This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Post 181

I'm not really here

That's really funny, well done DD!!

Shellers, I am trying to sort out a dungeon somewhere. Foxy Manor I think it's called, can't remember the URL. We were asked if we wanted anything added to it. I fancy a dungeon, Galaxy Babe fancies an Unbridle Suite, and I haven't been back to check to see if anyone else wants anything.

If I have made that name up instead of remembering it, I am sorry.
I went offline to watch the TV and it addled my brain. How people can sit for hours staring at a screen I have no idea.


Post 182

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

Thanks Mina - I'll have a look.

(gets back to original posting)

It'll be nine months and five days in a few hours (not that I'm counting) smiley - smiley God I miss her - sorry i'm drunk.


Post 183

Demon Drawer

So was it a boy or a girl then? smiley - smiley


Post 184

I'm not really here

DD what are you babbling about?
Was what a girl or boy? Has someone given birth in here?

Poor Shellers. smiley - sadface
Its been 9 days for me, and I only miss the sex, not the bloke.


Post 185

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

To me the sex only means anything if it's with the right person.


Post 186

Demon Drawer

Check the lenght of time Shellers is quoting people have been born in less time. I was just wondering if there were alteria factors involved, that's all. smiley - smiley


Post 187

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

It's just a good job i think that everyone's right nowadays smiley - smiley


Post 188

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

Anyway, I like the new name Mina - it sounds interesting smiley - winkeye


Post 189

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

Night all


Post 190

I'm not really here

Night Shellers.
It is interesting.
DD, I really don't understand a word of what you are saying.
Is it me, or is it you?


Post 191

Demon Drawer

MAybe it's the whiskey I was drinking earlier. smiley - smiley


Post 192

I'm not really here

That explains it.
I've hardly touched a drop all evening.


Post 193

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

Morning Mina - DD meant that I was celibate because my partner was pregnant (the nine months).


Post 194

I'm not really here

Morning Shellers, now it all make sense.
I thought I was losing my grip totally last night.


Post 195

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Afternoon, all!
Everyone still celibate, like me? smiley - sadface
If not, I don't want to hear about it.....smiley - winkeye
Yes, Mina it is Foxy Manor, I will get the addy & post it here for those interested....smiley - smiley


Post 196

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor



******FOXY MANOR******

and yes...Mina & I have already signed up....smiley - winkeye


Post 197

Big Joe (just joe on jupiter)

Wooeee - St GB, top five stuff this FOXY MANOR, is Celibacy a pre-requisite ? ( esx is a distant memory in my case anyway ) smiley - winkeye


Post 198

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

BJ - is that sex that's a distant memory, or celibacy? smiley - smiley
Nope, not a pre-requisite, should be fun, for those not having RL fun, like me....smiley - sadface


Post 199

Big Joe (just joe on jupiter)

Ah S E X ... I remember now - the S comes first, THEN E, THEN X ..
Should have consulted my early memoirs
smiley - smiley


Post 200

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

We should be OK then, Joe smiley - winkeye
Get yourself off to Reception, then come looking for my room smiley - tongueout

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