This is a Journal entry by moo

Jobless but looking

Post 1


Jobless at the moment, but I've got a few interviews lined up. I know it's only a summer job and likely to be the jobs no one else wanted because I've left it a bit late, but I don't mind. I'm probably going to have to get up so I can be wherever it is at 9:00, 9:00! Good grief. That'll mean getting up at at least 8 depending on where it is. Oh well, it will get me adjusted to "normal" sleeping patterns I guess. Stupidly spent the last week of uni getting hopelessly drunk every night and sleeping in the day, as result bank balance went down quite a bit more than planned. Shouldn't drink I know, but it was my last week and I wanted to, so that's all ok then.


Jobless but looking

Post 2


Oh my god Moo, what if this is your biological rhythm after all, sleeping all day and waking up as night falls? The workplace is going to be a long drawn out ordeal. Sleep all your fill while you still can. We don't begrudge you the drink, in moderation, thinking of the nightmare to come...

What sort of summer jobs can you get at this time of year?

Jobless but looking

Post 3


The usual sort of thing, fruit picking (without the free accomadation or after show party, Adam's lot have got it lucky!), temp work like fileing (sp?) and stuff, stacking shelves, working on the checkouts, that sort of thing. I got turned down when I asked the local factory if they had any jobs filling boxes so feeling a bit lost and hopeless. Think my best bet will be to go to an agency and let them do the looking for me.

Jobless but looking

Post 4

Bex (mustard)

< I know it's only a summer job and likely to be the jobs no one else wanted because I've left it a bit late, but I don't mind>

Moo, I think you're actually getting in there early for summer jobs: you're at home, but a lot of students are still in the throes of exams - Bradford, York and Sheffield certainly are anyway! So get in their quick, before everyone else comes home!

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