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i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 1


smiley - space
smiley - smiley yes?

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 2

Dizzy H. Muffin

Heh ... the last time I even *thought* about this was when I was deciding whether to delete it or not. I dunno ...

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 3


smiley - space
yeah... maybe it needs to be tweaked to fit the atmosphere here better now...

my only take on it, and keep in mind i am not well versed in all the magic stuff you have up there, is that it might be too constricting...

i always wanted to see a cross-over role play where characters from science fiction as well as fantasy could interact...

all well-known so that just about anyone could participate...

for instance, and this is just off the top of my head... darn...

. .... . .

...top blew off...

well elements and characters of star wars, star trek, harry potter, dr who, pern, the hitchhiker's guide, Niven's known universe and disc world... for starters

just ideas... smiley - smiley

. ... .looks around for my head top. ... . .

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 4

Dizzy H. Muffin

Uh. I think that if I *did* start this up again I'd want to do something more original. >.>

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 5


smiley - space
sorry... don't know what you mean.

no biggy, tho... smiley - smiley

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 6

Dizzy H. Muffin

By "original" I mean "not shamelessly ripping off elements and characters from Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Dr. Who, Pern, the Hitchhiker's Guide, Niven's known universe, Discworld, and everything else I happen to be interested in at the moment." :P

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 7


smiley - space
aha! but the interaction between them can be verrrrrrry original!! smiley - smiley

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 8

Dizzy H. Muffin

Um, no, sorry, given the vastly different way those universes work from one another, it would be silly. Ripoffs, by definition, aren't original, no matter what you do with them.

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 9


smiley - space
well... my experience with role play has been solely on here... and not much. I can see that you are very experienced and actually it has become an art form for you... of course you would have definite tastes and preferences for it, and lots of development in the storylines, too, i would imagine.

i have just been into pretty fast-paced silly stuff... but its a start!!

Anyway... i just meant it would be good to have a mix-it-up kind of rpg here... whatever the parameters.

smiley - smiley

carry on!

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 10

Dizzy H. Muffin

Oh, I don't mind fast-paced-and-silly at all. It's just that Harry Potter doesn't really belong right after Star Trek in a list of things you want to combine, especially if you include the phrase "wouldn't it be cool if" in the sentence. smiley - winkeye

I know how crossovers work.

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 11


smiley - space
he he they managed to bring the star trek crew back to 20th century earth and was THAT a hoot! (the whale one) IIRC spock and kirk, in fact all of them were trying to learn american slang? well, spock was the funny one... all the swearing smiley - rofl

and, in my mind's eye ank morph and hogwarts are just 'around the corner' smiley - biggrin verily i say unto you, can't you just see the sea turtle discworld is atop of... in the Star trek viewer on the bridge? And the tardis can go anywhere... and so can Hitchhikers... .

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 12

Dizzy H. Muffin

Oh, the TARDIS and insert-Hitchhiker-spaceship-here I'll grant you, but Star Trek is, I think, a bit too ... serious.

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 13


smiley - space
You really think the original Star Trek tv series with Capt. Kirk, Scotty, Spock, McCoy and Chekov was too serious!?

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 14

Dizzy H. Muffin

Well, not "serious" exactly, but they generally don't *outright* use "magic."

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 15


smiley - space
yes... that would be the beauty of it... the trekkers' reactions to magic smiley - silly

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 16

Dizzy H. Muffin


Let's see ... Kirk would take the three most important officers on the entire ship on a dangerous mission, Spock would whine about everything even remotely illogical, Bones gets to end a sentence that begins "Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a", the Redshirt does what Redshirts are famous for (i.e. dying at the slightest provocation), and Scottie cannae give ye anymore power because he's givin' ye all she's got.

So, typical classic Trek episode. smiley - winkeye

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 17


smiley - space

smiley - biggrin

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 18

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

Classic trek is awesome.

i think something like this needs to start up again

Post 19

bluewolf482 - Lycanthrope Rights Activist

I've been trying hard to find an RPG on h2g2, but they all seem to be defunct. Yes, this needs to start up again. smiley - fullmoon

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