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Apollo Posted May 11, 2001
Can live Espers be summoned? We could use a sorceress in Hell...
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Dizzy the Void Posted May 11, 2001
'Fraid not. Only dead espers can be summoned.
I suppose it could work the other way round if you're in Hell, but you need Magicite to summon 'em, and only dead espers turn into Magicite.
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Eternity (Ace) Posted May 13, 2001
Firstly, I'm not into monologues...
Secondly I'm not that desperate that I could be considered dying to join a current story.. and lastly, unless I have been reading all the wrong fantasy novels, the adventurers don't always start off together. They always meet people along the way.
Why summon an Esper, if you can just happen to meet one along the way...
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Dizzy the Void Posted May 13, 2001
Because if you want to summon something, and you've got Magicite, you don't need to know green magic. Or any magic of any kind.
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Apollo Posted May 13, 2001
That, and you'd have to come up with a reason as to why you're wandering about in Hell Though if you could...Ol' Snaed and I could use a bit of help right now...
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Dancer (put your advert here) Posted May 13, 2001
Name: Dancer
Appearance: Human
Class: Cleric of Ya (pronounced Ja)
Reletively (to a cleric) strong, agile and stout, though completely unproffesional in anything related to combat.
Doesn't say much usually, but understands many languages.
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Dizzy the Void Posted May 13, 2001
BEAUTIFUL! First, though, please get an okay BEFORE joining a story, please? The hell one's okay, I guess...
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Rama - now floating around the world on Her Majesty's Finest Posted May 16, 2001
Name: Rama
Race: Human
Class: Henchman
A large, quiet Egyptian looking warrior (think Pharoah's bodyguard from The Mummy). Limited speech but good tracker and can understand everything said to him (Tonto?). Uses basic sign language to indicate things to other people.
Uses large serrated scimitar in battle and tends to unnerve people due to general silence in battle.
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Dizzy the Void Posted May 16, 2001
Fine. We just need to have some more characters and a story...
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Dizzy the Void Posted May 17, 2001
Here's the story. http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F65214?thread=114729&latest=1
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Darkman Shadow Posted May 19, 2001
Hi. I'm Darkman Shadow. I guess "ranger" will do for me. Or maybe "thief." I'm good with a couple dark spells. Human. Male. Probably weapon proficiency is a dagger. That sound good?
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Gumby Posted May 28, 2001
pooch seems too optomistic to turn down. im with ya, you rehabilitated monster (no offense)
my character shall be named: pockets the summoner!
i will be a wizard who specializes in green magic (cuz im a SUMMONER)
i will pull my summoned thing out of my oversized front pocket
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Dizzy the Void Posted May 28, 2001
Gumby, the post you're replying to is on the /first/ page of this forum. So we need to wait a bit while I come up with another story...
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Dancer (put your advert here) Posted May 28, 2001
Actually, I think he can join "A walk n the park" somewhere on the other end of the tunnel.
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Indefatigable Posted Jun 18, 2001
Name: Indy
Race: Esper-- BUT I look like a fairy. I don't flaunt my magical powers unless I absolutely have to, so nobody can tell that I'm an esper just by looking.
Gender: Female
Class: None, in keeping with my fairy appearance.
I'm about a foot tall, with long unruly brown hair in two braids. I'm well-read and often surprise people with little bits of trivia that I've picked up (sometimes useful, sometimes not). My magical proficiency is yet to be determined, but since I'm really an esper it's probably pretty spectacular. I have a calico cat named Flossflower as a travelling companion/beast of burden/riding animal.
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MaW Posted Jun 18, 2001
But as Pooch will tell you, flying can be so wearing on the wings. Of course, since he's over six feet long there are few animals he could ride...
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- 121: Apollo (May 11, 2001)
- 122: Dizzy the Void (May 11, 2001)
- 123: Eternity (Ace) (May 13, 2001)
- 124: Dizzy the Void (May 13, 2001)
- 125: Apollo (May 13, 2001)
- 126: Dancer (put your advert here) (May 13, 2001)
- 127: Dizzy the Void (May 13, 2001)
- 128: Rama - now floating around the world on Her Majesty's Finest (May 16, 2001)
- 129: Dizzy the Void (May 16, 2001)
- 130: Dizzy the Void (May 17, 2001)
- 131: Darkman Shadow (May 19, 2001)
- 132: Dizzy the Void (May 19, 2001)
- 133: Gumby (May 28, 2001)
- 134: Dizzy the Void (May 28, 2001)
- 135: Dancer (put your advert here) (May 28, 2001)
- 136: Dizzy the Void (May 28, 2001)
- 137: Indefatigable (Jun 18, 2001)
- 138: Dizzy the Void (Jun 18, 2001)
- 139: MaW (Jun 18, 2001)
- 140: Dizzy the Void (Jun 18, 2001)
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