A Conversation for H2G2 Free-Form Fantasy Forum
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Dizzy H. Muffin Started conversation Apr 10, 2001
[Ghastly Madman] NAMES! Names! Tell me your name, your race, your class, your age, your proficiency, your [and so on and so on and so on and so on and ...]
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NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.) Posted Apr 11, 2001
Twinkle, elf, combination wizard/ranger, age unknown, proficient with a bow (not the pink ribbony kind).
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I'm not really here Posted Apr 11, 2001
Tzeital, High Elf, Wizard, Age, age about 5000, absolutely shite at everything but magic. Falls over if even breathed on by a baddie, but standing at the back hurling energy bolts around she can do lots of damage. A bit snooty though.
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Alien Posted Apr 11, 2001
*wonders why she always jumps into all of these adventures and conversations when she hasn't enough time for all of them, but decides not to think about it and have fun*
My name is... umm... How I hate choosing names... Oh well, let's say it's Elena... Then species and such... Something different from what I'm playing elsewhere... Hmm... I'm human, and... a thief... age around 20...
A question: Are dragons only big and evil?? Couldn't I *please please please* have a foot-tall pet dragon who likes to gnaw things?? Pleeeeeease? *does puppy dog eyes*
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NexusSeven Posted Apr 11, 2001
Mainx, a hard, surly and taciturn human warrior who's good at whacking things with his claymore (2-h sword) but is illiterate.
And is even more of a stereotype than Maximus in Gladiator.
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MaW Posted Apr 11, 2001
Korenini'ini'us Ick'scuuurgh
* dies while trying to pronounce own name *
Hmm, someone different I think.
Carnage, a runt dragon (five feet long) who due to excessive bullying as a child by the other dragons has left the life of evil-doing and tries to spread happiness whereever he goes. He's obsidian in colour, glossy in finish, usually well-polished enough to use as a mirror, fastidious about his appearance, breathes smoke (as he's not big enough to breathe fire) and capable of some fairly basic but occasionally impressive magic.
And yes, his name was given to him by his mother in the hope that it would inspire him to be mean and nasty to humans. It didn't work.
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Dizzy H. Muffin Posted Apr 11, 2001
[YK] [who is wearing a blue fighter's outfit with a green square on the front, and spiked shoulder guards] Ribald. Human. Warrior. Swordfighting. And so on.
[Ghastly Madman] Good then! Twinkle, Tzeital, Elena, Manix, and Pooch. Now, arrange yourselves into groups of ... let's see ... three. And yes, Elena, dragons can be small and nice.
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Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Apr 11, 2001
Mustafa(wick) - human - Henchman - age indescriminate - proficiency clubs and rubber chickens.
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Sylvia, pokémon trainer(with her Oddish)(Minister of emerald green, keeper of green magic) Posted Apr 11, 2001
Sylvia, elven ranger, old enough to have some experience as a ranger, but still pretty young, good with a staff.
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Dizzy H. Muffin Posted Apr 11, 2001
[Ribald] Right. You're with me.
[Ghastly Madman] Well? Who's going to be in the parties of three?? Er, the party Ribald's in will have to be a party of three-and-one-sixth...
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Dizzy H. Muffin Posted Apr 11, 2001
[Ooops! Simulpost! I was responding to Mustafawick.]
[Ghastly Madman] Er, better make it one of four and one of three-and-one-sixth...
[Ribald] I think I'd like to be in a party with Mustafawick, Sylvia, and Elena.
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MaW Posted Apr 11, 2001
* Pooch emits a small puff of smoke *
[Pooch] Nobody wants me? I'll cry!
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NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.) Posted Apr 12, 2001
I'm with Pooch. Dragons are cute!
*Pats Pooch on the snout*
To Elena: In D&D there are small (one-foot) pseudodragons that can be tamed as pets.
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Dizzy H. Muffin Posted Apr 12, 2001
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Researcher 168814 Posted Apr 12, 2001
*E enters. E will have to asume another entitie, looks at madman, and would like to swap roles with him*
I äme E-zara*k, dwarf-ränger. I´m goode at beerbrewing, I don´t minde, but äm not to fonde of elves. I ride ä pony called T-kära*k. It only cän underständ dwarfish [Talking to T-kära*k in dwarfish will not be accepted by Moderation. It won´t understand anything not said in dwarfish] I like ä good äxe in my händs and wont säy no to ä good squaffing. My little drägon is called EaEzara*k. He rides on the bäck of T-kärak, who is absolutly unseperäble with this little creature.
Is thät änough?
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Dizzy H. Muffin Posted Apr 12, 2001
[Ghastly Madman] Er ... yeah. Er, I suppose the adventurers going to the Seelie Court will need a fourth party member...
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Sergeant Mushroom Posted Apr 12, 2001
I'd like to be an elven sorceress called Squelk (Don't ask why. I've no idea). I have no pets or such. I distrust horses.
That ok?
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Dizzy H. Muffin Posted Apr 12, 2001
[Ghastly Madman] All right. Let's see what kind of adventure we can dig up once we get some more characters here ...
[Mackenzie] I've decided to do something really silly, seeing as I'm the second most powerful magic-user in the Galaxy.
[Ghastly Madman] And what's that?
[Mackenzie] I'll be a named Kiminy. No age given, no class, proficiency
, not that I need to say so.
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- 1: Dizzy H. Muffin (Apr 10, 2001)
- 2: NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.) (Apr 11, 2001)
- 3: I'm not really here (Apr 11, 2001)
- 4: Alien (Apr 11, 2001)
- 5: NexusSeven (Apr 11, 2001)
- 6: MaW (Apr 11, 2001)
- 7: MaW (Apr 11, 2001)
- 8: Dizzy H. Muffin (Apr 11, 2001)
- 9: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Apr 11, 2001)
- 10: Sylvia, pokémon trainer(with her Oddish)(Minister of emerald green, keeper of green magic) (Apr 11, 2001)
- 11: Dizzy H. Muffin (Apr 11, 2001)
- 12: Dizzy H. Muffin (Apr 11, 2001)
- 13: MaW (Apr 11, 2001)
- 14: NexusSeven (Apr 11, 2001)
- 15: NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.) (Apr 12, 2001)
- 16: Dizzy H. Muffin (Apr 12, 2001)
- 17: Researcher 168814 (Apr 12, 2001)
- 18: Dizzy H. Muffin (Apr 12, 2001)
- 19: Sergeant Mushroom (Apr 12, 2001)
- 20: Dizzy H. Muffin (Apr 12, 2001)
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