A Conversation for H2G2 Free-Form Fantasy Forum

Become a character!

Post 141


I'll think of a reason and work it into the story. Other than that it's less tiring to ride on something else. And that it's nice to have company. So how do I go about getting into a story?

Become a character!

Post 142

Dizzy the Void

First, we need some other party members. Second, we need a story. You can participate in more than one, y'know, as long as you can come up with a plausible way you CAN be there.

Become a character!

Post 143


Hey! My previous story kinda fizzled out, so if you want to start a new thread...Moloko will be waitingsmiley - smiley

Become a character!

Post 144

Dizzy the Void

Yeah, well, any story you come up with, run it by me first.

Become a character!

Post 145

The Mystical Fish (ACE, MuG, pianist/guitarist in YP and the Hoopy Hoopsters, Keeper of Air Guitars)6*7+4+1-2-3=42

Anyone need a wood elf ranger called Orion (male).

An amazing shot with a long bow, good with a sword and knows lots about healing properties of herbs and such like. On a personal quest to find the murderers of his family.

Become a character!

Post 146

Dizzy the Void

No problem with that!

Become a character!

Post 147

The Mystical Fish (ACE, MuG, pianist/guitarist in YP and the Hoopy Hoopsters, Keeper of Air Guitars)6*7+4+1-2-3=42

Just point me to my destination!

Become a character!

Post 148

Dizzy the Void

There IS no direction! We haven't got any new plots! Come up with your own!

Become a character!

Post 149


smiley - crescentmoon

Azrael is a disillusioned elven fighter mage who's been spending a lot of time lately working as a freelance assassin. However, working for the highest bidder gets tiresome and messy (not to mention harder and harder), so he's decided to become an adventurer. He has a highly developed sense of humour, which means that he hardly ever finds anything amusing and never tells jokes because he's sure that no one would understand them anyway. To most people, he therefore doesn't seem to have a sense of humour at all.

The assassin/fighter/mage Azrael dresses in bloodred and black, seems generally depressed and cynical and tends to care only about himself. His weapon of choice is a dark blade with a bit of black magical enhancement if the situation calls for it (more often than not, it's covered with poisonous slime or bloodred flames). However, he's also rather good at sneaking up on people and dispensing of them quietly with a dagger.

All in all, he's a rather bad boy. smiley - devil

Become a character!

Post 150


As for plots, why not the old "find the magic item and save the universe" deal? Unless that's not already taken, of course. smiley - smiley

Become a character!

Post 151

Dizzy the Void

Sounds good. Er, have you got an idea for an adventure?

Become a character!

Post 152


smiley - huh Unintentional double negation! smiley - doh I meant to write "Unless that's already taken".

Become a character!

Post 153


Cool, simulpost.

Become a character!

Post 154

Dizzy the Void

I need specifics.

Become a character!

Post 155


Okay, here's a partial rip-off with some of my own stuff in there for good measure. There's this magic red jewel called the Heart of Darkness in which a powerful demon, Belial, has been trapped. Now the Sons of Darkness (assorted demons and necromancers) are on the verge of freeing him from his so called eternal prison. Of course, they're waiting for the perfect smiley - fullmoon. When that arrives and the right words are spoken, Belial will awake and unleash his eighty legions of demons, thereby taking over the world. For future reference, he appears in the form of a beautiful angel seated on a chariot of fire-belching dragons. This is useful information, because if he does appear, the quest has failed already.

Here's the quest. Get the Hammer of God, which only the truly virtuous can weild, and use it to destroy the Heart of Darkness, thus slaying Belial. Of course, the Hammer of God is as well guarded as the Heart of Darkness, only this time by assorted warrior monks, clerics and all-round do-gooders.

It's not an easy task, but someone's got to do it. I think I'll have to leave place naming (ie where're the Heart and the Hammer) up to you, lest we get continuity problems. How's that sound?

Become a character!

Post 156

Dizzy the Void

No need to worry about continuity errors in any case. None of are adventures have crossed paths yet (One of them is/was in Dante's depiction of Hell!) and no real definitions of what The Realm is have been set in stone. Er, YOU come up with the places. And we need to set up more of the party ...

Become a character!

Post 157


Ok... smiley - erm To continue playing around with stereotypes and mixing different stuff wildly and incorrectly like some kind of Hollywood producer, let's say that the Heart of Darkness is in the Valley of the Shadow of Death and that the Hammer of God is on Mount Olympos. They are both in the great kingdom Zion.

smiley - tongueout

Become a character!

Post 158

Dizzy the Void

Great idea! smiley - bleep

(Sorry, I'm having fun with the Bleep smiley. smiley - winkeye)

smiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleep
smiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleep
smiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleep
smiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleep
smiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleep
smiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleep

Become a character!

Post 159


It seems very violent somehow. Intrusive might be a better word. If it were to be smiley - bleep into a sentence at any possible smiley - bleep, you would smiley - bleep very confused and smiley - bleep after a smiley - bleep of smiley - bleep the smiley - bleep. Wouldn't you smiley - bleep?

Become a character!

Post 160


Hmm, how many characters do we have so far? Azrael and Indy, right? How many do we need for a party?

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