This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Post 61

Mad Gerald (Gigolo & Owner of Heaven Sent - H2G2 Dating Agency !!! A312184)

Don't worry ladies the REAL man has arrived !!! smiley - bigeyes

Will that be cash or visa ??? smiley - smiley

smiley - bigeyes


Post 62

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Bummer smiley - sadface
Apart from M.K*, that's the longest one going.....


Post 63


I assume that you forgot my entry...


Post 64

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*hastily reading backlog
My apologies, Seven & my sympathies


Post 65


'Sokay, GB. smiley - smiley *beatific smile*

I am resigned to my fate; it makes life less complex without the whole sex thing.

Still, my abstention is more down to circumstances than to my lack of... magnetism, shall we say. smiley - winkeye YOU try getting any if you're sleeping in the living room of a 4-room flat that you share with a relative.

{{HUGS BACK}} smiley - smiley


Post 66

I'm not really here

Mad Gerald - (Gigolo For Hire...)??

Just what this thread needs.
What's your speciality?


Post 67

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Erm, no thanks!
Enough trouble trying to fit my sex-life around one teenage son & a 7 year old hyperactive son....who never sleeps...smiley - sadface
*returns hug*


Post 68

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

how on earth did Mad Gerald find his way here? I swear, that man is stalking me... smiley - winkeye


Post 69

I'm not really here

Lucky you. smiley - smiley


Post 70

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

*puzzles* are we talking about the same Mad Gerald??? smiley - bigeyes


Post 71

I'm not really here

I meant lucky you to be so popular you got a stalker. I don't know Mad Gerald, is he bad news?


Post 72

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

If he charges for sexual favours, he's bad news smiley - sadface


Post 73

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

hehe... wouldnt say bad news... (fun news definite!) just not quite the person to get too close to.... the smell can get quite overwhelming smiley - bigeyes

try someone nice... like MK.... though I shouldnt really be saying that too loudly! smiley - winkeye


Post 74

I'm not really here

Maybe you could sort out an introduction for me ddgb?


Post 75

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

hmm... find your way to his page (he was here earlier and flirt slightly on his page... he'll find you soon enough!

though there are rings on his page with FC written underneath... grrr.... smiley - winkeye


Post 76

I'm not really here

If he's taken, I won't bother then.
I don't steal other women's men.
Not unless no one's looking.


Post 77

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

LOL! Its never stopped him before! smiley - bigeyes


Post 78

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

That reminds me of a joke, Mina.
"Woman one to Woman Two....How many husbands have you had?
Woman Two....Twelve, including yours.....smiley - winkeye


Post 79

I'm not really here

Very good Babe, here's one of my favourites atm.
Q: What are two reasons men don't mind their own business?
A: No mind - No business

Maybe I will casually stroll over there when I see his URL ddgb. I've nothing against just saying hi!


Post 80

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Any more jokes, while we're at it? smiley - winkeye
A good laugh takes your mind off being celibate....

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