This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Post 421

You can call me TC

I've twice clicked to answer your posting, but haven't thought of anything to say yet. Bookmark for the time being!!!


Post 422

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

"What's the problem with bonking for the shear mutual pleasure of it? 35 years! Jesus H. Christ you must be taking the piss, I only lasted 14 from birth and I kinda thought that was normal.

THINKS-All those women, life is pretty wonderous at times-


Post 423

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)

"for the shear mutual pleasure of it"

That "mutual" part is the part I'm having the trouble with : if I thought any of the young ladies that I was interested in wanted to, I would have been there.

Believe me, I've thought about it pretty much every day since I was 8. No, make that every day - even the ones where there is so much pain (from colds - herniated disk etc.) that I couldn't have gone through with it.

Well, it's off to the strip club... got a "friend" there who I'm pretty sure wants to become a nun smiley - smiley


Post 424

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)

"haven't thought of anything to say yet."

that's okay - if there is one thing that I am - I'm patient.


Post 425

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)

"got a "friend" there who I'm pretty sure wants to become a nun "

Well, another day in the life... My "friend" quit Saturday. I wish her all of my best. Sometimes, life just sucks.


Post 426

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

"Condolences dude! Ever thought of trying a bonking shop, I mean that is what they are there for, and it is said that prostitution is the oldest profession. Sex has been around forever and it's us western jerks that seem to have the most hang-ups with it. Go for it dude, you are missing out on a lot of pleasure."smiley - smiley


Post 427

You can call me TC

Yes, it's going to get harder and harder to find someone who'll believe you and take you at face value. I would recommend an older woman. Perhaps someone at work, someone you know well. Maybe you're hanging around with the wrong type of person. The ideal first time might be nearer than you think.

If you stopped thinking about it (fat chance!) it would probably just happen.

Quite honestly, I don't see why we can't just bonk who we want either. I don't see that it should have any effect on a permanent relationship. I have stayed monogamous during the 25 years of my marriage because it was what was expected of me and because I owe it to my husband. Not for want of opportunity or urges. (Women can make up for it in their heads.......)

this is gonna take some courage to press "post message"


Post 428

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

...but you pressed it, which means you're a brave woman. smiley - smiley This is really meant as a bookmark.


Post 429

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

"I totally agree Trillian, sex and love are really separate issues, sex is usually better with love, but good old jealousy raises his ugly head far too often. Unfortuately so do good old (un)social diseases!" smiley - sadface

THINKS-Yipeee! Only 9 more days to the Princess day.-


Post 430

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I agree with Trillian's Child, Non Juan. Why don't you just ask girls if they want to have sex with you (maybe even telling them it will be your first time)? You will probably be amazed how soon one of them agrees. Besides: What can you loose? This probably sounds easier said than done but once you've done it it really isn't such a big deal. Like jumping headfirst in a swimmingpool.


Post 431

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)

Yeah - thought about it... the legal ones are about 2000 miles (3200 km?) away. Also, I don't want to have to settle for a mercy "bonk" or have to resort to "professional" help. I've settled for too many things in my life and I don't intend for this to be one of them.


Post 432

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)

Work - not here... no prospects. 6 female types work here, 5 are married, 2 are quitting and the one I'm just not attracted to. It's a desk job (programming) and I tend to work alot of hours smiley - sadface.

In a previous job (a few years back) I did have 3 prospects - most I ever got out of it was one hug (well, okay - two but who's counting).

Hanging out? Oh, hey - there's another problem. I'm pretty much a library book (you know - a loaner who never gets checked out smiley - smiley).

Congrats on your courage Trillian's... imagination is a wonderful thing.


Post 433

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)

Yeah - I pretty much figured out the "love and sex" separation about 15 years ago. I am still pretty hung up on the "like and sex" thing though...


Post 434

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)

For my 35th birthday I did do just that. The reply: "No... just no". Earlier in the evening we had been discussing bonking just for the heck of it. Oh well. She's a great girl though.

So, I admit - that was only one girl but at least it was a start. Hey - can I put that in the "firsts" conversation smiley - smiley?

Right at the moment, there are no other immediate prospects. Maybe I should jot down a note like "Will you "bonk***" me. If so, check this box" and pass it to the next attractive girl I see.

*** or is it boink? I'd use F*** but I'm not too sure about the posting standards so I'll keep it light.

Good day and thanks to all - I have work to do.


Post 435

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless) nobody in particular...

I've heard this reply from more than one girl... "Oh, I've had worse". What the heck is that supposed to mean? Nice complement. Of all of the rejections - this one carries the most pain. Please refrain from using it.


Post 436

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

Hi Non Juan!
I don't know what you like to do, but have noticed that people who have a passionate approach to the things they do in life will tend to awaken the curiosity and interest of others. My advice would be to start doing something that you love, that lights a fire in you and focuses you, whatever that might be. People pick up on that and someone is likely to wonder how that kind of intensity will transfer into a sexual or romantic relationship. And plenty of women would love to be the one to help you find out. Try taking life in big chunks. Wallow in it. You deserve it. smiley - smiley


Post 437

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*deep breath*
My last lover was a virgin.
I was {still am} 28 years older than him.
It wasn't engineered, it just happened.
The age gap was too great though.
We had nothing in common...
The sex though, was fantastic.smiley - bigeyes
It's not sex that bonds a relationship though, you have to build a relationship first, if it's going to last.
Great sex is the icing on the cake.
I suppose it's sod's law, but that's all I seem to get, is great sex.
And I'd love to meet "Mr. Right", settle down & grow old with him.
I envy married people, but it pains me to hear them describe their relationships as "boring" and they envy ME the veriety I have...
Yes, I've been lucky with my lovers, my last three lovers have been fantastic in bed.
Only one lover my whole life has abused me...I consider myself lucky.
I'm not sorry I lost my virginity at 17, I wouldn't have the kids I have now...and my grandson.
I think Non Juan is right to wait for the "right one".
She'll feel honoured that you waited just for her...smiley - smiley


Post 438

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)

Thank you Galaxy Babe. If it does ever happen, I would really want "her" to know how special she is.

BTW : the age trick {by not staying 28 years older} would have been really cool. Although I believe age is more of a "how you feel" thing than anything else. Yeah, I am 35, but I feel like I'm 14 (except I now have the ability to appreciate as if I'm 35). Confused? I am.


Post 439

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)

Gee - I'm sitting here trying to figure out what I really like to do. Thanks - another crisis smiley - smiley. Sigh. I guess I'm too obsessed with imagining what it would be like to lose my virginity (but not actually doing anything about it), that I don't have time for anything else. Hence the Non-Juan bit.

I'll be going to a Halloween party Saturday. When I'm out I usually don't think about "hooking up". Perhaps I should change my lack of approach but even thinking about it makes the butterflies churn. Paxil anyone?

Maybe I should be posting in the "Hey, how about some dinner" conversation instead of this one. Is there such a thing as going to far - too fast?


Post 440


Why not to use the "dinner-posting" - lots of people have met in the internet (me too) and lived happily ever after.
As about your last quetion - it usually happens in the age of 14 not 35. In this age people don't tend to rush into dark deep water. They know the consequences.

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