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To what extent is Ankh-Morpork based on real cities?

Post 61


Llamedos is Wales. You can tell by all the bards, the rugby, and the double ls all over the place.


To what extent is Ankh-Morpork based on real cities?

Post 62

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I can only find one place that corresponds in any way to North or South America: Genua, where creoles and gumbos are popular. smiley - drool

To what extent is Ankh-Morpork based on real cities?

Post 63

Pink Paisley

I'd forgotten Llamedos.


To what extent is Ankh-Morpork based on real cities?

Post 64


I always assumed that Klatch was generic North Africa (a place where France had imperial ambition.) Which is why you have things like the Klatchian Foreign Legion, sand, curries and it corresponds with the Mediterranean theory.

So, how about Leshp?


To what extent is Ankh-Morpork based on real cities?

Post 65

Mol - on the new tablet

I thought Leshp was the Falklands ...


To what extent is Ankh-Morpork based on real cities?

Post 66


There's a touch of Ferdinandea about it too. It's an island that occasionally pops up near Sicily, and has been the cause of much dispute in the past. It almost appeared again in 2002, but I don't think it did in the end. The BBC report at the time ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2516655.stm ) made note the arguments the last time it appeared:


According to records, the island has appeared four or five times before.

The last time was on 2 July, 1831, when it remained above the water surface for six months.

On that occasion, the Sicilians claimed it for themselves - and so did the Spanish.

A British admiral who was passing thought the island might have some strategic importance, so he, too, staked a claim, calling it Graham Island.

This time, Italy is ahead of any potential rivals. Divers have planted the country's flag on the submerged island and hope to claim it for the country, if and when it breaks the surface.


All sounds a bit familiar, doesn't it?


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