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Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 101

Baron Grim

That's not very helpful... I believe I've seen just about every Mel Brooks fillum... hold on, I'll check....

Yep... except Dracula, Dead and Loving It.

I don't remember any notable kilt scenes off the top of my head. Maybe there was one in Men in Tights. It has been a few decades since I've seen it.

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 102

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - snorksmiley - snorksmiley - roflsmiley - snork <rofl< smiley - applausesmiley - biggrin awww... you lot cheer me up so much sometimes smiley - laughsmiley - snork no stockings?! smiley - cry so long as the hairy legs and wooly socks are on a nice kaber tossing muscular Scots guy, in a kilt..... sounds good to me (hang on.... this is suddenly turning into a nearly identicle re-run of the conversation I was having this morning, about the Scottish referundum, which, err, got onto the subject of men in kilts and ... things... smiley - laugh ) smiley - snorksmiley - blush I do try to be good.... smiley - angel I'm just not good at being good... but better at being bad smiley - devilsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - angel

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 103

Witty Moniker

My concern about lack of suitable undergarments is due to my desire to not notice the dangly motion of the dangly bits. It hurts my eyes.

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 104


You should not get that close smiley - cool

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 105

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyes I try to avoid being hit in the eyes by the dangly bits... smiley - whistle but... if someones wearing trousers, or suchlike, and just happens to have on no undergarments.... its not like... there's anything actually being exposed smiley - bigeyes

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 106

Baron Grim

I must admit, my 'dangly bits' have been in full view a few times while wearing kilts. I'm not ashamed one bit. smiley - biggrin

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 107

Baron Grim

I should say that this usually happened after being asked, "is it true what they say?"

smiley - evilgrin

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 108


That thing about the Scots and kilts, really just a temporary adjustment to the embargo by the court of Elizabeth I on exports of Irish linen to Scotland, forcing the Scots to fall back on French woolens, since they had no sheep culture of their own at the time.

Made for serious clothing shortages.

The men took to wraring their blankets by day.

Before the Elizabethan linen embargo, they traditionally wore the the saffron shirt, a v-necked, mid-thigh to knee-length tunic and trews, with footgear tailored to the situation.

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 109


That's given 2legs an idea now he will be up the kilt shop tomorrow.smiley - biggrin

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 110

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Are there any people who wear kilts as pajamas?

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 111


With the original torm of the kilt, the 'great kilt', it was a double length blanket and one indeed slept in it.


Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 112


smiley - biro...pardon the 't' in the 4th word of the post above. New corrective lenses for my astigmatism are on the agenda...smiley - zen

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 113

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

"That's not very helpful... I believe I've seen just about every Mel Brooks fillum... hold on, I'll check....

Yep... except Dracula, Dead and Loving It."

Don't bother. It's terrible.

"I don't remember any notable kilt scenes off the top of my head. Maybe there was one in Men in Tights. It has been a few decades since I've seen it."

Much better movie. Nothing in it that involves kilts though.

smiley - pirate

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 114

Baron Grim

Quite interesting ITIWBS.

I was only aware of the small fact that the typical belted kilt (philibeg) was invented by a fellow from Lancashire. Just for the convenience of it.

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 115

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

The whole 'no underwear' thing is technically a myth as the shirts worn in the olden days were long enough to be (and would have been) tucked up & around one's nethers.

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 116


MediƦval Cistercian monks did not wear pants. They based their beliefs on the rules of St Benedict and as the Saint never mentioned pants in any of his writings, they considered them to be evil.

I don't know whether they wear pants these days - I've never had an opportunity to ask a monk about their underwear...


Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 117

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The last time I was talking to a monk, strangely enough, the subject of his undergarments never came up, in the conversation.... Yes... I know... I'm weird... and yes... I've spoken to monks on several occasions... smiley - alienfrown next time I meet one, I'll endevour to somhow nudge the conversation to the subject of his undergarments... or not... as the case may be smiley - alienfrownsmiley - weirdsmiley - blush

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 118

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Is there anyone who routinely wears pajamas as underwear?

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 119


well, there is child I know who is six, and regularly puts their school uniform over their pajamas, they are growing out of it

Why are pyjamas a social problem?

Post 120


I watched a clip from the Conan O'Brien talkshow, where his guest was wearing a green tracksuit. Not a pyjamas, but not much better.

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