A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Why LibDems ?

Post 41

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

Compulsory voting in a democracy seems at odds to me.

Why LibDems ?

Post 42

Taff Agent of kaos

i agree about all the twaddle about the voice of the people

we are all voting as individuals and do not go into govt. toppling conspiracys

i think we should keep FPTP, but use the results and PR lists to put in place a portion of the members of the lords(not judiciary or church members)

smiley - bat

Why LibDems ?

Post 43


""party A got 1,000,000 votes, party B got 1,000,001 votes. Therefore Party A is the winner". Isn't that the logical way?"

No, I think you'll find that's the American Way smiley - winkeye

Why LibDems ?

Post 44

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

er, yes I got my A's and B's mixed up smiley - blush Having a low IQ week this week smiley - run

Why LibDems ?

Post 45


No, the logical way would be to find a method where the views of 1,000,000 people aren't disregarded entirely.

Why LibDems ?

Post 46

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Such as STV which is designed to minimise wasted votes. It really is the best system folks....


Why LibDems ?

Post 47


Everybody has to join my facebook campaign


Why LibDems ?

Post 48


Done! Wasn't he brilliant on HIGNFY?

Why LibDems ?

Post 49


smiley - biggrin

Why LibDems ?

Post 50


Yes he was. He's a gem. A massive expenses-claiming gem. But he's out of it now.

Why LibDems ?

Post 51


I heard that Tory on earlier who once spoke as a daft teenager at a Tory conference during the miner's strike..William Hague..I actually do like him now ...good bloke..but oh dear lots of waffle about "constructive talks between the parties..lots of policies to discuss..things to thrash out, and talk about in these difficult times..blah"

Not a dicky bird on PR. And I've heard not a dicky bird from any high ranking Liberal about it either on the media...and the markets open tomorrow...

I reckon voting reform is a now a non starter. If Brown had gone immediately, that might have given leverage for Clegg on the Tories..I mean there's no way he can do a deal with Brown still there.

Cluck me. I'm sick of politics. I just hope a few of my shares and bonds are still worth something in the morning though. smiley - erm

Why LibDems ?

Post 52

warner - a new era of cooperation

I'm pleased that the Lib-Dems have some say in government 'this time round', but regards PR, I'm dubious whether it will improve our country.

There's something to be said about the simplicity of 'first past the post', although it can be frustrating for the smaller parties.
This also can be an advantage for us when it comes to extremist parties.

"If it aint broke .. don't fix it!"

Why LibDems ?

Post 53

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Given the level of confidence the public have in politics, amongst other things, I find it astonishing that people could think that our politics "aint broke".


Why LibDems ?

Post 54

warner - a new era of cooperation

I'm dubious about 'giving the country' to the general public .. I'm a lot more interested in the opinion of well-educated professionals smiley - erm

The idea of being governed by 'common people' is abhorrant to me ..

Why LibDems ?

Post 55


Such forelock tugging is unsurprising from someone who bows down to a sky fairy.

Get thee back to the Middle Ages, peasant.

Why LibDems ?

Post 56

warner - a new era of cooperation

smiley - biggrin yes, I'm a peasant, and quite content to be so!

Why LibDems ?

Post 57

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Bloody hell SWL if we keep agreeing people will start to talk!


Why LibDems ?

Post 58


Oh I'm sure we'll find a few points of disagreement soon enough. smiley - biggrin

Why LibDems ?

Post 59

Mrs Zen

smiley - musicalnote
SWL and FB
sitting in a tree
smiley - musicalnote

Warner, if you are a peasant, by your logic you should have no say in politics. So, with respect, shut the **** up.

Why LibDems ?

Post 60


Scarily he has as much a vote as any of us. A walking talking billboard against compulsory voting.

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