This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Post 481

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Ok...for those of you who have not gessed I lost my Virginity to GB We met on line. actully on here partly to do with a meddleso litte bugger comonly known as Vince (sorry we have been insulting eachother for so long now it has become a habit) any way we got talking and to cut a long story short I decided to travel to the other side of the country to meet her. I was as nevace as hell...I was literally shaking..I have never known any one who could produce that sort of reaction from me when I was on a trine still in lime street station smiley - tongueout. I had not slept for at lest 2 dayes befor I went so I found the trane a verry good place to sleep....luckerly I was tonervase so I did not sleep well or I proberbly would have ended up in Southhampton..after a six houer train jorny which felt like three days..and a harlf houer delay becaus the rane ran out of fule (it was the middle of the petrol crisis I Got to the station...I phoned Ann and she picked me up. Now I had just about carled down while I was at the station but...seeing her. I had seen a pictuer o her but actually seeing her it was amasing,eveything I was thinking just went compleaty from my head and yes I did start shaking againe (pathetic isnt it smiley - tongueout) We wellshe drove me back to her house and by that time I had just about carlmed down againe. we sat down and talked for a bit and I drank some coffy (always carlms the down the truble of a caffene addict smiley - winkeye ) I went to put my bag upsters (I was staying or the week end) and I foundher bed romm. that was when it happend. I wont go in to deatales but it was amsing from my point of vew at any rate. it even carlmed me down compleatly and that is saying somthing.
I have never and I dont think I ever will meet any one as amazing as Ann she is everything I could possibly hope for and more perants diddent understand it though they just sow the numbers..17 and 45. bit of a differance hay. it mens nothing to me though,I know what I feel. my perants stopt me from seeing her and I have though long and hard about leaving home...and you know if I did not have jeny I would..oh well, thats my bit

Virginity / passion

Post 482

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)

It's somewhere else but it's in the same time zone so I guess it really didn't make a difference.

By the way, we have very nice bicycle paths around here. I use them to rollerblade smiley - smiley

Virginity / passion

Post 483

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

"Yo Galaxy Babe! Another bubblegum bandit, love it!"smiley - bigeyes

*Gives Galaxy Babe a Saturday morning hug!*smiley - smiley

Virginity / passion

Post 484

You can call me TC

*wonders if she should make a play for Will - beat that record*

See ya in choir practice.


Post 485

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Hey - I don't regret losing my virginity, but then again I can quite easily see situations in which I might have done. On one level it is a really important event, but not as important perhaps as it's made out to be. Maybe I'm just deluded because I did (and still do) love the person to whom I lost my virginity, and consequently it did mean something to me. In any case, it gets better than the first time anyway, Non Juan... smiley - winkeye


Post 486

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

{The new improved Mr D its to long to explane just look at our space}
strange...I did not know that about mike I will post somthing prperly here after I have gotten to know the place


Post 487

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

smiley - tongueout


Post 488

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

St.Bob & Miss D, are you in disguise for the Hallowe'en Ball?


Post 489

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

{St Bob}
no...Jacky is actully a real person and she is actually shering my acount as Miss D...I am now woking nights as well as in the day so I dont realy have enough time for this any more...she on the other hand canot be botherd to set up her own acount so adsked if she could use mine


Post 490

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Did any of you ever wonder why it is called "loosing ones virginity" and not "winning first experience"?

Second question: Is it not better to regret the things you have done than to regret the things you have not?

Please note that I am not trying to make a statement here. These are just questions!

smiley - smiley


Post 491

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

And while we are at it. Here comes another question: Whatever happened to the forum "My first blow job"? Has it been censored? And if so: Why? (I am trying to find the pattern).


Post 492

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

{St Bob}
it go deleated because of a complant made to the editors..there is a decusion goin on about adult content do you wan the link?


Post 493

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

"My first blowjob" and several other of Yanka Wanka's stories were all censored from my page a couple of weeks ago. So, we're being a little cautious in rebuilding the erotica place, waiting to see which way the wind blows. To date I have recieved no reply from the management as to exactly what the guidelines are on h2g2. We had no intention to offend anyone there, but that is somewhat subjective, isn't it?

So Pierce, if you want to start it again, or if anyone else wants to put something else there, feel free. I would love to have something there, as it has been a little depressing to look at the home page with the memory of the missing forums in mind. And if they decide to kill it (or me) at least we'll all have an idea of what is considered pornograpghic, obscene or offensive by h2g2. I am trying to make it a collection of erotica as opposed to porn, though, so let's keep that in mind. And let the party begin again! smiley - winkeye


Post 494

You can call me TC

It can't have lived very long - I never saw it.

Why should the editors complain about blow jobs?


Post 495

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

They said someone had complained and was offended. Really, when you look at my page, it would seem that people who are going to be offended by a little sexuality would know better than to look at the conversations. But I guess it takes all types. Once I learn how, I'll post big red warning signs to tell the squeamish to keep on moving. But am still a cybermoron, and there's nothing there other than a little poetry right now. So it's not an issue. I hope.


Post 496

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

{St Bob}
should never have been cencerd in the first place though there was nothing wrong with it


Post 497

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I really don't know what to say. Censorship as such is a very bad thing, of course. On the other hand: If you don't want to have say pornography or perversions (as in racism) on your site you should be as free to reject it as we are free to establish our own fora for what we like to write about. So there.

Sorry if I offended someone, BTW. Never intended to.

Yes, please, St Bob - I would like the URL! smiley - smiley


Post 498

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

Hi Pierce! {gives him a big Smooooooooooch!} I don't know how to make a link, but you can find the forum on "ADULT CONTENT" through my page. Just.....BEWARE!!! Anyone likely to be offended by a little nudity shouldn't go there. Have a pic up of me in my halloween costume and I'm not wearing much other than a mask, my heels, and a smile. See ya at the party, darlin'!


Post 499

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

hehehe, watch out, I'll be there in a sec


Post 500

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I bet Magnolia just emptied *this* forumsmiley - winkeye

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