This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Post 121

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*places Councellor head on
"Why are you moping, Matt?
*offers shoulder & a hot cuppa...smiley - smiley


Post 122

Matthew Kershaw

* He looks deep into G.B eyes & says... *

Hang On !!!

This could be one of your tricks !!!

...but under present circumstances, I'd expect that from a women... smiley - winkeye



Post 123

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

No tricks this morning, Matt, far too early...smiley - smiley
Come on, tell Auntie all about it....


Post 124

Matthew Kershaw

* He looks up & stares at the halo resting upon G.B's crown... although he is not quite sure what that is still doing there... smiley - winkeye *

* He works himself up to a canter of pure emotions which only eventually amount to... *

F. C !!! smiley - sadface

* He then gets out a big hanky & continues to sob uncontrollably... *



Post 125

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

What do they say about the course of true love.....?
And who are they? smiley - winkeye
And what's wrong with my halo?
I polished it when I got up this morning....smiley - smiley
*offers another cup of tea


Post 126

Matthew Kershaw

The course of true love run smooth ???

Even in Hollywood it never does, so what hope have we got in real life !!! smiley - sadface

* M.K despite being more than a little self-absorbed in his own troubles manages to find time to adjust the angels wonky halo... *

That never did sit correctly on, now did it... smiley - winkeye

* takes cuppa... *

Go on G.B you were going to tell me everything will work out fine in the long run !!! smiley - smiley



Post 127

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Actually, Matt, no I wasn't.
It's "the course of true love NEVER did run smooth.....sorry!
So, give up now, on ever finding true love, after all, better to stay footloose & fancy-free, than spend the rest of your life cooking, cleaning, washing & generally looking after other people....oh, sorry, that's women, you won't have those problems, but really, Matt, do you want to turn FC into ME?
Let her go & keep your happy memories, then go off & play the field...or look for that sea with plenty more fish in it...smiley - winkeye


Post 128

Matthew Kershaw

smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - winkeye

Alright, I see now women are just far too complicated for guys to understand... smiley - sadface

* M.K goes off to get some counciling to make up for the counciling he just received... smiley - winkeye *



Post 129

I'm not really here

M.K, do come back, how inconsolable are you really?

Someone told me you were really nice, and I haven't been able to find a nice man for a long time. smiley - sadface
Let me try to console you.smiley - smiley
I'm quite good at it.
(And consoling. smiley - winkeye)


Post 130

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

Well I could do with some as well (and counselling) smiley - winkeye


Post 131

I'm not really here

~soothes Shellers's stressed forehead~

what's upsetting you honey?


Post 132

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

Right first time - how did you do that?


Post 133

I'm not really here

Because I just know these things.


Post 134

Matthew Kershaw

It will all end in tears I tell you !!! smiley - sadface



Post 135

I'm not really here

~puts comforting arm round MK's shoulder~

what will honey?
you are really down, smiley - sadface

what can I do to cheer you up?


Post 136

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

Honey was the name of the love of my life! (thinking about it, it still is her name) smiley - smiley


Post 137

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

*kisses Matt*

hmm... I think you did the right thing GB, but I'll take him from now on I think.... smiley - winkeye


Post 138

I'm not really here

~removes arm from MK's shoulder as it appears ddgb's offer has been withdrawn now that she is DDGDB~


Post 139

Matthew Kershaw

That's all I need ddgb with a demonic goal... smiley - sadface



Post 140

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

oh.. I know all about you... why take the angel when you could have someone who is a demon in bed... smiley - winkeyesmiley - bigeyes

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