A Conversation for Ask h2g2
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Superfrenchie Posted Oct 15, 2013
I think I'll eat it myself, just to be on the safe side.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Oct 15, 2013
Not available at .ca or .com but I did find the doodle at Google.fr
but am unable to decipher the meaning of the gadget in the second O.
It doesn't appear to be animated in any way.
Clicking on it links me to one report that offers no explanation, merely
acknowledging fact of the doodle and then expanding and expounding
on his influence (especially on Nazis and Fascists).
Happily, that report was translatable from French but it gives me
no insight into the image.
So does anyone understand what it is? Or what it means?
It don't look like cake.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Oct 15, 2013
For those considering a reply to my request but daunted by the prospect
of having to explain some deeper philosophical or historical context let me
assure you I do have some knowledge of Nietzsche (except perhaps how
to care about spelling his name correctly.)
That said, my bottom line is that he is no Kafka.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Oct 15, 2013
I, too, am completely bumfuzzled by this doodle.
Herr Nietzsche did not appear on the US google page, for excellent reasons, I suspect.
1. US people cannot pronounce him. Let alone spell him.
2. He gets sermons preached against him, by ministers who can't pronounce his name, and don't know who he was.
They should have put some music to his doodle, though.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Superfrenchie Posted Oct 15, 2013
Having seen a picture of him, I think the second o is just his head. There's his moustache, and there's his brain (working hard, by the look of it).
Not knowing much about Nietzsche myself, I couldn't tell you if it illustrates some aspect of his writing/school of thinking.
I seem to recall, though, from my secondary education days (a *little* while ago...) that our philosophy teacher had said that the fascists views in his writings were actually his sister altering his works afterwards?
I've no idea how true that is, though. I wasn't paying much attention in that class, and haven't given it much thought since.
Any ideas, anyone?
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Oct 15, 2013
Nietzsche's sister might have had something to do with it. Nietzsche himself was nuttier than two fruitcakes, but his sister was a big-time fascist utopianist. She and her husband tried to found 'New Germania' in Paraguay.
I gather Nietzsche wasn't antisemitic, but his sister was.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Oct 16, 2013
Damn, the image is gone now. I wanted to take another look in light
of the theory that it might be some surrealist portrait of his head.
Can anyone find a link to it in the Google Doodle files?
Or even another report with some deeper analysis?
Not sure why it matters to me now - most likely just an ongoing
addictive impulse to understand the Google mind or convince myself
that I still have a mind of my own, y'know, what with god being dead
and all that. As I said, he's no Kafka. And I'm no Goethe.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense Posted Oct 16, 2013
Does this help at all . .. ... .................. . . . .. ...
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Oct 16, 2013
Aye! That's the one.
Still can't make sense of the doodle image. It could be a face.
It seems to have some active kaliedoscopic effect with tiny pyramidic
mirrors or reflective crystals where the 'brain' would be. But it's still a
mystery as to what it all represents.
BTW: that page has links I've never seen before going to several
country-specific doodle files. Very interesting.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Baron Grim Posted Oct 16, 2013
Now that I've finally had a chance to view it, I can see that it's simply a stylized head of Nietzche. The two overlapping dark circles near the bottom is a bushy mustache. The scintillating "pyramids" represent his thoughts, "crystalizing" I suppose.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Oct 16, 2013
I see... In left side profile... yes...
The large black oval thing that looks like a comic-sized
gelatin pill going into his mouth is his moustache.
Thanks BG. I knew your practiced scrutinizing eye could
make something out of it.
I guess at this point it goes without saying that this was
not one of Google's best efforts.
But I'm glad we found those other 'national' archives of things
that were never seen at .ca or .com; it makes one so fully aware
that North America is still so preoccupied with its own mythologies
that we are deprived of learning much about the rest of the whirled.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Oct 16, 2013
For example:
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Geggs Posted Oct 22, 2013
216th anniversary of the first parachute jump. It's another interactive one, folks!
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Superfrenchie Posted Oct 22, 2013
216th anniversary of the first parachute jump.
And it's a playable one!
... And it seems it's not available on .com
UK, France, Germany and Canada are working, though.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Baron Grim Posted Oct 22, 2013
Y'all keep jumping the gun. If you wait until after midnight in the US, the doodles often show up here (on dot com) later.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Baron Grim Posted Oct 22, 2013
Actually, since you posted only "4 hours ago", it must have not shown up until after 3 or 4 AM EST. Anyhoo... it's available now.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Oct 22, 2013
I must be missing something on the interactivity - I can
make it drift one way or the other (at an arbitrarily pre-set
and uncontrollable speed) but without no advance visual reference
to what might lie below the ground rushes up so quickly there is
no time to make any last minute adjustments to avoid landing on
a whale to the right or an elephant to the left. Most often I just
end up in the water.
Maybe I should be using the < and > keys instead of my mouse?
nd maybe the ^ key would slow my rate of descent?
Defying gravity?
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Baron Grim Posted Oct 22, 2013
<- -> keys do help. But yeah, you just gotta wing it and repeat. I think the wind gusts might be a bit random as well, so hitting the same landing spot is probably not easily repeatable.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Oct 22, 2013
So far I have seen a large town with people looking from the windows, a park with 2 couples, a windmill with a palm tree to the left and right of the whale is a harbour with a chariot waiting at the docks. Oh, and once I landed on a steep mountain.
Key: Complain about this post
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
- 521: Superfrenchie (Oct 15, 2013)
- 522: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Oct 15, 2013)
- 523: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Oct 15, 2013)
- 524: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 15, 2013)
- 525: Superfrenchie (Oct 15, 2013)
- 526: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 15, 2013)
- 527: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Oct 16, 2013)
- 528: Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense (Oct 16, 2013)
- 529: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Oct 16, 2013)
- 530: Baron Grim (Oct 16, 2013)
- 531: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Oct 16, 2013)
- 532: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Oct 16, 2013)
- 533: Geggs (Oct 22, 2013)
- 534: Superfrenchie (Oct 22, 2013)
- 535: Superfrenchie (Oct 22, 2013)
- 536: Baron Grim (Oct 22, 2013)
- 537: Baron Grim (Oct 22, 2013)
- 538: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Oct 22, 2013)
- 539: Baron Grim (Oct 22, 2013)
- 540: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Oct 22, 2013)
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