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Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 1

Pink Paisley

Ia am reminded that mine did.

Bread, clotted cream and golden syrup.

Are there any other culinary gems out there waiting to be re-discovered?


Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 2


My husband's mum & dad once sat down to cake sandwich. Literally a slice of madeira cake between two slices of white buttered bread.

But then my brother used to eat pickle on toast dipped in coffee for breakfast so I suppose there's no accounting for taste smiley - weird

Deb smiley - cheerup

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 3


Hot strong onion sliced in a crusty roll with strong cheddar and mayo.

Wash down with scrumpy cidersmiley - magic

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 4

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

My mother's mother baked beans all Saturday. The beans themselves were served Sunday night. The bean juice was dribbled on bread for Sunday supper.

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 5

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

My grandfather (the good one) liked any duck eggs that I found in our small creek. Even the ones missed and gone old, he'd pay me a full 10-cents ! He also liked his tobacco pipe and what I later learned was very weak smiley - coffee

He was the only man that could walk through a spring rain shower and remain dry. He said he simply walked between the drops.

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 6

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Sugar sandwiches or condensed milk sandwiches where regular staples back in the '60's.


smiley - musicalnote

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 7

Icy North

My brother's father in law regularly ate sugar sandwiches, as well as apple sandwiches, which I thought weird (I still do).

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 8

Baron Grim

Ooh, that reminds me... when I was a kid we'd have peanut butter and banana sandwiches sprinkled with brown sugar.

Also, my great grandmother made excellent apple butter for spreading on toast.

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 9

Icy North

It's years since I had a banana sandwich. The contents tend to spill out, so it's best to slice the fruit longitudinally.

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 10

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

No, Icy, the only banana sandwich is made with the brown bananas and brown sugar, pulped, and spread on bread.


smiley - musicalnote

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 11

Baron Grim

Imagine how good they tasted before the gros Michel bananas were wiped out leaving us with the much blander Cavendish monoculture.

I tried a red banana earlier this year. I could like them if they weren't so much trouble. You gotta let them ripen for a long time and it's hard to tell when they're properly ripe. The ones I had weren't overly sweet, but they did have a much fruitier flavor.

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 12

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"Sugar sandwiches or condensed milk sandwiches where regular staples back in the '60's" [MMF]

In the '60s, Sunday night supper in my family was bread and milk: white bread, soaked in milk, with sugar sprinkled over it. Another Sunday night favorite was popcorn.

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 13


No but he did eat the infamous Maconochie's stew WWI army rations troops for the eating of.


Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 14


I can't remember who introduced me to this - it might even have been someone on hootoo - but have any of you tried toast sandwiches? As simple as it sounds, really - a slice of toasted white bread between two buttered slices of untoasted wide bread. It's actually better than it sounds. smiley - laugh

Better if the bread is fairly thinly sliced.

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 15

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I've had cheese and apple sandwiches. If you're not going to eat them immediately, you need to spread a little lemon juice on the apple slices so they don't go brown. One I came up with myself is cheese and honey: no bread, just cheese and honey. This works best, I've found, with a mild white cheddar.

In Cyprus, I was recommended to try haloumi, a soft squeaky cheese which comes in brine, with watermelon. The contrast between the soft salty cheese and the fresh crispy watermelon was delightful.

I have eaten weirder. My granddad once gave us snails in omelet. I wasn't impressed.

And then there are the stories I've heard. Apparently my uncle once got into trouble in primary school. The kids were asked what they'd had for breakfast, and he replied "scrambled pig's brains". The teacher assumed he was being cheeky. He wasn't.

TRiG.smiley - drool

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 16

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I had pig brain soup in a cafeteria in Taiwan one time. It was served with lumps of pork fat in gravy.

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 17

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

A farmer introduced me to sharp, aged cheddar and honey. The contrasts are very nice

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 18


I'd never have thought of cheese and honey, but I might give it a go. I don't go for sweet things generally, but who knows!

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 19

You can call me TC

Cheese and honey is quite usual here, and that's coming from Germany, where you can't buy filo pastry and their idea of curry is a little yellow powder sprinkled on rice.

The honey should be strong and sharp, not sweet and sugary. Goat's cheese, grilled or baked, goes really well. Also any tart marmalade or jam - after all, it's only a thin line between mango chutney and, say, apricot jam.

Haloumi is the most revolting foodstuff after hummus that anyone ever thought up.

Did your Grandad eat thunder and lightning?

Post 20

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Hummus is a favorite of mine. I've never tasted haloumi. I'e tasted goat milk cheese and sheep milk cheese -- I like one and detest the other. If you mix the two [apparently Haloumi is a mix] you risk getting the worst of both.

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