This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Post 821

Big Joe (just joe on jupiter)

Excellent , Shellers smiley - smiley

Still here . still smiling smiley - smiley

( Maybe its wind ? )



Post 822

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

I'm here. I've had a viral illness, possibly the flu. It's so not fair that I should catch a communicable disease and not even get to have sex first.


Post 823

David St. Hubbins - Keeper Of Quality Footware

Babe, you have a "Thought For The Day" forum? Joy!


Post 824

David St. Hubbins - Keeper Of Quality Footware

Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!


Post 825


'Steempy! You Eeediot!'

Still here folks. smiley - sadface


Post 826

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

Any particular reason why you are more cheerful today, NexusSeven?


Post 827

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

That's not Nexus jumping for joy...smiley - winkeye
I'm sure if Nexus had cause to celebrate I'd have heard him in Cleethorpes smiley - bigeyes
~Sorry Nexus~ *hugs*
Hi Big Joe
Hi Shellers
Hi Petunia, you are ~such~ a funny lady! I really hope you're better now!
Researcher 146378 please try to control yourself. We are not used to happy people in here. It throws us right off the subject! smiley - winkeye


Post 828

David St. Hubbins - Keeper Of Quality Footware

My apologies Babe, I do not wish to bring too much levity to this house of Selley Bassey.


Post 829

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'll let you off, you can tell jokes though. I am still laughing at Petunia's comment.smiley - tongueout


Post 830

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

I'm much better, GB, thanks! About NexusSeven, I was just wondering why he put that he is rather more cheerful in brackets next to his name. I guess rather more cheerful may not exactly be exuberant. BTW, anyone needs a flu innoculation, I could help you out. smiley - winkeye


Post 831


Believe you me, GB, if I'd got lucky, you'd have *felt* me in Cleethorpes! smiley - bigeyessmiley - tongueout


Post 832


D'Oh! Simulpost!

The cheerful bit is just because work has been less poo than usual recently. But only slightly. Hence the modifier 'rather'. smiley - smiley


Post 833

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

smiley - smiley Less poo is rather better.


Post 834

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Well what's wrong with me then?
There was I thinking Petunia had boobed, because I read Researcher 146378's post of "Joy! Joy!"...and Pet had asked why Nexus was more cheerful. Now I've come back to the conversation I can see that Nexus has changed his name.....duhhhhh. {Maybe it was all the sex I got last weekend....I am still recovering...smiley - bigeyes}


Post 835


Now now; bragging in as sensitive a forum as this one is just plain cruel... You'll upset the long-term residents (like myself...) smiley - winkeye .


Post 836

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

I hope I have the same affliction in the not too distant future, GB. smiley - smiley


Post 837

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

So, Petunia's complaining that she didn't even have sex before catching her illness. Does this mean that she had sex during or after catching it?


Post 838

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

I am hoping to lose my celibacy today.


Post 839

I'm not really here

I pity the poor bloke.


Post 840

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

The sexual act is supposed to be pleasurable is it not?

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