A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Want to try changing the world?

Post 21

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Shall we have a mini-meet at the Galway one, zdt? I'd probably be able to make it.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

Want to try changing the world?

Post 22


That would be superbly brilliant, Trig, can you email me at zendevilthree (number, not word, no space) At gmail Dot Com & we can make arrangements?

Please put your hootoo name in subject title so i don't think it's spam!smiley - ta

smiley - biggrin


Want to try changing the world?

Post 23

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> "why did Global Warming miss out Ireland?" <<

Oh, didn't you hear? They're calling it 'climate change' now to appease folks like me (and thee) who live in maritime climates.

But even that's not quite right because it doesn't really change; everything just gets more intense, thicker fog, heavier rain, stronger winds, longer winters, higher highs, lower lows, etc.

In hot places temperatures will get hotter but in damp places only the damp will rise.

smiley - sadface

Want to try changing the world?

Post 24

The Doc

Rising Damp? Sounds like a good premise for a sitcom.......

Want to try changing the world?

Post 25

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

smiley - laugh

Want to try changing the world?

Post 26


Just thought I would throw in my two-pennyworth at this juncture.
Yes, I believe in Global Warming, the evidence of shrinking ice-caps, retreating glaciers in Greenland, and climate change in Sub-Saharen Africa is difficult to ignore.

But there is a thornier problem that Politicians are going to have to grasp sooner or later; and the sooner, the better.

Every year, a percentage of rainforest is lost: Some to illegal logging, some to people just looking to grow a little more food, and gather fuel for the fire on which they cook said food.

In the 'civilised' world, we are turning more and more of what used to be prime farmland, the so-called 'green field' sites into new housing estates.

And the main reason for both shrinkage of rainforest, and green-field sites is the same......

We humans, in common with all other species on the planet enjoy one thing in common. Procreation.

Now we hit a problem. This Earth is only so big....

It can only support a VERY LIMITED population of Human or Animal life.

The population CANNOT under ANY circumstances, expand forever.

This is one reason that I believe that Global Warming and Population Growth are inextricably interlinked.

Until someone find a way to tackle BOTH problems, we are in danger. Do nothing, and rising sea levels will rob us of even more land on which to live and grow foodstuffs.

The future is in our own hands..........

smiley - erm
smiley - wizard

Want to try changing the world?

Post 27

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I've never seen figures to show just how much carbon dioxide is
exhaled my 7 billion human beings. Bet it's a significant number.

We each exhale about 20 times every minute.
That's 140 billion lungfuls every 60 seconds.
8,400 billion bags of CO2 every hour.
In a day, we probably create more than all the
plants in the whirled could possibly absorb.

etc etc ad nauseum

smiley - zen

Want to try changing the world?

Post 28


Luckily, ~jwf~, the largest absorber of CO2 is the ocean........

Then again, only so much ocean.......

Oh yes! add to that the amount of new rock created each year by volcanos......

But then again, magma also releases greenhouse gasses....

A no-win situation, I think!!

smiley - wizard

Want to try changing the world?

Post 29

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Oh we'll win. We always win. We're the good guys.
At least that's how it will sound to the mutant children
of the few survivors learning of their legacy around campfires
in the ruins of abandoned libraries.
smiley - skull

Want to try changing the world?

Post 30


We always win??

Here we are, chipping away at the top of the pyramid of life.........

Ever played 'Kerplunk'???

Who is going to be the one who takes out the final support?????

It frightens me, it really does........
"And the meek shal inherit the Earth"

And what form of life will that be, I ask myself? To be sure it will not be us Humans.....

smiley - sadface
smiley - wizard

Want to try changing the world?

Post 31

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Oh believe me, as one of the meekest I have no intention of
accepting any part of said inheritance. But I have every confidence
that many humans will survive the coming chaos. For one thing there
are scarcely any serious predators left (other than other humans) and
once they've done for each other, THE MEEKIES will find lots of resources
for food and shelter in the ruins. As they always have.
And they will tell stories to their children of the monsters and giants
who once ruled (ruined) the earth.
smiley - weird

Want to try changing the world?

Post 32


Cockroaches apparently can survive Nuclear War; so save those roaches!!!!smiley - evilgrin


Want to try changing the world?

Post 33

Taff Agent of kaos

genetically modify roaches with human dna to give them inteligence

who cares what happens then, we will survive in one form or another

smiley - bat

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