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NaJoPoMo for November

Post 21

Researcher 14993127

Ho yus, I'll be doing it this year. Due to a house move 20 days into last years effort hopefully I'll do the lot this year.
It'll be the usual theme, waffle and waffling followed by yet more waffle. smiley - spacesmiley - whistlesmiley - spacesmiley - biggrinsmiley - spacesmiley - run

smiley - cat

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 22


This is tempting. I'll think about it, but it may well be a yes from me. smiley - smiley

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 23


Excellent. smiley - smiley

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 24

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm going to take the plunge into the novel-writing abyss, so I won't be able to do a daily journal. Sorry. smiley - cheerup

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 25


smiley - goodluck with the novel, paulh. If you get a chance to report back, I'd be glad to hear from you.

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 26

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I may consider the novel this year, again... though my attempt last time was pitiful, I'll only do so if I have a fairly clear idea that I'll actually be near a computer for most of the month... or, indeed have an idea about what to write one on... If I do though, I may still do the journal thing, at the same time... in which case the theme of the journal will probably be 'writing a novel in a month'.... or edited highlights/adaptations thereof... hmmm.... If not I think I may theme the journal... just not sure what to theme it on... yet... smiley - alienfrown

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 27

Create: endeavours in reading, writing, rhythm, blues, art, photography, and biscuits.

As 2Legs said, there is no 'one way' of doing this. Some people prefer to write one single Journal entry per day whereas other may wish to write an entry a day in just one Journal. Whatever suits the writer is the most important thing.

We'll set up the Create Challenge page fairly early on in October and those that wish to take part will be able to add their names and methods on there and we'll be able to keep track of who is posting and where.

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 28

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - zensmiley - magic I may theme my journal entrys on butter. seriously. or not... details, details... Need to figure out the details smiley - alienfrownsmiley - sillysmiley - milksmiley - cheese

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 29


I'm thinking I might be opinionated about whatever they're talking about on BBC Radio WM between 6.45 & 7.30 am on weekday mornings, then wing it at the weekends.

A theme's a bit clever for me. But I'll look forward to reading other offerings. In fact, that's why I failed last year - I just didn't have time to write my own journals and read everyone else's so opted to read rather than write.

Deb smiley - cheerup

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 30

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Many of the people on my friends list will likely write journals this year, so I'll be reading theirs.

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 31

You can call me TC

I'm still subscribed to everyone's journal who took part last year.

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 32


I'm wondering whether to tell a story. But rather than plan it, it might be more fun to set off and see where I got to - though the results might not make any sense!

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 33

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I always thought making sense was overratted. As my Grandmother always used to say, 'At the start, you dont' want to know the end, or you'll not be able to know the start belongs to that end; Just like when your moving eels about, you don't want the bucket to be exactly the right size, or it just won't be big enough, plus, of course, your concrete relationship within the wall of the restrictions, enforced by the eels, can't always let you know what way the price of potatos is going'.
Of course, I've not a clue what she was talking about... I don't think anyone did... strange woman... Obsessed by eels... err, the moral of which is, something, I guess. smiley - sillysmiley - run

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 34


*Dips toe in water*

I'll have a go at this (certainly I'll have a go at starting this smiley - winkeye, finishing, ahhh, well, hmmm...)

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 35

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

It is possible to fail at the starting bit... but that takes real* effort... failing at completing it... that's easier smiley - winkeye

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 36


Go for it, Rockhound! smiley - ok

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 37


I might give it a try this year - but only on a Monday-Friday basis. I don't go online on weekends, well, not normally, anyway...


NaJoPoMo for November

Post 38


Well that would be twenty-one out of thirty. smiley - smiley

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 39


I made it to the 12th last year and then had to stop due to a no notice science Ofsted visit. So I'll give it a go again this year. One journal, updated every day. Although we're due a full Ofsted any day, so I may have to stop again.
smiley - bluefish

NaJoPoMo for November

Post 40


Welcome aboardsmiley - smiley

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