This is the Message Centre for Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Pun in the Oven

Post 20101

Reality Manipulator

I was reading Hamlet in my ham-mock in the garden eating a ploughman's salad for my afternoon lunch which had large slices of gammon ham and I listened to West Ham football smiley - football match on my radio. In the evening I played back-gammon with my neighbour Ham.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20102

Reality Manipulator

To publicise the play Spamalot, the theatre had spam put on their restaurant menu and many of the customers frittered away their money on multiple spam requests for spam fritters.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20103

Reality Manipulator

I keep on getting spam emails promoting spam with special offers and free samples of tinned spam.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20104

Icy North

I prefer pre-packed mushrooms, but I was amused to see the local greengrocer peddling loose morels.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20105

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

I don't like ambushes, so I'm saving for a bacon tree

Pun in the Oven

Post 20106

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The last few puns seem hampered in some way. I never sausage a thing.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20107

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

That's baloney if ever I saw one

smiley - pirate

Pun in the Oven

Post 20108

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

What does a crow drink with breakfast?


Pun in the Oven

Post 20109

Reality Manipulator

When I lived in Shepherds Bush in West London in the through out the mid to late 70's until the mid 80's I was a big fan of Kate Bush and listened to all her big hits. I also had a bushy Kate Bush hairstyle and clothes. Some evenings I would play one of her records as I sat on my settee eating home-made shepherd's pie.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20110

Reality Manipulator

Mag-gie who is a part volunteer at the Ockendon forum and her favourite member of the crow family is the magpie. Her favourite children's TV series on ITV was Magpie in the 70's.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20111

Reality Manipulator

I drove in my old banger of a car to a favourite cafe of mine where they are renowned for their speciality dish of bangers and mash.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20112

Reality Manipulator

I will be taking a picnic when I visit Hampstead Heath it will be a picnic hamper filled with all my favourite cuts of ham and accompanied with salad.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20113

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I bought soda at a mom and pop store.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20114

Reality Manipulator

My dear old pop drank a glass of lemonade pop while dancing to 1960's pop records.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20115

Reality Manipulator

I was watching streamed videos of collectors of soda stream machines which were the very much sought of item in the 70's.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20116

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Our butler is a robot. he was built on an assembly line. We call him MacHines.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20117

Reality Manipulator

Which composer's routine consisted of drinking tea, hacking his lungs out, and then hitting the slopes? Chai-cough-ski!

Pun in the Oven

Post 20118

Reality Manipulator

Lets have a garden party, lettuce turnip the beet.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20119

Reality Manipulator

The miner from Northumberland took his bait box and bottle* to work which he had for lunch and on his time off he would go fishing where he took fishing bait of maggots and flies.

*In Northumberland a bait box is used to store your sandwiches and a bait bottle is where you put your tea in.

Pun in the Oven

Post 20120

Reality Manipulator

What do you call a butler with no teeth?
An in-dentured servant.

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