A Conversation for Ask h2g2
What will supper be?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Sep 30, 2019
Tonight's supper will be one of those catch-all recipes that I developed for accommodating leftovers from Thanksgiving. Except that I use chicken rather than turkey this time.
What will supper be?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Sep 30, 2019
Yeah well, you always get Thanksgiving wrong. Over a month late.
What will supper be?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Oct 3, 2019
With luck, I will pack on a little body weight this week-end. Come Tuesday, I turn 60 so the Mrs Rev wants to celebrate a little.
Sunday: We play fun, drop-in darts. She will have a slab cake of carrot cake with cream cheese icing. And she has arranged for a snack for 25 of our friends:
- using white bread and whole grain, sandwiches of ham & cheese, salmon salad, egg salad
- celery, carrots, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes
- 3 sorts of cheeses
Monday: I will roast a single strip of pork tenderloin, to be accompanied by gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, bread dressing, perhaps corn on the cob. A small dish of fresh fruit salad.
Tuesday: Dinner out with Mrs Rev and 4 very good friends. Even if I bring half of my meal home, I want flavours. 7 escargots baked and topped with golden melted cheeses (comes with crispy garlic bread). An opener size Greek salad. A 6-oz bacon wrapped filet mignon (medium rare) with sauteed mushrooms & onions. Mashed potatoes w/beef gravy. Tender young green beans & carrots. 5 large breaded and crispy golden butterfly shrimp. And because a free birthday dessert is mandatory there, a simple wedge of Dutch apple pie, with a little sharp cheddar cheese or vanilla iced cream.
What will supper be?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Oct 10, 2019
My birthday week-end did have a lot of eating. A confluence of circumstances provided enough food for 50 or so people on the Sunday, so the 30 of us ate well. And the dinner with friends had minor differences from my expected - 6 huge shrimps instead of 5, and no apple pie on the menu.
This evening, being Thursday, is play night of our Men's Dart League. A couple of ladies operate the kitchen to provide foods for the first couple of hours. Usually some sort of entree, but always also some fresh sandwiches, hamburgers or chicken burgers, french fries, onion rings, etc. Some entrees suit me well, such as the baked ham last week. Tonight, the plan is a toasted western Denver sandwich with fries, which is always good. I will ask for a little cheese on the sandwich and some gravy on the fries. Followed by beer (Canadian, of course) and most of 4 hours of dart play.
Have I mentioned that this year, I am the President of the dart league?
What will supper be?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Oct 13, 2019
Monday, the 14th, is our Thanksgiving Day. I'll be cooking stuff.
What will supper be?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Oct 15, 2019
Tonight, my supper will be sausage and green beans and noodles
What will supper be?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday will be left-over pig and potatoes. And shrimps.
What will supper be?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Oct 16, 2019
Tonight's supper will be paella
What will supper be?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Oct 18, 2019
I have never leased a vehicle. I have had 8 vehicles registered in my name, all purchases in short or long. Only 2 were brand new off of a lot, the rest all pre-owned for under a year to as much as 8 years.
What will supper be?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Oct 23, 2019
There have been some fine meals in recent times, and I have a few planned for my bachelor time over Christmas and New Years. Duck? Pork heart? I have never tried either, but with herself away - it seems a good time.
Tuesday supper - the day following a very disappointing federal election - I cooked up some tasty pork ribs. Two and a half hours in a crock-pot with a mixture of 3 commercial BBQ sauces had the meat falling off of bones. Then they were scooped into a pan and fed to a 325F oven for a little over a half hour. Turning the wet sauce coating into a firmly adhering glaze. Served with a simple packaged creamy parmesan pasta mix, and a tin of peaches & cream corn briefly simmered in a little butter.
For Wednesday, I am thinking maybe simple order-in pizza. I like meats and a little sweets on a thin and crispy crust. (Ham, bacon, red onions, mushrooms and tomatoes)
What will supper be?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Oct 24, 2019
I'm going to have fish tagine for supper
What will supper be?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Oct 24, 2019
Darts night, so my supper might be an acceptable entree - or I will settle for salmon or egg salad sandwich with a small french fries (with gravy)
What will supper be?
ITIWBS Posted Oct 24, 2019
A batch of deluxe fried rice with scrambled egg and small shrimp with miscellaneous small vegetables.
What will supper be?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Oct 25, 2019
The special was a very generously filled wrap, containing lettuce, tomato, thick sliced roast chicken, crispy bacon and mayo. And a side of french fries. It was all very nice.
What will supper be?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Oct 25, 2019
Tonight I will have the last serving of pasta fazool with meatballs and mushrooms.
What will supper be?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Oct 26, 2019
We had to go over to the next town today, and so stopped at a fish & chips place coincidentally called The Fish & Chips Place. Some appetizers that they have are a plate of 7 very large and battered shrimps, and another is 8 breaded scallops. Mrs Rev ordered the scallops and a generous salad, where-as I ordered the shrimps and a 1-piece cod dinner. All was excellent, and of course we each had some of each option.
I also learned today that a pig heart is not very big at all. Intact, it weighed about 9 ounces, and once trimmed, it produced 2 pieces totaling 7.4 ounce. I used the air fryer at 375F for about 7 minutes per side. A very tasty snack that I will have to do another day.
What will supper be?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Oct 26, 2019
My supper tonight will be more of the fish tagine I made a while ago.
What will supper be?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Nov 5, 2019
I know that I put another post here - - - but I must have encrypted it?
That pork heart is so very tasty, I have 3 more in the freezer for an idea of a really delicious stroganoff.
At the moment, I have a small measure of meat in the dehydrator and becoming a treat of a jerky. Think "Bullwinkle".
What will supper be?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Nov 5, 2019
cassoulet made with chicken
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What will supper be?
- 1201: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Sep 30, 2019)
- 1202: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Sep 30, 2019)
- 1203: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Oct 3, 2019)
- 1204: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Oct 10, 2019)
- 1205: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Oct 13, 2019)
- 1206: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Oct 15, 2019)
- 1207: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Oct 15, 2019)
- 1208: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Oct 16, 2019)
- 1209: ITIWBS (Oct 17, 2019)
- 1210: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Oct 18, 2019)
- 1211: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Oct 23, 2019)
- 1212: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Oct 24, 2019)
- 1213: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Oct 24, 2019)
- 1214: ITIWBS (Oct 24, 2019)
- 1215: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Oct 25, 2019)
- 1216: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Oct 25, 2019)
- 1217: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Oct 26, 2019)
- 1218: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Oct 26, 2019)
- 1219: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Nov 5, 2019)
- 1220: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Nov 5, 2019)
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