I miss him bucket loads.

Hope all is well,


Post 2


Hi Moo

Congratualtions on passing your exams smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly all round, maybe with some celebratory smiley - cake or smiley - choc (guess what - this is the first time I've all those pic things in a post)

Enjoy your summer - great that you've got a job and that the boyfriend is still lovely, long may he stay that way.



Post 3


Well done, moo! As you say, it's passing that matters - nobody is ever going to ask you in the future what marks you got in your first year.

I thought of you when I was in Canada last month, travelling by train through the most amazing glacial scenery - it was like a geography lesson come to life.


Post 4


Well done, Moo!

Considering how stressed you were in the run-up to the exams, you can congratulate yourself heartily on passing.

I mentored a contemporary of yours for several years and last autumn he became the first person in his family (and entire community for 5 years) to go to university. Sadly he dropped out a few months ago, so reaching a successful end even to first year is not something to be sniffed at. smiley - cheers

Good luck with the job!



Post 5

Auntie Prue

Well done, Moo. smiley - ok

It all seems to be happening for you just now smiley - bubbly



Post 6


Yay moo! Well done (and you don't have to do soils anymore so who cares about the mark...). Glad to see you've got a job for the summer - and I think part time is probably good as it'll give you some time off as well!

Boyfriend still lovely - aaww lovely to hear that - and lovely to hear from you, hope you can keep dropping in occasionally,

(eek just realised how many lovely's there are there!)



Post 7


Congratualtions moo. Glad things are going well with the b/f. A happy summer for you.


Post 8

Polly Tunnel

Hi Moo,

Congratulations on passing the exams. I never doubted you.smiley - magic

Pleased that the love life still swinging. Can't wait for more roastiessmiley - flan.smiley - flansmiley - flan


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