A Conversation for h2g2 Announcements

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 101

Icy North

Shall I tell him, or will you, Pastey?

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 102

Baron Grim

What, tell me that Manchester ISN'T in Scotland? I'm not that daft! But it's close enough to Scotland to make a nice week or ten day trip of it.

Actually, to someone who's lived in Texas all his life, they're practically in the same area code.

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 103

Titania (gone for lunch)

The main difference between London and Manchester that really struck me during my first visit to Manchester was the difference in drinking culture on a Friday night.

In London, everybody seeemed to be busy getting as drunk as possible before the pubs closed at 11 pm.

In Manchester, people seemed to be more intent on socialising and having a good time with their friends, and drinking more casually.

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 104

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

I'll be a probable ... depending on transport arrangements ... also I'm moving house some point in June (I think) ... so as long as that doesn't also clash

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 105

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

As Manchester is now the main Meet, I'm happy to organise a London Mini-meet for those who can't travel to Manchester.

Like myself...


smiley - musicalnote

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 106

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

As long as its not in the same weekend it would be hoopy, MMF smiley - ok

Some of us might jump at the opportunity to holiday in GB for a week or two smiley - bigeyes

smiley - pirate

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 107


Ti, I think you've nailed the drinking difference. In London people try and cram as much in before they or their friends have to catch the last train back out to the suburbs. It all seems a show. Whereas in Manchester, and other cities up north, the drinking almost plays a side role, it's all about spending the time with your friends.

MMF! You've got to come up! And depending on finances (now I'm not working) I'd love to come down for a mini-meet smiley - smiley

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 108

You can call me TC

Are you eligible for the carer price offer that 2legs mentioned, MMF?

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 109


I'm starting to wonder if it'd be cheaper for someone in Nodnol with a car to drive up via 2legs (fnar fnar smiley - winkeye) giving everyone a lift smiley - biggrin

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 110

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I do have a disabled rail card, which means I get 1/3 off, as does someone travelling with me.

It would be good if my girlfriend could travel with me, but she's something pre booked on Friday nights unless it is half term or end of term, which would be the last weekend of May, i.e. 30th May to 1st June. Would help on the accommodation front.

I'll certainly do my best Pastey. You know how much I enjoy Mancunian hospitality, and I don't need to be invited twice.

Maybe I can plan a Nodnol Meet for September? If there is enough interest, of course.


smiley - musicalnote

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 111

Titania (gone for lunch)

*makes a mental note of getting MMF more 'chill pills' in case he does make it to the Manchester meet* smiley - winkeye

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 112

You can call me TC

Hmm. That car idea .... I always hire a car when I'm over. Really need to know the dates for early bookings now.

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 113

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

So, any date set yet?

smiley - dragon

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 114

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - wow how about, if I hired a car, and drove to London to ... ahh... maybe not... smiley - winkeyesmiley - snork

A London meet circa some other time in the year, towards the autumn might be doo-able too; if I don't stay over in London, just get the last train home, it makes it a lot cheaper, as the rail fare isn't astranomical off-peak and with my railcard smiley - zen


Ealier talking of other events with the meet; can we have a lesson before the meet, on this 'Northern drinking culture' thing, it sounds complicated to me...

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 115


I think we're looking at the first weekend in June, just need to check that date against stuff like football and other events going on smiley - smiley

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 116

Bald Bloke

Looks clear to me

Epsom Derby that weekend so all the betting types will be down this end of the country.

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 117

You can call me TC

The 1st of June is a Sunday - does that count as the first weekend?

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 118

Icy North

Aagh, it clashes with One Direction at Wembley.

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 119

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

That's a good clash, surely. There won't be any one direction fans at the meet... smiley - biggrinsmiley - evilgrin gosh... if the meets that* soon, I better start thinking about what to wear... smiley - whistlesmiley - snorksmiley - run

Monday 16th December - 2014 h2g2 Annual Meet

Post 120


Was looking at the 7th, the first *full* weekend in June smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout

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