A Conversation for Ask h2g2
NaJoPoMo for November
Create: endeavours in reading, writing, rhythm, blues, art, photography, and biscuits. Started conversation Sep 24, 2013
It's that time of year again, the nights are drawing in, the heating's coming on and researchers take refuge in their journals.
As November is NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), Create will, once again, be running the Annual h2g2 Nation’s Journal Posting Month, or NaJoPoMo.
So, who will be joining us this year?
NaJoPoMo for November
FWR Posted Sep 24, 2013
Pray tell those who weren't around last year, what's entailed?
NaJoPoMo for November
Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. Posted Sep 24, 2013
I should have put some links in the above. My bad.
Here are the challenges from the previous two years:
That should give you you an idea of what we're talking about.
NaJoPoMo for November
Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. Posted Sep 24, 2013
Welcome aboard, FWR
I've not it before either, but I will this year.
'The Highs and Lows of a Home Schooler', anyone?
NaJoPoMo for November
Woolly Mammoth Posted Sep 24, 2013
I'm up for trying it again, I failed for NaJoPoMo 13, but succeeded in 12. I'm up for it again....
NaJoPoMo for November
Woolly Mammoth Posted Sep 24, 2013
But obviously this is the first time I've done it now I've strangely been transformed into a mammoth.. er..
NaJoPoMo for November
minorvogonpoet Posted Sep 24, 2013
Last year there was quite a lot of discussion of how to organise this.
Personally, I think the best solution is for each researcher to start a journal thread, entitled something helpful like 'Minorvogonpoet's NaJoPoMo 2013'. Then all your subsequent postings will be replies to that journal.
What do people think?
NaJoPoMo for November
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Sep 24, 2013
I still think the seperate journal entry per researcher, per day, is the way to go.... otherwise Its not* a journal entry a day, its a post in* the same jorunal entry, each day...
I mean, its easy enough to unsub from the journal convo when it pops up on your PS, if its not something you want to go comment in I May pensively attempt it again... Don't think I managed it when I've tried previously, though now I've a h2g2 in my pocket, via my new phone, there's a greater chance I may be able to sneak in a journal a day, even if I'm not here, or, indeed there, or anywhere. err, well obviously I'm useually somewhere, I mean, but just somethimes the somewhere I am isn't the somewhere I need to be.
I can't guarente to write anythign that makes sense though, so it'll just be like my useual dribblings
NaJoPoMo for November
You can call me TC Posted Sep 25, 2013
I'll join in and I, for one, shall use the system 2legs describes, as I have done for the past 2 years. If everyone else does this, it really gets things moving in the "my conversations" list.
Posting the links to the Journal entries/conversations is difficult, though. Will these still have to be posted on the "Create" page to qualify?
On the one hand it is tedious and, quite honestly, I often forget to do it, on the other hand the links to conversations have different formats in different skins. How can we solve that one and make sure that our efforts are available for scrutiny?
What, if any, recognition do the participants get and is there a winner? I don't remember any of that. I just remember that taking part was the whole idea and by the end of the month, no one is really bothered about "results".
NaJoPoMo for November
Sol Posted Sep 25, 2013
I'm in. I'm not that bothered about the system, so I'll go with whatever is decided. Or just wing it.
A badge is nice. For our PS. If we do the month which I don't think I did, quite, either time. Icy did a pretty cool one for the first year and I think we adapted it for the second go round.
NaJoPoMo for November
Deb Posted Sep 25, 2013
I like the system of having one conversation in Create per day and everyone posts a link there, much easier to keep track of everyone. If that's one of the systems used I'll definitely be giving it a go. I failed last year but I enjoyed the sense of inclusion and community I got from taking part (& finishing) in 2011.
NaJoPoMo for November
Deb Posted Sep 25, 2013
Forgot to say - Sol, I loved your Toddlers Guides last year, they were definitely one of the highlights!
NaJoPoMo for November
Peanut Posted Sep 25, 2013
I thought last year went well with researchers choosing which system worked best for them
in time honoured hootoo tradition there was no 'one way'
looking forward to reading
NaJoPoMo for November
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Sep 25, 2013
There can be no one system, there should not, in fact, be a single, one system, for along with everyone knowing about tmashed potato, everyone knows that 'one size fits all', really means, in fact, that 'one size fits virtually no one'. Mind, I guess that would be fine if you were no one, but as far as I recall, he was still on the stairs, last time I didn't look
NaJoPoMo for November
Sol Posted Sep 25, 2013
I'm supposed to be setting up a proper blog for the Toddler's Guides, but it's somewhere down the way on my to do list, which is a shame because we keep visiting new places and...
NaJoPoMo for November
Woolly Mammoth Posted Sep 25, 2013
I think I'll do an entry a day as well: it's fun that way. I love the way it gives me the chance to get to know some new h2g2ers.
Anyone going for a theme?
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NaJoPoMo for November
- 1: Create: endeavours in reading, writing, rhythm, blues, art, photography, and biscuits. (Sep 24, 2013)
- 2: FWR (Sep 24, 2013)
- 3: Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. (Sep 24, 2013)
- 4: FWR (Sep 24, 2013)
- 5: Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. (Sep 24, 2013)
- 6: minorvogonpoet (Sep 24, 2013)
- 7: Woolly Mammoth (Sep 24, 2013)
- 8: Woolly Mammoth (Sep 24, 2013)
- 9: Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. (Sep 24, 2013)
- 10: minorvogonpoet (Sep 24, 2013)
- 11: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Sep 24, 2013)
- 12: minorvogonpoet (Sep 25, 2013)
- 13: You can call me TC (Sep 25, 2013)
- 14: Sol (Sep 25, 2013)
- 15: Deb (Sep 25, 2013)
- 16: Deb (Sep 25, 2013)
- 17: Peanut (Sep 25, 2013)
- 18: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Sep 25, 2013)
- 19: Sol (Sep 25, 2013)
- 20: Woolly Mammoth (Sep 25, 2013)
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